Invoice Approval Process Form

If you use the Invoice Approval feature, use the Invoice Approval Process form to create or modify an invoice approval process.

An invoice approval process is a set of instructions that defines who can approve and reject invoices and how and when notification alerts are sent to the people involved in the approval process.

Vision comes with a default invoice approval process that is entered on this form whose identification code is "DEFAULT." In addition to this code, you can create other invoice approval process codes to use for your projects.

In a project's billing terms, you specify an invoice approval process to use for a project's invoices.

The Invoice Approval Process form is accessible only after you enable the Invoice Approval feature on the Miscellaneous tab of the Billing Setup form in Configuration > Billing > General .


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Configuration > Billing > Invoice Approval Process.


Toolbar Options

Field Description
Save Click this option to save modifications that you made on the form.

Click this option to create a new invoice approval process.

Select one of the following options:

  • New Invoice Approval Process — Select this option to open a blank Invoice Approval Process form and create a new invoice approval process. A Submit, Approve, Reject, and Unsubmit action row prefill in the Actions grid.

  • Copy Current Invoice Approval Process — Select this option to copy the invoice approval process that is displayed on the Invoice Approval Process form into a blank Invoice Approval Process form. Then enter a new code and description for it, and edit it as needed.

  • Select Invoice Approval Process... — Select this option to open the Invoice Approval Process Lookup dialog box. Select an existing invoice approval process to copy into a blank Invoice Approval Process form to create a new invoice approval process.


Click this option to delete the invoice approval process that is currently displayed on the form.

You cannot delete an invoice approval process code if either of the following apply:

  • The code is entered as the default on the Misc tab of the Billing Setup form in Configuration > Billing > General.

  • The code is already entered in a project's billing terms.


Click this option to view or print a report that includes all the invoice approval processes that you set up in Invoice Approval Process Configuration.

This report lists each invoice approval code and description and shows you the setup information that is entered for each action in the Actions grid on the Invoice Approval Process form for the approval code.

Help Click this option to display the Vision online help topic for the Invoice Approval Process form.

Header Information

Field Description

Click Search to open the Invoice Approval Process Lookup, and select an existing invoice approval process that you want to view or modify.

If you use the Multicompany feature, the list of invoice approval processes in the lookup dialog box includes invoice approval processes for all companies in your enterprise.

Code Enter an identification code for the invoice approval process that you are creating.
Description Enter a description for the invoice approval process. The description displays in the drop-down list for the Approval Process field on the Misc tab in Billing > Billing Terms, which is where you select an invoice approval process for a project.

Actions Grid Columns

Field Description

The Actions grid prefills with one row for each invoice approval action. You complete the remaining grid fields in the row.

The actions that prefill in the Action column are:

  • Submit — When you submit an invoice in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing, it becomes available for invoice approval (to approve or reject).

  • Approve — After an invoice is submitted, you can approve it in Interactive Billing, Invoice Approvals, or Interactive Approvals.

  • Reject — After an invoice is submitted, you can reject it (instead of approve it) in Invoice Approvals or Interactive Approvals.

  • Unsubmit — When you unsubmit an invoice in Interactive Billing, the transaction details are no longer associated with the submitted invoice, and the invoice status returns to New. An invoice must be submitted again to make it available to approve.

Employee to Approve/Reject

For the Submit and Unsubmit action rows:

This field prefills with Interactive Billing, and you cannot change it. This indicates that invoices are submitted and unsubmitted in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing by anyone who has role security to access these menu items and record access to the specific project.

For the Approve and Reject action rows:

Enter the employees who can accept or reject an invoice for the project. From the drop-down list, you can select any employee field from the Project Info Center, such as Project Manager, Principal, Supervisor, or Biller. This list also includes any user-defined employee field in the Project Info Center. You can select multiple employees by pressing the CTRL key on your keyboard as you make employee selections with your mouse.

When you select multiple employees to approve or reject, any of the selected employees will be able to perform the action.

Employee to Alert

This field applies to all actions. Enter the employees who will be alerted when the action is performed.

From the drop-down list, you can select any employee field from the Project Info Center, such as Project Manager, Principal, Supervisor, or Biller. This list also includes any user-defined employee field in the Project Info Center.

You can select multiple employees by pressing the CTRL key on your keyboard as you make employee selections with your mouse.

If you do not want a notification alert sent for an action, leave this field blank. For example, you might not want an alert sent when an invoice is unsubmitted.

Alert Frequency

Select the frequency at which you want alerts sent for an invoice approval action. Options are:

  • Alert per invoice — After you enter a comment for the invoice in Interactive Billing, Batch Billing, Interactive Approvals, or Invoice Approvals, alerts are sent to each employee who is specified to receive an alert. The alert contains one invoice.

  • Alert per session — Alerts are sent when you exit the billing or approval entry session. Alerts are sent to each employee who is specified to receive an alert. One or more alerts are sent. The alert is grouped by the invoice approval process for the invoices that are included in the session. The alerts contain multiple invoices.


    An entry session for submitting invoices includes 15 total invoices (all to be approved by one person). Five of the invoices use invoice approval process "A" and 10 of the invoices use invoice approval process "B." Two alerts are sent to the approver-one alert includes the five invoices that use invoice approval process "A" and the other alert includes the 10 invoices that use invoice approval process "B."

Alert Type

Click in this field and then click to open the Alert Type Lookup dialog box, and select how you want the notification alert for the action to be delivered to employees.

Options are Dashboard, Dashboard and Email, and Email.

Dashboard Summary as Link

This column is enabled only if you select Dashboard or Dashboard and Email in the Alert Type column.

Select this check box if you want the Dashboard summary text to be a link to the Billing invoice.

  • For the submit action, the link to the invoice opens the Invoice Approvals form (Billing > Invoice Approvals). You must select the specific invoice.

  • For the approve or reject actions, the link to the invoice automatically opens the specific invoice on the Interactive Billing form (Billing > Interactive Billing).

When this option is not selected and you click the Dashboard summary, it displays a dialog box that provides the content of the Dashboard alert.