Toolbar of Create Voucher from Purchase Orders

Use the Create Voucher from Purchase Orders Toolbar to create and edit vouchers from purchase orders, open the Voucher Review dialog box, post a voucher batch file, or enter an override rate for a currency rate exchange.


Field Description
Save Click this option to save your changes to the data for this processing run, including:
  • The posting batch file information in the header.
  • The data on the rows of the Open to Voucher grid that have the Select option selected.
  • Data that you enter in the footer.

When you select this processing run for a subsequent procedure, the screen displays the data and selections that you saved.

New Click this option to start a new voucher batch file.
Delete Click this option to delete this processing run. This deletes voucher information for the selected vendor and any selections that you made in the Select check boxes.
Open Click this option to open the Select Posting Runs dialog box.
Voucher Review Click this button to open the Voucher Review dialog box. The amount to be vouchered equals Open Amount + Tax Amount + any additional User Defined amount.
Post Voucher After you review the data on the Voucher Review dialog box, click Post Voucher.

The Print posting logs immediately after posting option on the Posting tab in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings determines what happens next.

  • If the option is set to Prompt, a message displays to ask if you want to print the posting log. After you respond, Vision posts the voucher, creates a posting log, and prints it if you requested it.
  • If the option is set to Never or Always, Vision posts the batch file, displays a Transaction Posting dialog box with the posting's results, creates a posting log, and prints it according to the configuration setting. If the option is set to Never, you must use Transaction Center > Posting Logs to open the posting log.
Currency If you use Multicurrency, click this option to open the Currency Override Dialog box.
Help Click this option to display the Vision online help.