Expense Summary Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.


Field Description
Current Amount This column displays the expense amount spent in the current period for the task, phase, or project.
JTD Amount This column displays the job-to-date expense amount spent for the task, phase, or project.
Budget Amount

This column displays the monetary amount budgeted for the expense account for the task, phase, or project.

Your selection in Budget Source on the Budget & Expense tab determines whether budget amounts come from the project budget worksheet, the associated plan's budget, or the associated plan's baseline.

Percent Budget Expended This column displays the percentage of the budget for the expense account budget that has been expended as of the current date. Vision calculates the percentages as JTD Amount / Budget Amount.
Percent Complete Reported This column displays the overall percent complete for the expense account for the task, phase, or project. The percentage is based on cost or billing amounts, depending on your selection in Report At. Vision calculates this percentage based on your selection of budget source on the Budget & Expense tab of the Options dialog box and, if you select one of the planning budget sources, the percent complete formula specified for each of the project plans.
Balance Amount This column displays the monetary amount yet to be expended for the expense account for the task, phase, or project. Vision calculates this amount as Budget AmountJTD Amount.
Account Name This column displays the name of the expense account.
YTD Amount This column displays the year-to-date expense amount spent for the task, phase, or project.
ETC Amount This column displays the estimate to complete (ETC) amount for the expense account. The estimate to complete amount is the estimated additional monetary amount required to complete the work related to the expense account.
Percent ETC Expended

This column displays the percent estimate to complete expended for the expense account. The percent estimate to complete expended is the percentage of the estimate to complete for the account that has been expended on the task, phase, or project as of the current date.

This percentage is calculated as follows:

Expenses spent / Expenses spent + ETC Amount.

EAC Amount This column displays the estimate at completion (EAC) amount for the expense account. The estimate at completion amount is the estimate of the total amount that will have been incurred for the expense account at the completion of the project.
Percent EAC Expended

This column displays the percent estimate at completion expended for the expense account. The percent estimate at completion expended is the percentage of the estimate at completion amount for the account that has been expended for the task, phase, or project as of the current date.

This percentage is calculated as follows:

Expenses spent / EAC Amount

Project Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the project currency.
Billing Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the billing currency.
Functional Currency Code This column displays the three-character code for the functional currency.
Project This column displays the project number for the transaction.
Phase This column displays the phase number for the transaction.
Task This column displays the task number for the transaction..
Committed Purchase Order Expense

This column displays the total amount committed to approved purchase orders for the expense account.

To display data in this column, you must also select Include Committed Purchase Order Expense on the Budget & Expense tab.