Project Visualization General Tab

Use the General tab to select options for the Project Visualization and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default visualization map name.
Show slider and load setting controls

Select this check box to display the Load Settings button and Save Settings button above the map in the Visualization window and display the size and color sliders below the map.

Use the Save Settings button to save the settings for a version of the visualization map, and use the Load Settings button to load those settings and regenerate the corresponding version of the map.

Use the sliders to do the following:

  • Change the range of metric values represented by the block sizes.

  • Change the range of metric values represented by colors.

  • Change how color is assigned to metric values.

If you intend to add the visualization map to your Dashboard, it is recommended that you do not select this option in order to use all of the limited space for the map itself.

Use Summary Table

Select this option to have Vision generate the visualization map from preprocessed data in the project summary table, rather than directly from the standard database tables. In most cases, Vision generates the map much faster if you select this option.

Calculations performed for the visualization maps place high demands on processor resources. In some cases, it can take a long time to generate maps for large databases. To minimize the time it takes to generate the report, first run the Refresh Project Summary Table utility to calculate and store the data in a summary table. Then, before you generate the visualization map, select the Use Summary Table check box.

If the Refresh Project Summary Table utility has never been run, this option is not available. In that case, Vision displays a note next to the option: Use Summary Table (First, refresh it under Advanced Utilities)

After you run the utility the first time, Vision makes the Use Summary Table option available and displays the most recent date and time that the utility was run: Use Summary Table (Last updated: 4/5/11 12:09 PM)

Note that the Refresh Project Summary Table utility calculates and saves project summary information for regular projects only.

Recommendation: Schedule the Refresh Project Summary Table utility to run each night, so that each day the data for reports and visualization maps are current as of the night before for all Vision users.

Only include invoices over _ days old

This option only affects the A/R-Filtered metric. The value of the A/R-Filtered metric is the portion of the outstanding invoice balances that is past due for more than the number of days you specify in this field. This option is useful for identifying clients with billed amounts that are more than a specified number of days overdue for payment.

If you do not include the A/R-Filtered metric, this option has no effect on the visualization map or the metric values displayed on it.

Presentation Currency

Select the currency in which you want the visualization map to display monetary amounts.

Vision presents all amounts on the report in the currency you specify, even though projects might not share a common project currency, billing currency, or functional currency. Vision uses the date you specify in Exchange Rate as of to determine the exchange rates to use to calculate the amounts.

If you do not use the Multicompany feature, you can only select a currency that is enabled for your company. If you do use the Multicompany feature, you select from a list of all currencies enabled for the companies in your enterprise.

Exchange Rate as of

Specify the date you want Vision to use to determine the exchange rates to use to calculate the presentation currency amounts.

You can enter the date directly in the field, or you can click and select the date.