Cost Distributions Dialog Box

Use the Cost Distributions dialog box to edit the data for a line item's cost distribution before you start to create a voucher for the item or to suppress billing for a line item. The total distributed cost must agree with the total Open Amount on the Open to Voucher grid.

If you use the Multicurrency feature, specify the override rate, if any, to use in the calculation of currency exchanges for a line item.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Accounts Payable > Create Voucher from PO.
  2. Create or open a voucher batch file.
  3. Click the Vendor Review tab.
  4. On the grid, click Cost Distribution.


Field Description
Project To enable this field, select an item. Specify the project number of the project to charge for this item's cost.

If Cost Distribution in P.O. is cleared in Configuration > Purchasing > General and the purchase order's Cost Distribution tab is empty, click Insert to add a row to the grid and specify a project on the new row.

Phase This field is enabled for the selected item. If the Project has one or more phases, enter the phase number of the phase to charge for this item's cost.
Task This field is enabled for the selected item. If the Phase has one or more tasks, enter the task number of the task to charge for this item's cost.
Account Specify the account to charge for this item.
Committed Amount This column displays the amount of committed expense, if any, for the selected item. You cannot delete this row if it has data.
Voucher Amount This column is enabled for the selected item. Enter the voucher amount for this item.
Exchange Override Rate If you use Multicurrency, specify the override rate to use in calculating functional currency exchanges for a line item.
Tax Amount The item's tax amount.

If you use Multicurrency, this amount displays in the voucher's transaction currency.

Shipping Amount The item's shipping amount.

If you use Multicurrency, this amount displays in the voucher's transaction currency.

Suppress Billing Select this check box to suppress printing of this item on the invoice that you create for your client.
Payment Amount If you use Multicurrency and the item has a Committed Amount, it displays here in the voucher's payment currency.
Tax Payment If you use Multicurrency, this field displays the item's Tax Amount in the voucher's payment currency.
Shipping Payment If you use Multicurrency, this field displays the item's Shipping Amount in the voucher's payment currency.
Insert Click this option to insert a row beneath the current row.
Copy Click the row to copy, then click this option to add a copy of the selected row to the grid.
Delete Click the row to select it, then click this option to delete the row. You cannot delete a row that has data for a Committed Amount.