Bank Statement Selection Dialog Box

Use the Bank Statement Selection dialog box to add a new bank statement or to select an existing bank statement so you can enter or review reconciliation information.


To display the dialog box, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Bank Reconciliation. You can also click Open on the Bank Statement Reconciliation toolbar to open the Bank Statement Selection dialog box.


Field Description
Bank If the correct bank is not already displayed, click the drop-down arrow and select the bank.
Statement Status Select one of the options in this field:
  • To start the reconciliation process for a statement, select New.
  • To continue a reconciliation process begun previously, select In Progress.
  • To review a complete reconciliation, select Closed
New Statement Date If you select New in Statement Status, click in this field and select the statement date.

If you add a new statement with a statement date that is earlier than the statement dates of one or more existing statements, the opening balances of those more recent statements could be changed automatically because Vision always uses the closing balance of the previous statement as the opening balance of the next statement.

In Progress/Closed Statement Date If you select In Progress or Closed in Statement Status, select the date of the statement on the drop-down list.
Statement Number If the bank includes a statement number on its statements and you want to include the number in the reconciliation information, enter it in this field.
Opening Balance This field displays the opening balance for the statement. Vision automatically uses the closing balance entered for the previous statement, based on the statement date, as the opening balance.

If no previous statement exists, this field is blank. Deltek recommends that before you do your first "live" bank statement reconciliation you enter one historical or "dummy" reconciliation with the correct closing balance so that this field contains the correct opening balance for your first "live" reconciliation.

Closing Balance If you are adding a new statement, enter the closing balance from the statement. If you are selecting an in-progress or closed statement, this field displays the closing balance for that statement.
Modify Date To change the statement date of an existing statement, select that statement in In Progress/Closed Statement Date, click this button, and specify the new date on the Bank Statement Modify Date dialog box.
Select Click this button to add or select the bank statement.

When you add a statement, any voided payments processed since the previous statement and within the current accounting period are automatically associated with the newly added statement.

Close Click this button to close the dialog box without adding or selecting a statement.
Help Click this button to display Vision help.