Project Data Cube Measures

There are numerous measures provided in the Project data cube. These measures display in the Excel 2007 PivotTable Field List in an Excel worksheet when you connect to the Project data cube to create a Vision custom report.

Measures in the Project Data Cube

Values Group


  • Earnings

  • Earnings - Multicurrency

  • Unbilled

  • Unbilled - Multicurrency

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Values measures on a report:

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Plans

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates

Earnings Folder


  • Backlog — (Total Compensation – Job-to-Date Revenue). This is the monetary amount of work that is under contract but has not yet been earned. It is used as an indicator of a firm's business volume. This measure is not applicable when used in conjunction with any of the fiscal period dimensions because Compensation is not broken out and stored in this way in the Vision PR table. If you use the Multicurrency feature, see the Multicurrency note with the Contract Backlog measure.

  • Contract Backlog — (Contract Total Compensation – Total Revenue). The Contract Total Compensation amount is from the Total column in the Contract Details section of the Contract Management tab in the Project Info Center. Total Revenue can be found on the Vision Project Earnings or Office Earnings report. For promotional and overhead projects, the contract backlog amount is blank.

    Multicurency: If you use the Multicurrency feature and the Backlog or Contract Backlog amounts are blank or not what you expect, check whether or not amounts were entered in the Compensation, Consultant Fee, Reimb. Allowance fields in the Functional Currency area on the Budget & Revenue tab and in the Compensation, Consultant Fee, Reimbursable Allowance, and Total fields on the Contract Management tab in the Project Info Center for a project. Functional currency amounts must be entered if the functional currency is different than the project currency. This also applies if you use these fields with the Presentation Currency dimension.

  • Effective Multiplier — (Net Revenue/Direct Labor Cost). This is a productivity measure that shows the monetary amount of Net Revenue earned for the monetary amount of Labor Cost expended.

  • Gross Margin — (Revenue – (Labor Cost + Direct Expense Cost + Reimbursable Expense Cost)). Firms that do not allocate overhead show project results on this basis. In Vision 7.0, Gross Margin replaced Profit Excluding Overhead from earlier versions.

  • Gross Margin Percent — (Profit Excluding Overhead/Revenue) In Vision 7.0, Gross Margin Percent replaced Profit Percent Excluding Overhead from earlier versions.

  • Net Revenue — (Revenue – (Non-Labor Direct Expense Cost + Reimbursable Expense Cost)). Net Revenue is used in the Effective Multiplier calculation.

  • Net Revenue @ Billing — (Revenue – (Non-Labor Direct Expense Billing +Reimbursable Expense Billing)). Net Revenue @ Billing is used in the Realization Ratio Calculation.

  • Profit — (Revenue – Spent @ Cost). This amount includes actual (not estimated) Overhead.

  • Profit Excluding Overhead — (Revenue – Spent @ Cost Excluding Overhead). In Vision 7.0, Gross Margin replaced Profit Excluding Overhead from earlier versions.

  • Profit Percent — (Profit/Revenue). This amount includes actual (not estimated) Overhead.

  • Profit Percent Excluding Overhead — (Profit Excluding Overhead/Revenue). In Vision 7.0, Gross Margin Percent replaced Profit Excluding Overhead from earlier versions.

  • Realization Ratio — (Net Revenue @ Billing/Direct Labor Billing). This compares Net Revenue earned to the Labor Billing amount.

  • Spent @ Billing — (Labor Billing + Expense Billing). For overhead or promotional charge type projects, Direct Expense Billing and Reimbursable Expense Billing are not allowed for this measure. The same is true for regular charge type projects and Indirect Expense Billing.

  • Spent @ Cost — (Labor Cost + Overhead + Expense Cost). The Overhead amount is actual, not estimated. For overhead or promotional charge type projects, Direct Expense Cost and Reimbursable Expense Cost are not allowed for this measure. The same applies for the regular charge type projects and the Indirect Expense Cost.

  • Spent @ Cost Excluding Overhead — (Labor Cost + Expense Cost). For overhead or promotional charge type projects, Direct Expense Cost and Reimbursable Expense Cost are not allowed for this measure. The same is true for regular charge type projects and Indirect Expense Cost.

  • Variance — (Revenue – Spent @ Billing).

  • Variance Percent — (Variance/Revenue)

Earnings – Multicurrency Folder

This folder applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.

This folder contains some of the same measures described above in the Earnings folder, but they are calculated in a project's billing and project currency. You specify a project's billing and project currencies on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • Backlog in Billing Currency

  • Backlog in Project Currency

  • Contract Backlog in Billing Currency

  • Contract Backlog in Project Currency

  • Effective Multiplier in Billing Currency

  • Effective Multiplier in Project Currency

  • Gross Margin in Billing Currency

  • Gross Margin in Project Currency

  • Net Revenue in Billing Currency

  • Net Revenue in Project Currency

  • Profit Excluding Overhead in Billing Currency — In Vision 7.0, Gross Margin in Billing Currency replaced Profit Excluding Overhead in Billing Currency from earlier versions.

  • Profit Excluding Overhead in Project Currency — In Vision 7.0, Gross Margin in Project Currency replaced Profit Excluding Overhead in Project Currency from earlier versions.

  • Profit in Billing Currency

  • Profit in Project Currency

  • Profit Percent Excluding Overhead in Billing Currency — In Vision 7.0, Gross Margin Percentage in Billing Currency replaced Profit Percent Excluding Overhead in Billing Currency from earlier versions.

  • Profit Percent Excluding Overhead in Project Currency — In Vision 7.0, Gross Margin Percent in Project Currency replaced Profit Percent Excluding Overhead in Project Currency from earlier versions.

  • Spent @ Cost in Billing Currency

  • Spent @ Cost in Project Currency

  • Spent @ Cost Excluding Overhead in Billing Currency

  • Spent @ Cost Excluding Overhead in Project Currency

Unbilled Folder

The following revenue category measures are available when you use the revenue categories feature in Vision. You assign labels for revenue categories 1–5 on the Labels tab in Configuration > General > System Settings, so the labels that you see in your software may be different from the default labels identified in this measures list.

When you use these measures on a report, run Revenue Generation before you print the report.

You can also find these measures on the Office Earnings report in Reporting > Project.


  • DWO 360 — DWO = Days Work-In-Progress Outstanding. (Unbilled Total/(Revenue Total for the last 360 transaction days/360)). This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server™ Enterprise Edition.

  • DWO 90 — DWO = Days Work-In-Progress Outstanding. (Unbilled Total/(Revenue Total for the last 90 transaction days/90)). This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

  • Unbilled — If you use revenue categories, this is the grand total monetary amount of unbilled revenue for all revenue categories. If you do not use revenue categories, this is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue.

  • Unbilled - Consultant <Revenue Category 2> — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 2.

  • Unbilled - Labor <Revenue Category 1> — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 1.

  • Unbilled - Reimb <Revenue Category 3> — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 3.

  • Unbilled - <Revenue Category 4> — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 4.

  • Unbilled - <Revenue Category 5> — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 5.

  • Unbilled - Other — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue that is not mapped to a category.

Unbilled – Multicurrency Folder

The measures in this folder:

  • Apply if you use the Multicurrency feature.

  • Allow you to choose to report unbilled revenue amounts in billing and/or project currency. You specify a project's currencies on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

The revenue category measures apply if you use the Revenue Categories feature to track multiple unbilled services and uninvoiced revenue accounts. The revenue category labels in the following list may be different than those you see in your software if you changed the labels for the Revenue Method 1–5 system labels on the Labels tab in Configuration > General > System Settings.

You can also find these measures on the Office Earnings report in Vision Reporting > Project.

On a custom Analysis Cubes report, the total amount for a multicurrency measure includes amounts with different currencies, which results in an incorrect amount. Whereas, on the Vision standard reports, total amounts for multicurrency measures display an "XXXXX.XX" total instead of a number that mixes the currencies together.


  • DWO 360 in Billing Currency — DWO = Days Work-In-Progress Outstanding. (Unbilled Total /(Revenue Total for the last 360 transaction days/360)) in a project's billing currency. This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

  • DWO 360 in Project Currency — DWO = Days Work-In-Progress Outstanding. (Unbilled Total/(Revenue total for the last 360 transaction days/360)) in a project's project currency. This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

  • DWO 90 in Billing Currency — DWO = Days Work-In-Progress Outstanding. (Unbilled Total/(Revenue total for the last 90 transaction days/90)) in a project's billing currency. This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

  • DWO 90 in Project Currency — DWO = Days Work-In-Progress Outstanding. (Unbilled Total/(Revenue total for the last 90 transaction days/90)) in a project's project currency. This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server™ Enterprise Edition.

  • Unbilled - Consultant < > Revenue Category 2> > in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 2 that is calculated in the project's billing currency.

  • Unbilled - Consultant < Revenue Category 2> in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 2 that is calculated in the project's project currency.

  • Unbilled - Labor < Revenue Category 1 > in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 1 that is calculated in the project's billing currency.

  • Unbilled - Labor < Revenue Category 1 > in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 1 that is calculated in the project's project currency.

  • Unbilled - Reimbursable <Revenue Category 3> in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 3 that is calculated in the project's billing currency.

  • Unbilled - Reimbursable <Revenue Category 3> in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 3that is calculated in the project's project currency.

  • Unbilled - <Revenue Category 4> in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 4that is calculated in the project's billing currency.

  • Unbilled - <Revenue Category 4> in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 4that is calculated in the project's project currency.

  • Unbilled - <Revenue Category 5> in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 5that is calculated in the project's billing currency.

  • Unbilled - <Revenue Category 5> in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue for revenue category 5that is calculated in the project's project currency.

  • Unbilled In Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue that is calculated in the billing currency. If you use revenue categories, this is the grand total monetary amount of unbilled revenue for all revenue categories (calculated in billing currency).

  • Unbilled In Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue that is calculated in the project currency. If you use revenue categories, this is the grand total monetary amount of unbilled revenue for all revenue categories (calculated in project currency).

  • Unbilled - Other in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue that is not mapped to a category that is calculated in the project's billing currency.

  • Unbilled - Other in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of unbilled revenue that is not mapped to a category that is calculated in the project's project currency.

Accounts Receivables Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Accounts Receivable measures on a report:

  • Accounts

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates


The Accounts Receivable measures include any credit memo monetary amounts posted for an invoice.

  • Accounts Receivable Balance — This is the monetary amount that is invoiced or billed (including taxes billed) but not yet received.

  • Credit Memo Amount — This is the monetary amount of credit memos posted for an invoice.

  • DSO 90 — DSO = Days Sales Outstanding. (Accounts Receivable Balance / (Revenue Total for the last 90 transaction days / 90)). This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

  • DSO 360 — DSO = Days Sales Outstanding. (Accounts Receivable Balance / (Revenue Total for the last 360 transaction days / 360)). This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

Multicurrency Folder

This folder applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.


The Accounts Receivable measures include any credit memo monetary amounts posted for an invoice.

  • Accounts Receivable Balance in Billing Currency — This is the amount that is invoiced or billed (including taxes billed) but not yet received. This is expressed in a project's billing currency.

  • Accounts Receivable Balance in Project Currency — This is the amount that is invoiced or billed (including taxes billed) but not yet received. This is expressed in a project's project currency.

  • Credit Memo Amount in Billing Currency — This is the credit memo monetary amount posted for an invoice for which you have not yet received payment. This is expressed in the project's billing currency.

  • Credit Memo Amount in Project Currency — This is the credit memo monetary amount posted for an invoice for which you have not yet received payment. This is expressed in the project's project currency.

  • DSO 360 in Billing Currency — DSO = Days Sales Outstanding. (Accounts Receivable Balance / (Revenue Total for the last 360 transaction days / 360)) in a project's billing currency. This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

  • DSO 90 in Billing Currency — DSO = Days Sales Outstanding. (Accounts Receivable Balance / (Revenue Total for the last 90 transaction days / 90)) in a project's billing currency. This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

  • DSO 360 in Project Currency — DSO = Days Sales Outstanding. (Accounts Receivable Balance / (Revenue Total for the last 360 transaction days / 360)) in a project's project currency. This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

  • DSO 90 in Project Currency — DSO = Days Sales Outstanding. (Accounts Receivable Balance / (Revenue Total for the last 90 transaction days / 90)) in a project's project currency. This measure is included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition.

A project's project and billing currency are entered on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Project Info Center.

Activities Measures Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The Activities measures can be used with the following dimension groups:

  • Activities

  • Employees

  • Opportunities

  • Projects

  • Transaction Date

Use Activities dimensions with the Activities Count measure.


  • Activities Count — Use this measure to count the number of activities. For example, you could use this measure to count activities for each employee within a time frame against a client, user-defined field, project, or opportunity. This could be part of an evaluation of how well employees are doing their jobs.

    The Activities Count measure includes activities created in all of Vision, including activities generated from the Planning module. If you want to exclude Planning activities from the activities count, you must use the Activity is From Planning dimension with the Activities Count measure. Select the No filter for the Activity Is From Planning measure to exclude all activities that are created from the Planning module from the activity count results.

Activity Client Measures Group


Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Use this measure with dimensions from the Activity Client folder in the Activities dimension group.


  • Activity Clients Count — This measure counts the number of clients associated with an activity for the dimension that you use it with. For example, if you add this measure and the Activity Client Country dimension from the Activity Client folder in the Activities dimension group to a report, the report displays the number of clients (client records) associated with activities for each country.

AR Balance



  • Multicurrency

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the AR Balance measures on a report:

  • Invoices

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects



The measures in this group display the outstanding invoice amounts (including taxes billed) that fall between the specified range of aging days in the measure name. An invoice's date is compared with the current fiscal period end date to determine the aging measure in which the invoice amount is included.

You cannot use a prior fiscal period to see an aging from that point of time.

If invoices are dated in the future (beyond the end date of the current fiscal period) they are included in the AR Balance 0-30 measure.


An invoice date is March 31, 2012. The current fiscal period = April 1 – April 30. The report data is refreshed April 1. The invoice amount is included within the AR Balance 31-45 measure because March 31 is 31 days from April 30.


  • AR Balance 0-30

  • AR Balance 31-45

  • AR Balance 46-60

  • AR Balance 61-90

  • AR Balance 91-120

  • AR Balance over 120

  • Total Outstanding AR — This is the sum of all the AR Balance aging measures.

Multicurrency folder

This folder contains the same measures described above for AR Balances, but they are calculated in a project's billing and project currencies. You specify a project's billing and project currencies on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • AR Balance 0-30 in Project Currency

  • AR Balance 31-45 in Project Currency

  • AR Balance 46-60 in Project Currency

  • AR Balance 61-90 in Project Currency

  • AR Balance 91-120 in Project Currency

  • AR Balance over 120 in Project Currency

  • AR Balance 0-30 in Billing Currency

  • AR Balance 31-45 in Billing Currency

  • AR Balance 46-60 in Billing Currency

  • AR Balance 61-90 in Billing Currency

  • AR Balance 91-120 in Billing Currency

  • AR Balance over 120 in Billing Currency

AR Trending Group

These dimensions are included in the Project data cube only if you use the Microsoft SQL Server™ Enterprise Edition.

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The AR Trending measures can be used with the following dimension groups:

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Invoices

  • Presentation Currency

  • Project

  • Transaction Date

AR Trending measures can be combined with the Project and Project Billing Client dimensions in the Project dimension group.


Use these measures to view Accounts Receivable Aging information. A fiscal period's end date is compared with an invoice's invoice date to determine which AR trending category applies to an invoice. Fiscal periods vary in their number of days. However 30-day increments are used to determine the AR Trending categories within each fiscal period.



  • Period 01/2012 is January 1–31, 2012, which is 31 days.

  • Period 02/2012 is February 1–29, 2012, which is 29 days.

  • Period 03/2012 is March 1–31, which is 31 days.

  • Period 04/2012 is April 1–30, which is 30 days.


  • Invoice #1 for $2,000 is dated 1/1/2011.
  • Invoice #2 for $10,000 is dated 1/31/2012.
  • Invoice #3 for $5,000 is dated 2/25/2012.

All invoices were unpaid as of May 1, 2012.

The invoice amounts appear in the following Fiscal Period/AR Trending columns on a report:

Description (Period end date is compared with the invoice dates) Fiscal Period / AR Trending Column Invoice Amount

As of January 31:

  • Invoice #1 is 30 days old.

  • Invoice #2 is 0 days old.

  • Invoice #3 is 0 days old.

01/2012 / AR Over 30

$2,000 (Invoice #1)

Description (Period end date is compared with the invoice dates) Fiscal Period / AR Trending Column Invoice Amount

As of February 29:

  • Invoice #1 is 59 days old.

  • Invoice #2 is 29 days old.

  • Invoice #3 is 4 days old.

02/2012 / AR Over 30

$2,000 (Invoice #1)

Description (Period end date is compared with the invoice dates) Fiscal Period / AR Trending Column Invoice Amount

As of March 31:

  • Invoice #1 is 90 days old.

  • Invoice #2 is 60 days old.

  • Invoice #3 is 35 days old.

03/2012 / AR Over 30

03/2012 / AR Over 60

03/2012 / AR Over 90


(Invoices #1, #2, and #3)


(Invoice #1 and #2)

$2,000 (Invoice #1)

Description (Period end date is compared with the invoice dates) Fiscal Period / AR Trending Column Invoice Amount

As of April 30:

  • Invoice #1 is 120 days old.

  • Invoice #2 is 90 days old.

  • Invoice #3 is 65 days old.

04/2012 / AR Over 30

04/2012 / AR Over 60

04/2012 / AR Over 90

04/2012 / AR Over 120


(Invoices #1, #2, and #3)


(Invoices #1, #2, and #3)


(Invoice #1 and #2)

$2,000 (Invoice #1)

  • AR Over 30 — This is the outstanding amount (including taxes billed) of invoices that are 30 or more days old when you compare invoice dates with the fiscal period end date.

  • AR Over 45 — This is the outstanding amount (including taxes billed) of invoices that are 45 or more days old when you compare invoice dates with the fiscal period end date.

  • AR Over 60 — This is the outstanding amount (including taxes billed) of invoices that are 60 or more days old when you compare invoice dates with the fiscal period end date.

  • AR Over 90 — This is the outstanding amount (including taxes billed) of invoices that are 90 or more days old when you compare invoice dates with the fiscal period end date.

  • AR Over 120 — This is the outstanding amount (including taxes billed) of invoices that are 120 or more days old when you compare invoice dates with the fiscal period end date.

  • Total Outstanding AR — This is the total monetary amount that is invoiced or billed (including taxes billed) that is not yet received. It includes all invoices that are not yet due and all invoices that are overdue.

Multicurrency Folder

This folder applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.


The following measures are the same as those listed directly in the AR Trending group folder, but these are calculated in a project's billing and project currency. These currencies are entered on the Budget & Revenue tab of the Project Info Center.

  • AR Over 30 in Billing Currency

  • AR Over 30 in Project Currency

  • AR Over 60 in Billing Currency

  • AR Over 60 in Project Currency

  • AR Over 90 in Billing Currency

  • AR Over 90 in Project Currency

  • AR Over 120 in Billing Currency

  • AR Over 120 in Project Currency

Billed Group


  • Billed by Category

  • Billed by Category - Multicurrency

  • Multicurrency

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Billed measures on a report:

  • Accounts

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Opportunities

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates


When you use these measures on a report, run Revenue Generation before printing the report.

You can also find these measures on the Office Earnings report in Reporting > Project.

The billed measures include any credit memo monetary amounts posted for an invoice.

  • Billed — (Labor Billed + Fee Billed + Consultant Billed + Expense Billed + Unit Billed + Interest Billed). This measure does not include Taxes Billed; the Accounts Receivable Balance and Received measures include Taxes Billed.

  • Billed Add Ons — This is the monetary amount billed for add-ons.

  • Billed Consultants — This is the monetary amount billed for consultant expenses.

  • Billed Fees — This is the monetary amount billed for fees.

  • Billed Interest — This is the monetary amount billed for interest.

  • Billed Labor — This is the monetary amount billed for labor.

  • Billed Other — This is the monetary amount billed for charges that are not assigned to a specific category. This amount is based on how you set up your revenue accounts on the Accounts tab of the Billing Setup form (Configuration > Billing > General) if you use Interactive Billing or on the Invoice Mapping Accounts tab of the Accounts Receivable Configuration form (Configuration > Accounting > Accounts Receivable) if you do not use Interactive Billing.

  • Billed Reimbursables — This is the monetary amount billed for reimbursable expenses.

  • Billed Taxes — This is the monetary amount billed for taxes.

  • Billed Units — This is the monetary amount billed for units.

Billed by Category Folder

The following revenue category measures are available when you use the revenue categories feature in Vision.

Because you assign labels for revenue categories 1–5 on the Labels tab in Vision Configuration > General > System Settings, the labels that you see in your software may be different from the default labels identified in this measures list.

When you use these measures on a report, run Revenue Generation before printing the report.

Billed amounts for each category are based on the following formula: Billed= Revenue minus Unbilled

The billed measures include any credit memo monetary amounts posted for an invoice.


  • Billed - Consultant (Revenue Category 2) — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 2, whose default label is Consultant.

  • Billed - Labor (Revenue Category 1) — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 1, whose default label is Labor.

  • Billed - Other Category — This is the monetary amount billed for charges that are not assigned to a specific category.

  • Billed - Reimb (Revenue Category 3) — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 3 whose default label is Reimb.

  • Billed - <Revenue Category 4> — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 4.

  • Billed - <Revenue Category 5> — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 5.

Billed by Category - Multicurrency Folder

The measures in this folder:

  • Apply if you use the Multicurrency feature and the Revenue Categories feature.

  • Allow you to choose to report project amounts in the billing or project currency. For each project, you specify the project and billing currencies on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • Are based on the following formula for each category: Billed = Revenue – Unbilled.

Because you assign labels for revenue categories 1–5 on the Labels tab in Configuration > General > System Settings, the labels that you see in your software may be different from the default labels identified in this measures list.

The billed measures include any credit memo monetary amounts posted for an invoice.

On a custom Analysis Cubes report, the total amount for a multicurrency measure includes amounts with different currencies, which results in an incorrect amount. Whereas, on the Vision standard reports, total amounts for multicurrency measures display an "XXXXX.XX" total instead of a number that mixes the currencies together.


  • Billed - Consultant (Revenue Category 2) In Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 2 that is calculated in the billing currency. The default label for revenue category 2 is Consultant.

  • Billed - Consultant (Revenue Category 2) In Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 2 that is calculated in the project currency. The default label for revenue category 2 is Consultant.

  • Billed - Labor (Revenue Category 1) In Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 1 that is calculated in the billing currency. The default label for revenue category 1 is Labor.

  • Billed - Labor (Revenue Category 1) In Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 1 that is calculated in the project currency. The default label for revenue category 1 is Labor.

  • Billed - Other Category In Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for charges that are not assigned to a specific revenue category that is calculated in the billing currency.

  • Billed - Other Category In Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for charges that are not assigned to a specific revenue category that is calculated in the project currency.

  • Billed - Reimb (Revenue Category 3) In Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 3 that is calculated in the billing currency. The default label for revenue category 3 is Reimb.

  • Billed - Reimb (Revenue Category 3) In Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 3 that is calculated in the project currency. The default label for revenue category 3 is Reimb.

  • Billed - <Revenue Category 4> In Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 4 that is calculated with the billing currency.

  • Billed - <Revenue Category 4> In Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 4 that is calculated with the project currency.

  • Billed - <Revenue Category 5> In Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 5 that is calculated with the billing currency.

  • Billed - <Revenue Category 5> In Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for revenue category 5 that is calculated with the project currency.

Multicurrency Folder

The measures in this folder:

  • Apply if you use the Multicurrency feature.

  • Allow you to choose to report project amounts in the billing or project currency. A project's billing and project currencies are specified on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • Are also found on the Office Earnings report in Vision Reporting > Project.

  • Include any credit memo monetary amounts posted for an invoice.

On a custom Analysis Cubes report, the total amount for a multicurrency measure includes amounts with different currencies, which results in an incorrect amount. Whereas, on the Vision standard reports, total amounts for multicurrency measures display an "XXXXX.XX" total instead of a number that mixes the currencies together.


  • Billed Add Ons in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for add-ons that is calculated in the billing currency.

  • Billed Add Ons in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for add-ons that is calculated in the project currency.

  • Billed Consultants in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for consultant expenses that is calculated in the billing currency.

  • Billed Consultants in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for consultant expenses that is calculated in the project currency.

  • Billed Fees in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for fees that is calculated in the billing currency.

  • Billed Fees in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for fees that is calculated in the project currency.

  • Billed in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of (Labor Billed + Fees Billed + Consultants Billed + Expenses Billed + Units Billed + Interest Billed + Taxes Billed + Add Ons Billed + Other Billed) calculated in billing currency.

  • Billed in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of (Labor Billed + Fees Billed + Consultants Billed + Expenses Billed + Units Billed + Interest Billed + Taxes Billed + Add Ons Billed + Other Billed) calculated in project currency.

  • Billed Interest in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for interest that is calculated in the billing currency.

  • Billed Interest in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for interest that is calculated in the project currency.

  • Billed Labor in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for labor that is calculated in the billing currency.

  • Billed Labor in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for labor that is calculated in the project currency.

  • Billed Other in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for charges that are not assigned to a specific category. It is calculated in the billing currency. This amount is based on how you set up your revenue accounts on the Accounts tab of the Billing Setup form (Configuration > Billing > General) if you use Interactive Billing or on the Invoice Mapping Accounts tab of the Accounts Receivable Configuration form (Configuration > Accounting > Accounts Receivable) if you do not use Interactive Billing.

  • Billed Other in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for charges that are not assigned to a specific category. It is calculated in the project currency. This amount is based on how you set up your revenue accounts on the Accounts tab of the Billing Setup form (Configuration > Billing > General) if you use Interactive Billing or on the Invoice Mapping Accounts tab of the Accounts Receivable Configuration form (Configuration > Accounting > Accounts Receivable) if you do not use Interactive Billing.

  • Billed Reimbursables in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for reimbursable expenses that is calculated in the billing currency.

  • Billed Reimbursables in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for reimbursable expenses that is calculated in the project currency.

  • Billed Taxes in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for taxes that is calculated in the billing currency.

  • Billed Taxes in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for taxes that calculated in the project currency.

  • Billed Units in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for units that is calculated in the billing currency.

  • Billed Units in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount billed for units calculated in the project currency.

Compensation - Contract Group


  • Multicurrency

  • Phase (Work breakdown structure (WBS) level 2)

  • Project (Work breakdown structure (WBS) level 1)

  • Task (Work breakdown structure (WBS) level 3)

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Compensation Contract measures on a report:

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Opportunities

  • Plans

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Project Contracts


The following measures are the sum of contract amounts from all projects that make up a contract.

The amounts are retrieved from fields in the Contracts grid on the Contract Management tab of the Project Info Center.

If you use the Multicurrency feature, these measures are expressed in the contract's project currency.

  • Contract Compensation — This is the sum of a contract's compensation amount from all projects that make up a contract. The compensation amount is retrieved from the Compensation field on the Contracts grid.

  • Contract Consultant Fee — This is the sum of a contract's consultant fee from all projects that make up a contract. The consultant fee amount is retrieved from the Consultant Fee field on the Contracts grid.

  • Contract Reimbursable Allowance — This is the sum of a contract's reimbursable allowance from all projects that make up a contract. The reimbursable allowance amount is retrieved from the Reimbursable Allowance field on the Contracts grid.

  • Contract Total Compensation — This is the sum of a contract's total compensation from all projects that make up a contract. The total compensation amount is retrieved from the Total field on the Contracts grid.

Multicurrency Folder

This folder applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.


The following measures are the sum of contract amounts from all projects that make up a contract. The amounts are retrieved from the Compensation, Consultant Fee, Reimbursable Allowance, and Total fields in the Contracts grid on the Contract Management tab of the Project Info Center. These measures are expressed in billing currency and functional currency.

  • Contract Compensation in Billing Currency

  • Contract Compensation in Functional Currency

  • Contract Consultant Fee in Billing Currency

  • Contract Consultant Fee in Functional Currency

  • Contract Reimbursable Allowance in Billing Currency

  • Contract Reimbursable Allowance in Functional Currency

  • Contract Total Compensation in Billing Currency

  • Contract Total Compensation in Functional Currency

The following measures are contract amounts for each project. They are retrieved from the Compensation, Consultant Fee, Reimbursable Allowance, and Total fields in the Contracts grid on the Contract Management tab of the Project Info Center for a project (WBS 1 level).These measures are expressed in billing currency and functional currency.

  • Project Contract Compensation in Billing Currency

  • Project Contract Compensation in Functional Currency

  • Project Contract Consultant Fee in Billing Currency

  • Project Contract Consultant Fee in Functional Currency

  • Project Contract Reimbursable Allowance in Billing Currency

  • Project Contract Reimbursable Allowance in Functional Currency

  • Project Contract Total Compensation in Billing Currency

  • Project Contract Total Compensation in Functional Currency

The following measures are contract amounts for each phase of a project. The amounts are retrieved from the Compensation, Consultant Fee, Reimbursable Allowance, and Total fields in the Contracts grid on the Contract Management tab of the Project Info Center for a phase (WBS 2 level).These measures are expressed in billing currency and functional currency.

  • Phase Contract Compensation in Billing Currency

  • Phase Contract Compensation in Functional Currency

  • Phase Contract Consultant Fee in Billing Currency

  • Phase Contract Consultant Fee in Functional Currency

  • Phase Contract Reimbursable Allowance in Billing Currency

  • Phase Contract Reimbursable Allowance in Functional Currency

  • Phase Contract Total Compensation in Billing Currency

  • Phase Contract Total Compensation in Functional Currency

The following measures are the contract amounts for each task for a project. The amounts are retrieved from the Compensation, Consultant Fee, Reimbursable Allowance, and Total fields in the Contracts grid on the Contract Management tab of the Project Info Center for a task (WBS 3 level).These measures are expressed in billing currency and functional currency.

  • Task Contract Compensation in Billing Currency

  • Task Contract Compensation in Functional Currency

  • Task Contract Consultant Fee in Billing Currency

  • Task Contract Consultant Fee in Functional Currency

  • Task Contract Reimbursable Allowance in Billing Currency

  • Task Contract Reimbursable Allowance in Functional Currency

  • Task Contract Total Compensation in Billing Currency

  • Task Contract Total Compensation in Functional Currency

Phase Folder


The following measures are the contract amounts for each phase for a project. These measures are retrieved from fields in the Contracts grid on the Contract Management tab of the Project Info Center for a project's phase (WBS 2 level):

If you use the Multicurrency feature, these measures are expressed in the contract's project currency.

  • Phase Contract Compensation

  • Phase Contract Consultant Fee

  • Phase Contract Reimbursable Allowance

  • Phase Contract Total Compensation

Project Folder


The following measures are the contract amounts for each project. The measures are retrieved from fields in the Contracts grid on the Contract Management tab of the Project Info Center for a project (WBS 1 level):

If you use the Multicurrency feature, these measures are expressed in the contract's project currency.

  • Project Contract Compensation

  • Project Contract Consultant Fee

  • Project Contract Reimbursable Allowance

  • Project Contract Total Compensation

Task Folder


The following measures are the contract amounts for each task for a project. These measures are retrieved from fields in the Contracts grid on the Contract Management tab of the Project Info Center for a project's task (WBS 3 level):

If you use the Multicurrency feature, these measures are expressed in the contract's project currency.

  • Task Contract Compensation

  • Task Contract Consultant Fee

  • Task Contract Reimbursable Allowance

  • Task Contract Total Compensation

Compensation - Plan Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Compensation - Plan measures on a report:

  • Plans

  • Project

  • Transaction Dates (The Calendar dimension only; plans do not have transaction dates or fiscal periods.)


The values for these measures are retrieved from the Compensation grid on the Summary tab in Project Planning.

  • Plan Compensation Billing — This is the amount in the Comp. column of the Billing row.

  • Plan Compensation Cost — This is the amount in the Comp. column of the Cost row.

  • Plan Consultant Fee Billing — This is the amount in the Cons. Fee column of the Billing row.

  • Plan Consultant Fee Cost — This is the amount in the Cons. Fee column of the Cost row.

  • Plan Reimbursable Allowance Billing — This is the amount in the Reim. Allow column of the Billing row.

  • Plan Reimbursable Allowance Cost — This is the amount in the Reim. Allow column of the Cost row.

  • Plan Total Compensation Billing — This is the amount in the Total column of the Billing row.

  • Plan Total Compensation Cost — This is the amount in the Total column of the Cost row.

If you selected the Compensation Values By Row and Period check box on the General tab in Planning Configuration, then you enter the compensation amounts on the Labor tab in Project Planning, which updates the amounts in the Compensation grid on the Summary tab in Project Planning.

If you did not select the Compensation Values By Row and Period check box on the General tab in Planning Configuration, then you enter the compensation amounts on the Analysis tab in Project Planning. Measures in the Compensation - Plan Analysis folder in the Plan Totals group have values that are retrieved from the Analysis tab in Project Planning.

Compensation - Project Group


  • Multicurrency

  • Phase (Work breakdown structure level 2)

  • Project (Work breakdown structure level 1)

  • Task (Work breakdown structure level 3)

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Compensation - Project measures on a report:

  • Opportunities

  • Plans

  • Presentation Currency

  • Project


If you use the Multicurrency feature, the following measures are expressed in the contract's project currency.

  • Compensation — This is the fee or contract value for the project (including all phases and tasks). It is the monetary amount that your company expects to receive and should include all Labor Billing and Expense Billing.

  • Consultant Fee — This is the expected monetary amount of Reimbursable Consultant Billing for the project (including all phases and tasks). This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.

  • Reimbursable Allowance — This is the expected monetary amount of Reimbursable Other Expense Billing for the project (including all phases and tasks).

  • Total Compensation — (Compensation + Consultant Fee + Reimbursable Allowance).

Multicurrency Folder


This folder:

  • Applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.

  • Contains the same measures described above for Compensation - Project group Compensation, Consultant Fee, Reimbursable Allowance, and Total Compensation, but displays them in billing and functional currency. It also contains the functional currency amounts for project, phase, and task (work breakdown structure levels 1, 2, and 3). See Currency Types for more information on the different types of currencies.

You can also find these measures on the Office Earnings report and Project Earnings report in Vision Reporting > Project.

On a custom Analysis Cubes report, the total amount for a multicurrency measure includes amounts with different currencies, which results in an incorrect amount. Whereas, on the Vision standard reports, total amounts for multicurrency measures display an "XXXXX.XX" total instead of a number that mixes the currencies together.

  • Compensation in Functional Currency

  • Consultant Fee in Functional Currency

  • Phase Compensation in Functional Currency

  • Phase Consultant Fee in Functional Currency

  • Phase Reimbursable Allowance in Functional Currency

  • Phase Total Compensation in Functional Currency

  • Project Compensation in Functional Currency

  • Project Consultant Fee in Functional Currency

  • Project Reimbursable Allowance in Functional Currency

  • Project Total Compensation in Functional Currency

  • Reimbursable Allowance in Functional Currency

  • Task Compensation in Functional Currency

  • Task Consultant Fee in Functional Currency

  • Task Reimbursable Allowance in Functional Currency

  • Task Total Compensation in Functional Currency

  • Total Compensation in Functional Currency

Phase (Work breakdown structure level 2) Folder


  • Phase Compensation — This is the total contract value for a phase (the total monetary amount your company expects to receive). This amount should include all Labor Billing and Expense Billing.

  • Phase Consultant Fee — This is the expected monetary amount of Reimbursable Consultant Billing for a phase. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.

  • Phase Reimbursable Allowance — This is the expected monetary amount of Reimbursable Other Expense Billing for a phase.

  • Phase Total Compensation — (Phase Compensation + Phase Consultant Fee + Phase Reimbursable Allowance).

Project (Work breakdown structure level 1) Folder


  • Project Compensation — This is the total contract value for a project (the total monetary amount your company expects to receive). This amount should include all Labor Billing and Expense Billing.

  • Project Consultant Fee — This is the expected monetary amount of Reimbursable Consultant Billing for a project. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.

  • Project Reimbursable Allowance — This is the expected monetary amount of Reimbursable Other Expense Billing for a project.

  • Project Total Compensation — (Project Compensation + Project Consultant Fee + Project Reimbursable Allowance).


Task (Work breakdown structure level 3) Folder


  • Task Compensation — This is the total contract value for a task (the total monetary amount your company expects to receive). This amount should include all Labor Billing and Expense Billing.

  • Task Consultant Fee — This is the expected monetary amount of Reimbursable Consultant Billing for a task. This amount includes any markups on consultant professional services.

  • Task Reimbursable Allowance — This is the expected monetary amount of Reimbursable Other Expense Billing for a task.

  • Task Total Compensation — (Task Compensation + Task Consultant Fee + Task Reimbursable Allowance).

Employee Measures Group


Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Use the dimensions in the Employees dimension group with the Employee measures.


  • Employee Hours Per Day — This is the number of hours per day that an employee is expected to work as entered in the Hours/Day field on the Personal tab in the Employee Info Center. This matches the hours per day amount on the Vision Employee List report. The subtotal and total amount for this measure is an average of hours per day for all employees on a report.

  • Employee Prior Years With This Firm — This is the number of years an employee has worked for your firm. It is entered on the General tab in the Employee Info Center. This matches the prior years with this firm amount on the Vision Employee List report. The subtotal and total amount for this measure is an average of prior years with this firm for all employees on the report.

  • Employee Provisional Rate Billing — If you use Vision Planning, this is the provisional billing rate that is entered on the Accounting tab in the Employee Info Center. For subtotals and totals, a straight average is applied.

  • Employee Provisional Rate Cost — If you use Vision Planning, this is the provisional cost rate that is entered on the Accounting tab in the Employee Info Center. For subtotals and totals, a straight average is applied.

  • Employee Target Ratio — This is an employee's target ratio that is entered on the Accounting tab in the Employee Info Center. This matches the target ratio on the Vision Employee List report.

  • Employee Utilization Ratio — If you use Vision Planning, this is an employee's utilization ratio that is entered on the Accounting tab in the Employee Info Center. This matches the utilization ratio on the Vision Employee List report.

  • Employee Years With Other Firms — This is the number of years an employee worked for other firms. It is entered on the General tab in the Employee Info Center. This matches the years with other firms amount on the Vision Employee List report.The subtotal and total amount for this measure is an average of the years with other firms for all employees on the report.

  • Employees Count — This measure counts the number of records for Employee dimensions. For example, if you add this measure by itself to a report, it displays the total count of employees in the Employee Info Center. If you then add the Employee Supervisor dimension from the More Fields folder of the Employees dimension group, the report displays the number of employees for each supervisor.

  • Total Employee Hours Per Day — This is the total expected hours of work per day for all employees on the report. It is the sum of the hours that are entered in the Hours/Day field on the Personal tab in the Employee Info Center for all employees on a report.

Employees Contract Credits Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Employees Contract Credits group measures on a report:

  • Employees

  • Presentation Currency

  • Project Contracts

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates (When you combine the Transaction Date dimension with Employees Contract Credits measures, Vision uses the Approved Date from the Contract tab of the Project Info Center as the transaction date.)


  • Employee Contract Credit Amount — This is the total contract amount in the Total field on the Contract Management tab in the Project Info Center multiplied by the percentage in the Percent field in the Credit grid on the Contract Management tab.

  • Employee Contract Credit Percent — This is retrieved from the Percent field in the Credit grid on the Contract Management tab in the Project Info Center. The totals and subtotals for this measure are actual totals, not averages.

Multicurrency Folder

This folder applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.

The measures in this folder are the same as those listed in the previous section, but they are expressed in the billing currency and functional currency of the project. These currencies are entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Employee Contract Credit Amount in Billing Currency

  • Employee Contract Credit Percent in Functional Currency

Expense - Billing Group


Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Expenses - Billing measures on a report:

  • Accounts

  • Billing Status

  • Employees

  • Expense Type

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Opportunities

  • Plans

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates

  • Transaction Types

  • Units

  • Vendors



Some of the following measures are also found in the Expense Summary and Project Earnings reports in Vision Reporting » Project.

  • Consultant Direct Billing — This is the monetary amount of direct consultant expenses calculated at billing rates.

  • Consultant Reimbursable Billing — This is the monetary amount of reimbursable expenses calculated at billing rates.

  • Consultant Total Billing — (Consultant Direct Billing + Consultant Reimbursable Billing)

  • Expense Billing — (Direct Expense Billing + Reimbursable Expense Billing + Indirect Expense Billing + Other Charges Billing)

  • Other Expense Direct Billing — This is the monetary amount of other direct expenses calculated at billing rates.

  • Other Expense Reimbursable Billing — This is the monetary amount of other reimbursable expenses calculated at billing rates.

  • Other Expense Total Billing — (Other Expense Direct Billing + Other Expense Reimbursable Billing + Other Indirect Expense Billing)

  • Unit Direct Billing — This is the monetary amount of direct expenses for units calculated at the unit billing rate.

  • Unit Reimbursable Billing — This is the monetary amount of reimbursable expenses for units that are calculated at the unit billing rate.

  • Unit Total Billing — (Unit Direct Billing + Unit Reimbursable Billing + Unit Indirect Expense Billing)


Cumulative Folder


Use the Expense Cumulative measures to recreate job-to-date (JTD) Project Planning amounts. These measures are used to determine EAC (estimate at completion) expense values.

The following measures, except the unit measures, are also found on the Vision Office Earnings report when you select JTD amounts for the report, and you report at either billing or cost. The unit measures are found on the Vision Unit Detail report.

  • Consultant Cumulative Billing — This is the Total Consultant column on the Office Earnings report when reported at billing.

  • Consultant Direct Cumulative Billing — This is the Direct Consultant column on the Office Earnings report when reported at billing.

  • Consultant Reimbursable Cumulative Billing — This is the Reimbursable Consultant column on the Office Earnings report when reported at billing.

  • Expense Cumulative Billing — This is the Total Expenses column on the Office Earnings report when reported at billing.

  • Other Expense Cumulative Billing — This is the Total Other Expenses column on the Office Earnings report when reported at billing.

  • Other Expense Direct Cumulative Billing — This is the Direct Other column on the Office Earnings report when reported at billing.

  • Other Expense Reimbursable Cumulative Billing — This is the Reimbursable Other column on the Office Earnings report when reported at billing.

  • Unit Cumulative Billing — This is the Unit Billed Amount column total on the Unit Detail report.

  • Unit Direct Cumulative Billing — This is the total billing amount for items from the Unit Billing Amount column that are direct expenses on the Unit Detail report.

  • Unit Reimbursable Cumulative Billing — This is the total billing amount for items from the Unit Billing Amount column that are reimbursable expenses on the Unit Detail report.

Expense - Cost Group


  • Cumulative

  • Cumulative - Multicurrency

  • Multicurrency

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Expenses - Cost measures on a report:

  • Accounts

  • Billing Status

  • Employees

  • Expense Type

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Opportunities

  • Plans

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates

  • Transaction Types

  • Units

  • Vendors


Some of the following measures are also found in the Expense Summary and Project Earnings reports in Reporting > Project.

  • Consultant Direct Cost — This is the monetary amount of direct consultant expenses calculated at cost rates.

  • Consultant Reimbursable Cost — This is the monetary amount of reimbursable expenses calculated at cost rates.

  • Consultant Total Cost — (Consultant Direct Cost + Consultant Reimbursable Cost)

  • Expense Cost — (Direct Expense Cost + Reimbursable Expense Cost + Indirect Expense Cost + Other Charges Cost)

  • Other Expense Direct Cost — This is the monetary amount of other direct expenses calculated at cost rates.

  • Other Expense Reimbursable Cost — This is the monetary amount of other reimbursable expenses calculated at cost rates.

  • Other Expense Total Cost — (Other Expense Direct Cost + Other Expense Reimbursable Cost + Other Indirect Expense Cost)

  • Unit Direct Cost — This is the monetary amount of direct costs for units calculated at the unit cost rate.

  • Unit Quantity — This is the number of units.

  • Unit Reimbursable Cost — This is the monetary amount of reimbursable costs for units that are calculated at the unit cost rate.

  • Unit Total Cost — (Unit Direct Cost + Unit Reimbursable Cost + Unit Indirect Expense Cost)

Cumulative Folder


Use the Expense Cumulative measures to recreate job-to-date (JTD) Project Planning amounts. These measures are used to determine EAC expense values.

The following measures, except the unit measures, are also found on the Vision Office Earnings report when you select JTD amounts for the report, and you report at either billing or cost. The unit measures are found on the Vision Unit Detail report.

  • Consultant Cumulative Cost — This is the Total Consultant column on the Office Earnings report when reported at cost.

  • Consultant Direct Cumulative Cost — This is the Direct Consultant column on the Office Earnings report when reported at cost.

  • Consultant Reimbursable Cumulative Cost — This is the Reimbursable Consultant column on the Office Earnings report when reported at cost.

  • Expense Cumulative Cost — This is the Total Expenses column on the Office Earnings report when reported at cost.

  • Other Expense Cumulative Cost — This is the Total Other Expenses column on the Office Earnings report when reported at cost.

  • Other Expense Direct Cumulative Cost — This is the Direct Other column on the Office Earnings report when reported at cost.

  • Other Expense Reimbursable Cumulative Cost — This is the Reimbursable Other column on the Office Earnings report when reported at cost.

  • Unit Cumulative Cost — This is the Unit Cost Amount column total on the Unit Detail report when reported at cost.

  • Unit Cumulative Quantity — This is the Unit Quantity column on the Unit Detail report.

  • Unit Direct Cumulative Cost — This is the total cost of items in the Unit Cost Amount column that are reimbursable expenses on the Unit Detail report.

  • Unit Reimbursable Cumulative Cost — This is the total cost of items from the Unit Cost Amount column that are reimbursable expenses on the Unit Detail report.

Cumulative - Multicurrency Folder

The following measures are the same as those listed in the previous Cumulative Folder section, but they are expressed in a project's billing and project currency. These currencies are entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Consultant Direct Cumulative Cost in Billing Currency

  • Consultant Direct Cumulative Cost in Project Currency

  • Consultant Reimbursable Cumulative Cost in Billing Currency

  • Consultant Reimbursable Cumulative Cost in Project Currency

  • Consultant Total Cumulative Cost in Billing Currency

  • Consultant Total Cumulative Cost in Project Currency

  • Expense Cumulative Cost in Billing Currency

  • Expense Cumulative Cost in Project Currency

  • Other Expense Direct Cumulative Cost in Billing Currency

  • Other Expense Direct Cumulative Cost in Project Currency

  • Other Expense Reimbursable Cumulative Cost in Billing Currency

  • Other Expense Reimbursable Cumulative Cost in Project Currency

  • Other Expense Total Cumulative Cost in Billing Currency

  • Other Expense Total Cumulative Cost in Project Currency

  • Unit Direct Cumulative Cost in Billing Currency

  • Unit Direct Cumulative Cost in Project Currency

  • Unit Reimbursable Cumulative Cost in Billing Currency

  • Unit Reimbursable Cumulative Cost in Project Currency

  • Unit Total Cumulative in Billing Currency

  • Unit Total Cumulative in Project Currency

Multicurrency Folder

The measures in this folder:

  • Apply if you use the Multicurrency feature.

  • Allow you to choose to report project amounts in the billing or project currency. Project and billing currencies are specified for a project on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • Are also found on the Expense Summary report and Project Earnings report in Reporting > Project.

On a custom Analysis Cubes report, the total amount for a multicurrency measure includes amounts with different currencies, which results in an incorrect amount. Whereas, on the Vision standard reports, total amounts for multicurrency measures display an "XXXXX.XX" total instead of a number that mixes the currencies together.


  • Consultant Direct Cost in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of direct consultant expenses calculated at cost rates in the billing currency.

  • Consultant Direct Cost in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of direct consultant expenses calculated at cost rates in the project currency.

  • Consultant Reimbursable Cost in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of reimbursable consultant expenses calculated at cost rates in the billing currency.

  • Consultant Reimbursable Cost in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of reimbursable consultant expenses calculated at cost rates in the project currency.

  • Consultant Total Cost in Billing Currency — (Consultant Direct Cost + Consultant Reimbursable Cost) in the billing currency.

  • Consultant Total Cost in Project Currency — (Consultant Direct Cost + Consultant Reimbursable Cost) in the project currency.

  • Expense Cost in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of (Direct Expense Cost + Reimbursable Expense Cost + Indirect Expense Cost + Other Charges Cost) in the billing currency.

  • Expense Cost in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of (Direct Expense Cost + Reimbursable Expense Cost + Indirect Expense Cost + Other Charges Cost) in the project currency.

  • Other Expense Direct Cost in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of other direct expenses calculated at cost rates in the billing currency.

  • Other Expense Direct Cost in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of other direct expenses calculated at cost rates in the project currency.

  • Other Expense Reimbursable Cost in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of other reimbursable expenses calculated at cost rates in the billing currency.

  • Other Expense Reimbursable Cost in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of other reimbursable expenses calculated at cost rates in the project currency.

  • Other Expense Total Cost in Billing Currency — (Other Expense Direct Cost + Other Expense Reimbursable Cost) in the billing currency.

  • Other Expense Total Cost in Project Currency — (Other Expense Direct Cost + Other Expense Reimbursable Cost) in the project currency.

  • Unit Direct Cost in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of direct costs for units calculated at cost rates in the billing currency.

  • Unit Direct Cost in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of direct costs for units calculated at cost rates in the project currency.

  • Unit Reimbursable Cost in Billing Currency — This is the monetary amount of reimbursable costs for units calculated at cost rates in the billing currency.

  • Unit Reimbursable Cost in Project Currency — This is the monetary amount of other reimbursable unit costs calculated at cost rates in the project currency.

  • Unit Total Cost in Billing Currency — (Unit Direct Cost + Unit Reimbursable Cost) in the billing currency.

  • Unit Total Cost in Project Currency — (Unit Direct Cost + Unit Reimbursable Cost) in the project currency.

Labor - Billing Group


Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Labor - Billing measures on a report:

  • Billing Status

  • Employees

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Labor Codes

  • Labor Categories

  • Opportunities

  • Plans

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates

  • Transaction Types



  • Labor Total Billing — This is calculated based on the project’s labor billing terms at the time of posting an employee’s timesheet. These values could be updated when you run the Refresh Billing Extensions utility. Also, these amounts are not necessarily the actual Labor Billed to the client on invoices.

Cumulative Folder


  • Labor Cumulative Billing — Use this measure to report on Project Planning job-to-date amounts. This measure helps determine EAC (estimate at completion) labor values. This is the amount from the Labor column in the JTD row of the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab of Project Planning. This amount is also found on the Vision Project Detail report or the Project Earnings report.

Labor - Cost Group


  • Cumulative

  • Cumulative - Multicurrency

  • Multicurrency

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Labor - Cost measures on a report:

  • Billing Status

  • Employees

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Labor Codes

  • Labor Categories

  • Opportunities

  • Plans

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates

  • Transaction Types


  • Labor Overtime Cost — This is calculated with an employee’s job cost rate, job cost overtime percent, and the Labor Overtime Hours at the time of posting timesheets.

  • Labor Overtime Hours — This is the number of hours entered in the Ovt field on posted timesheets.

  • Labor Regular Cost — This is calculated with an employee’s job cost rate and the Labor Regular Hours at the time of posting timesheets.

  • Labor Regular Hours — This is the number of hours entered in the Reg field on posted timesheets.

  • Labor Special Overtime Cost — This is calculated with an employee’s job cost rate, job cost overtime-2 percent, and the Labor Special Overtime Hours at the time of posting timesheets.

  • Labor Special Overtime Hours — This is the number of hours recorded in the Ovt-2 field on posted timesheets.

  • Labor Total Cost — (Labor Regular Cost + Labor Overtime Cost + Labor Special Overtime Cost).

  • Labor Total Hours — (Labor Regular Hours + Labor Overtime Hours + Labor Special Overtime Hours).

Labor Overtime Billing, Labor Regular Billing, and Labor Special Overtime Billing measures are not available because Labor Total Billing is not broken out and stored this way in the Vision LD table.

Cumulative Folder


Use the following measures to report on Project Planning job-to-date amounts. These measures help determine EAC (estimate at completion) labor values.

These measures are retrieved from the Summary tab of Project Planning.

  • Labor Cumulative Cost — This is the amount from the Labor column in the JTD row of the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab of Project Planning. This amount is also found on the Vision Project Detail report or the Project Earnings report.

  • Labor Cumulative Hours — This is the amount from the Total Hours column in the JTD row of the Billing Summary grid or the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab of Project Planning. This amount is also found on the Vision Project Detail report or the Project Earnings report.

Cumulative - Multicurrency Folder

These measures apply if you use the Multicurrency feature. In this folder, the Labor Cumulative Cost measure (as described in the previous section) is expressed in a project's billing and project currency and in an employee's currency. Billing and project currency are entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center. Employee currency is the functional currency of an employee's home company that is established through organization codes.

  • Labor Cumulative Cost in Billing Currency

  • Labor Cumulative Cost in Employee Currency

  • Labor Cumulative Cost in Project Currency

Multicurrency Folder


This folder applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.

The Multicurrency folder contains some of the same measures as described above directly in the Labor - Cost group, but these are calculated in a project's billing and project currency. The billing currency and project currency are specified on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • Labor Overtime Cost in Billing Currency

  • Labor Overtime Cost in Project Currency

  • Labor Regular Cost in Billing Currency

  • Labor Regular Cost in Project Currency

  • Labor Special Overtime Cost in Billing Currency

  • Labor Special Overtime Cost in Project Currency

  • Labor Total Cost in Billing Currency

  • Labor Total Cost in Project Currency

Labor - Employee Group


Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Labor - Employee measures on a report:

  • Employees

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Labor Codes

  • Labor Categories

  • Opportunities

  • Plans

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates

  • Transaction Types



The following measures are derived from posted labor transactions. These measures do not include employee-specific units from the Employee Realization Allocation form in Vision. This can cause differences when you compare the Employee Labor Detail or Time Analysis report with the Labor-Employee measures for realization hours and realization amounts.

These measures display in an employee's functional currency, which is the functional currency of an employee's home company as established through organization codes.

  • Benefit Cost — This is the cost of the benefit hours taken by an employee. On the Vision Time Analysis report, this is the Benefit column when reported at cost. This is the cost for the report columns with the Benefit check box selected on the Time Analysis Headings tab in Time Analysis Configuration.

  • Benefit Hours — This is the number of benefit hours taken by an employee. On the Vision Time Analysis report, this is the Benefit column when reported at hours. These are the hours posted to the report columns with the Benefit check box selected on the Time Analysis Headings tab in Time Analysis Configuration.

  • Direct Cost — This is the total cost for direct hours worked that is posted to projects with a regular charge type. On the Time Analysis report, this is the Direct column when reported at cost.

  • Direct Cost Overtime — This is the cost of direct overtime hours worked on regular charge type projects.

  • Direct Cost Special Overtime — This is the cost of special overtime hours worked on regular charge type projects.

  • Direct Hours — These are the total direct hours posted to projects with a regular charge type. On the Time Analysis report, this is the Direct column when reported at hours.

  • Direct Hours Overtime — These are the total overtime hours posted to projects with a regular charge type.

  • Direct Hours Special Overtime — These are total special overtime hours posted to projects with a regular charge type.

  • Indirect Cost — This is the total cost posted to projects with an overhead or promotional charge type. On the Time Analysis report, this is the Indirect column when reported at cost.

  • Indirect Cost Overtime — This is the total overtime cost posted to projects with an overhead or promotional charge type.

  • Indirect Cost Special Overtime— This is the total special overtime cost posted to projects with an overhead or promotional charge type.

  • Indirect Hours — These are the total hours posted to projects with an overhead or promotional charge type. On the Time Analysis report, this is the Indirect column when reported at hours.

  • Indirect Hours Overtime — These are the total overtime hours posted to projects with an overhead or promotional charge type.

  • Indirect Hours Special Overtime — These are the total special overtime hours posted to projects with an overhead or promotional charge type.

  • Labor Overtime Cost in Employee Functional Currency — This is calculated with an employee’s job cost rate, job cost overtime percent, and the Labor Overtime Hours at the time of posting timesheets.

  • Labor Realization Amount — This is the labor realization amount in an employee's functional currency, which is the functional currency of an employee's home company as established through organization codes.

  • Labor Realization Hours — This is (Labor Realization Amount / Provisional Billing Rate).

  • Labor Regular Cost in Employee Functional Currency — This is calculated with an employee’s job cost rate and the Labor Regular Hours at the time of posting timesheets.

  • Labor Special Overtime Cost in Employee Functional Currency — This is calculated with an employee’s job cost rate, job cost overtime-2 percent, and the Labor Special Overtime Hours at the time of posting timesheets.

  • Labor Total Cost in Employee Functional Currency — (Labor Regular Cost + Labor Overtime Cost + Labor Special Overtime Cost).

  • Non-Billable Cost — This is the total cost posted to the non-billable labor code for an employee. The non-billable labor code is specified on the Miscellaneous tab in Billing Configuration.

  • Non-Billable Cost Overtime — This is the total overtime cost posted to the non-billable labor code.

  • Non-Billable Cost Special Overtime — This is the total special overtime cost posted to the non-billable labor code.

  • Non-Billable Hours — These are hours posted to the non-billable labor code for an employee. On the Time Analysis report, this is the Non-Billable Hours column when reported at hours. The non-billable labor code is specified on the Miscellaneous tab in Billing Configuration.

  • Non-Billable Hours Overtime — These are the total overtime hours posted to the non-billable labor code.

  • Non-Billable Hours Special Overtime — These are the total special overtime hours posted to the non-billable labor code.


Multicurrency Folder

This folder applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.

The measures in this folder are the same as the currency measures listed directly in the Labor - Employee group, but these multicurrency measures are calculated in a project's billing and project currency. These currencies are specified for a project on the General tab of the Project Info Center.


  • Benefit Cost in Billing Currency

  • Benefit Cost in Project Currency

  • Direct Cost in Billing Currency

  • Direct Cost in Project Currency

  • Direct Cost Overtime in Billing Currency

  • Direct Cost Overtime in Project Currency

  • Direct Cost Special Overtime in Billing Currency

  • Direct Cost Special Overtime in Project Currency

  • Indirect Cost in Billing Currency

  • Indirect Cost in Project Currency

  • Indirect Cost Overtime in Billing Currency

  • Indirect Cost Overtime in Project Currency

  • Indirect Cost Special Overtime in Billing Currency

  • Indirect Cost Special Overtime in Project Currency

  • Labor Realization Amount in Billing Currency

  • Labor Realization Amount in Project Currency

  • Non-Billable Cost in Billing Currency

  • Non-Billable Cost in Project Currency

  • Non-Billable Cost Overtime in Billing Currency

  • Non-Billable Cost Overtime in Project Currency

  • Non-Billable Cost Special Overtime in Billing Currency

  • Non-Billable Cost Special Overtime in Project Currency

Opportunity Client Measure Group


Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Use this measure with dimensions from the Opportunity Client folder in the Opportunities dimension group.


  • Opportunity Clients Count — This measure counts the number of clients associated with an opportunity for the dimension that you use it with. For example, if you add this measure and the Opportunity Client Primary Country dimension from the Opportunity Client folder in the Opportunities dimension group to a report, the report displays the number of clients (client records) associated with opportunities, grouped by a client's country.

Opportunity Measures Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Use the Opportunity Measures group in combination with Opportunities dimensions on a report.


  • Opportunities Days Opened — This is the number of days an opportunity has been open, as displayed in the Days Open field on the General tab in the Opportunity Info Center. If no close date exists for an opportunity, the open date on the General tab is compared with the date that you refreshed the Project data cube to calculate the number of days open. The subtotal and total on a report display the average days open for all opportunities on the report.

  • Opportunities Count — Use this measure to count the number of records for Opportunity dimensions. For example, if you add this measure by itself to a report, it displays the total count of opportunities in the Opportunity Info Center. If you then add the Opportunity Location Country dimension from the Location Address folder of the Opportunities dimension group, the report displays the number of opportunities for each country.

Overhead Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Overhead measures on a report:

  • Fiscal Period

  • Opportunities

  • Plans

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects


  • Overhead — This is the total indirect amount allocated to regular charge type projects. The Overhead amount is actual, not estimated.

Multicurrency Folder

This folder applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.

This folder contains the Overhead measure described in the previous section, but it is calculated in a project's billing and project currency.


  • Overhead in Billing Currency

  • Overhead in Project Currency

Plan Client Measures Group


Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Use this measure with dimensions from the Plan Client folder in the Plans dimension group.


  • Plan Clients Count — This measure counts the number of clients associated with a plan for the dimension that you use it with. For example, if you add this measure and the Plan Client Country dimension from the Plan Client folder in the Plans dimension group to a report, the report displays the number of clients (client records) associated with plans, grouped by a client's country.

Plan Expenses - Billing Group



  • Baseline

  • Baseline - EAC

  • EAC

  • ETC

  • Percent Complete

  • Planned

  • Planned - EAC

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Because the valid combinations vary for each folder, see each folder below for this information.


Baseline Folder

The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

These are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

The measures in this folder can be used in combination with dimensions from the Accounts, Expense Type, Plans, Presentation Currency, Projects, Transaction Dates, Units, and Vendors dimension groups on a report.


  • Baseline Consultant Direct Billing — This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Baseline Consultant Reimbursable Billing — This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Baseline Consultant Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Consultants column in the Baseline row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • Baseline Other Expense Direct Billing — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Baseline Other Expense Reimbursable Billing — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Baseline Other Expense Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Expenses column in the Baseline row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • Baseline Total Expense Billing — This is the sum of the following measures: Baseline Consultant Total Billing + Baseline Other Expenses Total Billing + Baseline Unit Total Billing.

  • Baseline Unit Direct Billing — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Baseline Unit Reimbursable Billing — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Baseline Unit Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the Baseline row of the Billing Summary grid.


Baseline - EAC Folder

The measures in this folder:

  • Are calculated measures that do not display in separate fields directly on a tab in Project Planning.

  • Contain components from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

  • Are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

  • Can be used in combination with dimensions from the Plans and Presentation Currency dimension groups on a report.


  • Total Baseline - EAC Consultant Direct Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Billing Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Consultant Reimbursable Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Consultant Total Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Consultants column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Other Expense Direct Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Billing Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Other Expense Reimbursable Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Other Expense Total Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Expenses column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Unit Direct Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Billing Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Unit Reimbursable Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Unit Total Billing — The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Units column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab)

EAC Folder

The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

These are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

The measures in this folder can be used in combination with dimensions from the Plans and Presentation Currency dimension groups on a report.


  • EAC Consultant Direct Billing — This is the amount in the EAC Bill column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • EAC Consultant Reimbursable Billing — This is the amount in the EAC Bill column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • EAC Consultant Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Consultants column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • EAC Other Expense Direct Billing — This is the amount in the EAC Bill column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • EAC Other Expense Reimbursable Billing — This is the amount in the EAC Bill column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • EAC Other Expense Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Expenses column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • EAC Unit Direct Billing — This is the amount in the EAC Bill column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • EAC Unit Reimbursable Billing — This is the amount in the EAC Bill column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • EAC Unit Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid.


ETC Folder

The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

These are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

The measures in this folder can be used in combination with dimensions from the Plans, Presentation Currency, and Transaction Dates dimension groups on a report.


  • ETC Consultant Direct Billing — This is the amount in the ETC Bill column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • ETC Consultant Reimbursable Billing — This is the amount in the ETC Bill column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • ETC Consultant Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Consultants column in the ETC row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • ETC Other Expense Direct Billing — This is the amount in the ETC Bill column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • ETC Other Expense Reimbursable Billing — This is the amount in the ETC Bill column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • ETC Other Expense Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Expenses column in the ETC row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • ETC Unit Direct Billing — This is the amount in the ETC Bill column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • ETC Unit Reimbursable Billing — This is the amount in the ETC Bill column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • ETC Unit Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the ETC row of the Billing Summary grid.


Percent Complete Folder


The following baseline, JTD (job-to-date), and planned percent complete measures are calculated at the plan level and at any dimension grouping levels.

User-entered percent complete measures are weighted, based on the planned expense's billing amount.

The measures in this folder can be used in combination with dimensions from the Plans dimension group on a report.

  • Percent Complete Baseline Consultant Billing — (Total Baseline Consultant Billing – ETC Consultant Total Billing) / Total Baseline Consultant Billing

  • Percent Complete Baseline Other Expense Billing — ((Total Baseline Other Expense Billing – ETC Other Expense Total Billing) / Total Baseline Other Expense Billing)

  • Percent Complete Baseline Unit Billing — ((Total Baseline Unit Billing – ETC Unit Total Billing) / Total Baseline Unit Billing)

  • Percent Complete JTD Consultant Billing — (Consultant Cumulative Billing / EAC Consultant Total Billing)

  • Percent Complete JTD Other Expense Billing — (Other Expense Cumulative Billing / EAC Other Expense Total Billing)

  • Percent Complete JTD Unit Billing — (Unit Cumulative Billing / EAC Unit Total Billing)

  • Percent Complete Planned Consultant Billing — ((Total Planned Consultant Billing – ETC Consultant Total Billing) / Total Planned Consultant Billing)

  • Percent Complete Planned Other Expense Billing — ((Total Planned Other Expense Billing – ETC Other Expense Total Billing) / Total Planned Other Expense Billing)

  • Percent Complete Planned Unit Billing — ((Total Planned Unit Billing – ETC Unit Total Billing) / Total Planned Unit Billing)

  • Percent Complete User-Entered Consultant Billing — (Weighted Consultant Billing / Total Planned Consultant Billing)

  • Percent Complete User-Entered Other Expense Billing — (Weighted Other Expense Billing / Total Planned Other Expense Billing)

  • Percent Complete User-Entered Unit Billing — (Weighted Unit Billing / Total Planned Unit Billing)


Planned Folder

The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

These are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

The measures in this folder can be used in combination with dimensions from the Accounts, Plans, Projects, Presentation Currency, Transaction Dates, Units, and Vendors dimension groups on a report.


  • Planned Consultant Direct Billing — This is the amount in the Planned Bill column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Planned Consultant Reimbursable Billing — This is the amount in the Planned Bill column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Planned Consultant Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Consultants column in the Planned row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • Planned Other Expense Direct Billing — This is the amount in the Planned Bill column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Planned Other Expense Reimbursable Billing — This is the amount in the Planned Bill column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Planned Other Expense Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Expenses column in the Planned row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • Planned Total Expense Billing — This is the sum of the following measures: Planned Consultant Total Billing + Planned Other Expense Total Billing + Planned Unit Total Billing.

  • Planned Unit Direct Billing — This is the amount in the Planned Bill column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Planned Unit Reimbursable Billing — This is the amount in the Planned Bill column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Planned Unit Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the Planned row of the Billing Summary grid.


Planned - EAC Folder

The measures in this folder:

  • Are calculated measures that do not display in separate fields directly on a tab in Project Planning.

  • Contain components from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

  • Are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center Accounts Chart of Accounts.

  • Can be used in combination with dimensions from the Plans and Presentation Currency dimension groups on a report.


  • Total Planned - EAC Consultant Direct Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus(The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Planned - EAC Consultant Reimbursable Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable

  • Total Planned - EAC Consultant Total Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Consultants column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab)

  • Total Planned - EAC Other Expense Direct Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus(The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Planned - EAC Other Expense Reimbursable Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable)

  • Total Planned - EAC Other Expense Total Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Expenses column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab)

  • Total Planned - EAC Unit Direct Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus(The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Planned - EAC Unit Reimbursable Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Bill column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable)

  • Total Planned - EAC Unit Total Billing — (The amountin the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Units column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab)

Plan Expenses - Cost Group


  • Baseline

  • Baseline - EAC

  • EAC

  • ETC

  • Percent Complete

  • Planned

  • Planned - EAC

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Because the valid combinations vary for each folder, see each folder below for this information.

Baseline Folder

The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

These are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

The measures in this folder can be used in combination with dimensions from the Accounts, Plans, Projects, Presentation Currency, Transaction Dates, Units, and Vendors dimension groups on a report.


  • Baseline Consultant Direct Cost — This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Baseline Consultant Reimbursable Cost — This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Baseline Consultant Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount from the Consultants column in the Baseline row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • Baseline Other Expense Direct Cost — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Baseline Other Expense Reimbursable Cost — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Baseline Other Expense Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount from the Expenses column in the Baseline row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • Baseline Total Expense Cost — This is the sum of the following measures: Baseline Consultant Total Cost + Baseline Other Expenses Total Cost + Baseline Unit Total Cost.

  • Baseline Unit Direct Cost — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Baseline Unit Quantity — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Qty column.

  • Baseline Unit Reimbursable Cost — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Baseline Unit Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the Baseline row of the Cost Summary grid.

Baseline - EAC Folder

The measures in this folder:

  • Are calculated measures that do not display in separate fields directly on a tab in Project Planning.

  • Contain components from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

  • Are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

  • Can be used in combination with dimensions from the Plans and Presentation Currency dimension groups on a report.


  • Total Baseline - EAC Consultant Direct Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Consultant Reimbursable Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Consultant Total Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Consultants column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Other Expense Direct Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Other Expense Reimbursable Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Other Expense Total Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Expenses column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Unit Direct Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Unit Quantity — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Qty column on the Unit tab)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Unit Reimbursable Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable)

  • Total Baseline - EAC Unit Total Cost — The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Units column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab)


EAC Folder

The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

These are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center Accounts Chart of Accounts.

The measures in this folder can be used in combination with dimensions from the Plans and Presentation Currency dimension groups on a report.


  • EAC Consultant Direct Cost — This is the amount in the EAC Cost column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • EAC Consultant Reimbursable Cost — This is the amount in the EAC Cost column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • EAC Consultant Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Consultants column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • EAC Other Expense Direct Cost — This is the amount in the EAC Cost column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • EAC Other Expense Reimbursable Cost — This is the amount in the EAC Cost column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • EAC Other Expense Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Expenses column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • EAC Unit Direct Cost — This is the amount in the EAC Cost column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • EAC Unit Quantity — This is the amount in the EAC Qty column on the Unit tab.

  • AC Unit Reimbursable Cost — This is the amount in the EAC Cost column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • EAC Unit Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid.


ETC Folder

The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

These are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center Accounts Chart of Accounts.

The measures in this folder can be used in combination with dimensions from the Plans, Presentation Currency, and Transaction Dates dimension groups on a report.


  • ETC Consultant Direct Cost — This is the amount in the ETC Cost column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • ETC Consultant Reimbursable Cost — This is the amount in the ETC Cost column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • ETC Consultant Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Consultants column in the ETC row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • ETC Other Expense Direct Cost — This is the amount in the ETC Cost column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • ETC Other Expense Reimbursable Cost — This is the amount in the ETC Cost column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • ETC Other Expense Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Expenses column in the ETC row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • ETC Unit Direct Cost — This is the amount in the ETC Cost column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • ETC Unit Quantity — This is the amount in the ETC Qty column on the Unit tab.

  • ETC Unit Reimbursable Cost — This is the amount in the ETC Cost column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • ETC Unit Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid.

Percent Complete Folder


The following baseline, JTD (job-to-date), and planned percent complete measures are calculated at the plan level and at any dimension grouping levels.

User-entered percent complete measures are weighted, based on the planned expense's cost.

The measures in this folder can be used in combination with dimensions from the Plans dimension groups on a report.

  • Percent Complete Baseline Consultant Cost — ((Total Baseline Consultant Cost – ETC Consultant Total Cost) / Total Baseline Consultant Cost)

  • Percent Complete Baseline Other Expense Cost — ((Total Baseline Other Expense Cost – ETC Other Expense Total Cost) / Total Baseline Other Expense Cost)

  • Percent Complete Baseline Unit Cost — ((Total Baseline Unit Cost – ETC Unit Total Cost) / Total Baseline Unit Cost)

  • Percent Complete JTD Consultant Cost — (Consultant Cumulative Cost / EAC Consultant Total Cost)

  • Percent Complete JTD Other Expense Cost — (Other Expense Cumulative Cost / EAC Other Expense Total Cost)

  • Percent Complete JTD Unit Cost — (Unit Cumulative Cost / EAC Unit Total Cost)

  • Percent Complete Planned Consultant Cost — ((Total Planned Consultant Cost – ETC Consultant Total Cost) / Total Planned Consultant Cost)

  • Percent Complete Planned Other Expense Cost — ((Total Planned Other Expense Cost – ETC Other Expense Total Cost) / Total Planned Other Expense Cost)

  • Percent Complete Planned Unit Cost — ((Total Planned Unit Cost – ETC Unit Total Cost) / Total Planned Unit Cost)

  • Percent Complete User-Entered Consultant Cost — (Weighted Consultant Cost / Total Planned Consultant Cost)

  • Percent Complete User-Entered Other Expense Cost — (Weighted Other Expense Cost / Total Planned Other Expense Cost)

  • Percent Complete User-Entered Unit Cost — (Weighted Unit Cost / Total Planned Unit Cost)

Planned Folder

The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

These are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

The measures in this folder can be used in combination with dimensions from the Accounts, Plans, Projects, Presentation Currency, Transaction Dates, Units, and Vendors dimension groups on a report.


  • Planned Consultant Direct Cost — This is the amount in the Planned Cost column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Planned Consultant Reimbursable Cost — This is the amount in the Planned Cost column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Planned Consultant Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Consultants column in the Planned row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • Planned Other Expense Direct Cost — This is the amount in the Planned Cost column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Planned Other Expense Reimbursable Cost — This is the amount in the Planned Cost column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Planned Other Expense Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Expenses column in the Planned row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • Planned Total Expense Cost — This is the sum of the following three measures: Planned Consultant Total Cost + Planned Other Expense Total Cost + Planned Unit Total Cost.

  • Planned Unit Direct Cost — This is the amount in the Planned Cost column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Planned Unit Quantity — This is the amount in the Planned Qty column on the Unit tab.

  • Planned Unit Reimbursable Cost — This is the amount in the Planned Cost column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Planned Unit Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the Planned row of the Cost Summary grid.

Planned - EAC Folder

The measures in this folder:

  • Are calculated measures that do not display in separate fields directly on a tab in Project Planning.

  • Contain components from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

  • Are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

  • Can be used in combination with dimensions from the Plans and Presentation Currency dimension groups on a report.


  • Total Planned - EAC Consultant Direct Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Planned - EAC Consultant Reimbursable Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summamry tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Consultant tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable)

  • Total Planned - EAC Consultant Total Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Consultants column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab)

  • Total Planned - EAC Other Expense Direct Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Planned - EAC Other Expense Reimbursable Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Expense tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable)

  • Total Planned - EAC Other Expense Total Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Expenses column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab)

  • Total Planned - EAC Unit Direct Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Direct)

  • Total Planned - EAC Unit Quantity — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Qty column on the Unit tab)

  • Total Planned - EAC Unit Reimbursable Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the EAC Cost column on the Unit tab for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable)

  • Total Planned - EAC Unit Total Cost — The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab) minus (The amount in the Units column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid of the Summary tab)

Plan Labor - Billing Group



  • Baseline

  • Baseline - EAC

  • EAC (estimate at completion)

  • Earned Value

  • ETC (estimate to complete)

  • Percent Complete

  • Planned

  • Planned – EAC

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Because the valid combinations vary for each folder, see each folder below for this information.

Warning: Plan and Project Combinations

When you create a report that contains both plan and project dimensions and/or measures, you must add plan dimensions and measures to the report first; then add the project dimension and measures.

About the Measures in the Plan Labor - Billing Group

The measures in the Plan Labor - Billing folder:

  • Are retrieved from the grids on the Summary tab and Labor tab in Project Planning.

    To select which items display in the grids on these tabs, you click Options in the Project Planning toolbar. Then click either Configure Planning Grids or Configure Summary Grids.

  • Match the values on the Project Planning Analysis report. Unposted labor is not included in the measures.


Baseline Folder


The measure in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Employees, Labor Codes, Labor Categories, Plans, Projects, Transaction Dates, and Presentation Currency.

  • Baseline Labor Billing — This is the amount entered in the Baseline Bill field on the Labor tab of Project Planning. The amount is entered for a specific month.


Baseline - EAC Folder


The measure in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Labor Codes, Plans, and Transaction Dates.

  • Total Baseline - EAC Labor Billing — This is (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (EAC Bill on the Labor tab).


EAC Folder


The measure in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Employees, Labor Codes, Labor Categories, Plans, Projects, Transaction Dates, and Presentation Currency.

  • EAC Labor Billing — This is the amount from fields on the Summary tab and the Labor tab in Project Planning.


Earned Value Folder

These measures:

  • Apply only if you selected the Compensation values by row & period check box on the General tab of Plan Settings Configuration.

  • Are cumulative from one period to the next.

  • Are found on the Vision Labor Plan EVT Charts report. Select the Billing (rates) option, the appropriate earned value formulas (for planned, compensation (fees), or baseline) for BCWP amounts, and other BCWS options on the General tab of the Labor Plan EVT Chart Options dialog box.

    The acronyms are:

    ACWP = Actual Cost of Work Performed

    BCWP = Budgeted Cost of Work Performed

    BCWS = Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled


All of the following measures except ACWP Planned Billing can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Labor Codes, Plans, and Transaction Dates. The ACWP Planned Billing measure can be combined with dimensions from the Employees, Labor Categories, Labor Codes, Plans, and Projects dimension groups.

  • ACWP Planned Billing — This is the actual job-to-date labor amount at billing rates.

  • BCWP Baseline Billing — This is (Earned Value % * Baseline amount) at billing rates.

  • BCWP Fees Billing — This is (Earned Value % * Compensation amount) at billing rates.

  • BCWP Planned Billing — This is (Earned Value % * Planned amount) at billing rates.

  • BCWS Baseline Billing — This is the baseline amount at billing rates.

  • BCWS Planned Billing — This is the planned amount at billing rates.


ETC Folder


The measure in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Employees, Labor Codes, Labor Categories, Plans, Projects, Transaction Dates, and Presentation Currency.

  • ETC Labor Billing — This is the amount from fields on the Summary tab and the in Project Planning. The Summary tab uses the date at the top of the screen to calculate ETC, so be careful when you compare the numbers in Vision with the numbers on Excel reports. To change the date in Project Planning, click Options on the toolbar and then click ETC/JTD Date Basis.


Percent Complete Folder

The following baseline, JTD (job-to-date), and planned percent complete measures are calculated at the plan level and at any dimension grouping levels.

The measures in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Labor Codes, Plans, and Transaction Dates.


  • Percent Complete Baseline Labor Billing — ((Total Baseline Labor Billing – ETC Labor Billing) / Total Baseline Labor Billing)

  • Percent Complete JTD Labor Billing — (Labor Cumulative Billing / EAC Labor Billing)

  • Percent Complete Planned Labor Billing — ((Total Planned Labor Billing – ETC Labor Billing) / Total Planned Labor Billing)

  • Percent Complete User-Entered Labor Billing — (Weighted Planned Labor Billing / Total Planned Labor Billing)


Planned Folder


The measure in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Employees, Labor Codes, Labor Categories, Plans, Projects, Transaction Dates, and Presentation Currency.

  • Planned Labor Billing — This is the amount in the Planned Bill field on the Labor tab in Project Planning. The amount is entered for a specific month.


Planned - EAC Folder


The measure in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Labor Codes, Plans, and Transaction Dates.

  • Total Planned - EAC Labor Billing — This is the Planned - EAC Bill on the Labor tab in Project Planning. This is (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (EAC Billing on the Labor tab).

Plan Labor - Cost Group


  • Baseline

  • Baseline - EAC

  • EAC

  • Earned Value

  • ETC

  • Percent Complete

  • Planned

  • Planned - EAC

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Because the valid combinations vary for each folder, see each folder below for this information.

Warning: Plan and Project Combinations

When you create a report that contains both plan and project dimensions and/or measures, you must add plan dimensions and measures to the report first; then add the project dimension and measures.

About the Measures in the Plan Labor - Cost Group

The measures in the Plan Labor - Cost folder:

  • Are retrieved from the grids on the Summary tab and the Labor tab in Project Planning.

    To select which items display in the grids on these tabs, click Options in the Project Planning toolbar. Then click either Configure Planning Grids or Configure Summary Grids.

  • Match the values on the Project Planning Analysis report. Unposted labor is not included in the measures.

Baseline Folder

The following measures are from the grids on the Labor tab of Project Planning.

The measures in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Employees, Labor Codes, Labor Categories, Plans, Projects, Transaction Dates, and Presentation Currency.


  • Baseline Hours — This displays the hours entered in the Baseline Hrs field. The hours are entered for a specific month.

  • Baseline Labor Cost — This displays the amount entered in the Baseline Cost field. The amount is entered for a specific month.

Baseline - EAC Folder

The components of the following measures are found on the Summary tab and the Labor tab in Project Planning.

The measures in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Labor Codes, Plans, and Transaction Dates.


  • Total Baseline - EAC Hours — This is (The amount in the Total Hrs column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid or the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (EAC Hours on the Labor tab).

  • Total Baseline - EAC Labor Cost — This is (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (EAC Cost on the Labor tab).

EAC Folder

The following measures are from fields on the Summary tab and the Labor tab in Project Planning.

The measures in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Employees, Labor Codes, Labor Categories, Plans, Projects, Transaction Dates, and Presentation Currency.


  • EAC Hours

  • EAC Labor Cost

Earned Value Folder

These measures:

  • Apply only if you selected the Compensation values by row & period check box on the General tab of Plan Settings Configuration.

  • Are cumulative from one period to the next.

  • Are found on the Vision Labor Plan EVT Charts report. Select the Cost (rates) option, the appropriate earned value formulas (for planned, compensation (fees), or baseline) for BCWP amounts, and other BCWS options on the General tab of the Labor Plan EVT Chart Options dialog box.

    The acronyms are:

    ACWP = Actual Cost of Work Performed

    BCWP = Budgeted Cost of Work Performed

    BCWS = Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled


All of the following measures except ACWP Planned Cost can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Labor Codes, Plans, and Transaction Dates. The ACWP Planned Cost measure can be combined with dimensions from the Employees, Labor Categories, Labor Codes, Plans, and Projects dimension groups.

  • ACWP Planned Cost — This is the actual job-to-date labor amount at cost rates.

  • BCWP Baseline Cost — This is (Earned Value % * Baseline amount) at cost rates.

  • BCWP Fees Cost — This is (Earned Value % * Compensation amount) at cost rates.

  • BCWP Planned Cost — This is (Earned Value % * Planned amount) at cost rates.

  • BCWS Baseline Cost — This is the baseline amount at cost rates.

  • BCWS Planned Cost — This is the planned amount at cost rates.

ETC Folder

The following measures are from fields on the Summary tab and the Labor tab in Project Planning.

The Summary tab uses the date at the top of the screen to calculate ETC, so be careful when you compare the numbers in Vision with the numbers on Excel reports. To change the date in Project Planning, click Options on the toolbar, and then click ETC/JTD Date Basis.

All of the measures in the ETC folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Employees, Labor Codes, Labor Categories, Plans, Projects, Transaction Dates, and Presentation Currency.


  • ETC Hours

  • ETC Labor Cost

Percent Complete Folder

The following baseline, JTD (job-to-date), and planned percent complete measures are calculated at the plan level and at any dimension grouping levels.

The measures in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Labor Codes, Plans, and Transaction Dates.


  • Percent Complete Baseline Labor Cost — ((Total Baseline Labor Cost – ETC Labor Cost) / Total Baseline Labor Cost)

  • Percent Complete JTD Labor Cost — (Labor Cumulative Cost / EAC Labor Cost)

  • Percent Complete Planned Labor Cost — ((Total Planned Labor Cost – ETC Labor Cost) / Total Planned Labor Cost)

  • Percent Complete User-Entered Labor Cost — (Weighted Plan Labor Cost / Total Planned Labor Cost)

Planned Folder

The following measures are from fields on the Labor tab of Project Planning.

The measures in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Employees, Labor Codes, Labor Categories, Plans, Projects, Transaction Dates, and Presentation Currency.


  • Planned Hours — This displays the hours entered in the Planned Hrs field. The hours are entered for a specific month.

  • Planned Labor Cost — This displays the amount entered in the Planned Cost field. The amount is entered for a specific month.

Planned - EAC Folder

The following measures and their components are found on the Summary tab and the Labor tab in Project Planning.

The measure in this folder can be combined with dimensions from the following dimension groups on a report: Labor Codes, Plans, and Transaction Dates.


  • Total Planned - EAC Hours — This is the Planned - EAC Hrs on the Labor tab. This is (The amount in the Total Hrs column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid or the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (EAC Hours on the Labor tab).

  • Total Planned - EAC Labor Cost — This is the Planned - EAC Cost on the Labor tab. (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab) minus (EAC Cost on the Labor tab).

Plan Totals - Billing Group



  • Baseline

  • Baseline - EAC

  • Compensation - Plan Analysis

  • EAC

  • ETC

  • Multipliers

  • Planned

  • Planned - EAC

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Plan Totals - Billing measures on a report:

  • Plans


Baseline Folder


The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, Labor, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

Some of these measures are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

  • Baseline Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row of the Billing Summary grid. You must pair this measure with the Calendar dimension in the Transaction Dates dimension group to produce report data.

  • Total Baseline Consultant Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Consultants column in the Baseline row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • Total Baseline Consultant Direct Billing —This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Baseline Consultant Reimbursable Billing — This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Total Baseline Labor Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Labor column in the Baseline row of the Billing Summary grid. This is also found on the Labor tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items.

  • Total Baseline Other Expense Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Expenses column in the Baseline row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • Total Baseline Other Expense Direct Billing — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Baseline Other Expense Reimbursable Billing — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Total Baseline Unit Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the Baseline row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • Total Baseline Unit Direct Billing — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Baseline Unit Reimbursable Billing — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.


Baseline - EAC Folder


  • Total Baseline - EAC Total Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab in Project Planning) minus (The amount in the Total Amts column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab in Project Planning)


Compensation - Plan Analysis Folder


The measures in this folder are retrieved from the Analysis tab in Project Planning:

  • Plan Analysis Compensation Billing — This is from the Compensation field in the Plan Billing Analysis section of the Analysis tab.

  • Plan Analysis Consultant Fee Billing — This is from the Consultant Fee field in the Plan Billing Analysis section of the Analysis tab.

  • Plan Analysis Reimbursable Allowance Billing — This is from the Reimbursable Allowance field in the Plan Billing Analysis section of the Analysis tab.

  • Plan Analysis Total Compensation Billing — (Compensation + Consultant Fee + Reimb Allowance) from the Plan Billing Analysis section of the Analysis tab.

If you want to include compensation values from the Summary tab in Project Planning, use the measures in the Compensation - Plans measure group.


EAC Folder


  • EAC Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab in Project Planning. It is the amount in the Total Amts column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid.


ETC Folder


  • ETC Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab in Project Planning. It is the amount in the Total Amts column in the ETC row of the Billing Summary grid.


Multipliers Folder


  • Budget Multiplier Billing — (Total Compensation Fee Billing (static) / EAC Labor Billing)

  • EAC Multiplier Billing — (Total Fee Cost – EAC Consultant Total Cost – EAC Other Expense Total Cost – EAC Unit Total Cost) / EAC Labor Cost)

  • Plan Multiplier Billing — (Total Fee Billing – Planned Consultant Total Billing – Planned Other Expense Total Billing – Planned Unit Total Billing) / Planned Labor Billing)

  • Target Multiplier Billing — This value displays at the plan level. A weighted average is calculated for subtotals and totals.

Target Multiplier Billing is weighted, based on the respective Plan Analysis Total Compensation Billing for the plan (Plan Analysis Compensation + Plan Analysis Consultant Fee + Plan Analysis Reimbursable Allowance Cost or Billing).


Planned Folder


The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, Labor, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

Some of these measures are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

  • Planned Total Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row of the Billing Summary grid. You must pair this measure with the Calendar dimension in the Transaction Dates dimension group to produce report data.

  • Total Planned Consultant Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Consultants column in the Planned row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • Total Planned Consultant Direct Billing — This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Planned Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Planned Consultant Reimbursable Billing — This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Planned Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Total Planned Labor Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Labor column in the Planned row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • Total Planned Other Expense Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Expenses column in the Planned row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • Total Planned Other Expense Direct Billing — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Planned Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Planned Other Expense Reimbursable Billing — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Planned Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Total Planned Unit Billing — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the Planned row of the Billing Summary grid.

  • Total Planned Unit Direct Billing — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Planned Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Planned Unit Reimbursable Billing — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Planned Bill column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.


Planned - EAC Folder


  • Total Planned - EAC Total Billing — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab in Project Planning ) minus (The amount in the Total Amts column in the EAC row of the Billing Summary grid on the Summary tab in Project Planning)

Plan Totals - Cost Group


  • Baseline

  • Baseline - EAC

  • Compensation - Plan Analysis

  • EAC

  • ETC

  • Multipliers

  • Planned

  • Planned - EAC

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Plan Totals - Cost measures on a report:

  • Plans

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates

Baseline Folder


The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, Labor, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

Some of these measures are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

  • Baseline Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row of the Cost Summary grid. You must pair each this measure with the Calendar dimension in the Transaction Dates dimension group to produce report data.

  • Total Baseline Consultant Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Consultants column in the Baseline row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • Total Baseline Consultant Direct Cost — This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Baseline Consultant Reimbursable Cost — This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Total Baseline Labor Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Labor column in the Baseline row of the Cost Summary grid. This is also on found on the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items.

  • Total Baseline Labor Hours — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Total Hrs column of the Baseline row in either the Cost Summary grid or the Billing Summary grid.

  • Total Baseline Other Expense Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Expenses column in the Baseline row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • Total Baseline Other Expense Direct Cost — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Baseline Other Expense Reimbursable Cost — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Total Baseline Unit Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the Baseline row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • Total Baseline Unit Direct Cost — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Baseline Unit Quantity — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Qty column for plan items that have an account type of Direct or Reimbursable.

  • Total Baseline Unit Reimbursable Cost — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Baseline Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

Baseline - EAC Folder


  • Total Baseline - EAC Total Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Baseline row in the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab in Project Planning) minus (The amount in the Total Amts column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab in Project Planning)

Compensation - Plan Analysis Folder


The measures in this folder are retrieved from the Analysis tab in Project Planning:

  • Plan Analysis Compensation Cost— This is from the Compensation field in the Plan Cost Analysis section of the Analysis tab.

  • Plan Analysis Consultant Fee Cost— This is from the Consultant Fee field in the Plan Cost Analysis section of the Analysis tab.

  • Plan Analysis Reimbursable Allowance Cost— This is from the Reimbursable Allowance field in the Plan Cost Analysis section of the Analysis tab.

  • Plan Analysis Total Compensation Cost— (Compensation + Consultant Fee + Reimb Allowance) from the Plan Cost Analysis section of the Analysis tab.

If you want to include compensation values from the Summary tab in Project Planning, use the measures in the Compensation - Plans measure group.

EAC Folder


  • EAC Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab in Project Planning. It is the amount in the Total Amts column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid.

ETC Folder


  • ETC Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab in Project Planning. It is the amount in the Total Amts column in the ETC row of the Cost Summary grid.

Multipliers Folder


  • Budget Multiplier Cost— (Total Compensation Fee Cost (static) / EAC Labor Cost)

  • EAC Multiplier Cost— (Total Fee Cost – EAC Consultant Total Cost – EAC Other Expense Total Cost – EAC Unit Total Cost) / EAC Labor Cost)

  • Plan Multiplier Cost— (Total Fee Cost – Planned Consultant Total Cost – Planned Other Expense Total Cost – Planned Unit Total Cost) / Planned Labor Cost)

  • Target Multiplier Cost— This value displays at the plan level. A weighted average is calculated for subtotals and totals.

Target Multiplier Cost is weighted, based on the respective Plan Analysis Total Compensation Cost for the plan (Plan Analysis Compensation + Plan Analysis Consultant Fee + Plan Analysis Reimbursable Allowance Cost or Billing).

Planned Folder


The following measures are from the Summary, Consultant, Expense, Labor, or Unit tabs in Project Planning.

Some of these measures are based on an account's account type (Direct or Reimbursable) that is entered on the General tab in Info Center > Accounts > Chart of Accounts.

  • Planned Total Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row of the Cost Summary grid. You must pair this measure with the Calendar dimension in the Transaction Dates dimension group to produce report data.

  • Total Planned Consultant Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Consultants column in the Planned row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • Total Planned Consultant Direct Cost — This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Planned Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Planned Consultant Reimbursable Cost — This is from the Consultant tab. It is the amount in the Planned Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Total Planned Labor Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Labor column in the Planned row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • Total Planned Labor Hours — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Total Hrs column of the Planned row in either the Cost Summary grid or the Billing Summary grid.

  • Total Planned Other Expense Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Expenses column in the Planned row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • Total Planned Other Expense Direct Cost — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Planned Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Planned Other Expense Reimbursable Cost — This is from the Expense tab. It is the amount in the Planned Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.

  • Total Planned Unit Cost — This is from the Summary tab. It is the amount in the Units column in the Planned row of the Cost Summary grid.

  • Total Planned Unit Direct Cost — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Planned Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Direct.

  • Total Planned Unit Quantity — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Planned Qty column for plan items that have an account type of either Direct or Reimbursable.

  • Total Planned Unit Reimbursable Cost — This is from the Unit tab. It is the amount in the Planned Cost column for plan items that have an account type of Reimbursable.


Planned - EAC Folder


  • Total Planned - EAC Total Cost — (The amount in the Total Amts column in the Planned row in the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab in Project Planning ) minus (The amount in the Total Amts column in the EAC row of the Cost Summary grid on the Summary tab in Project Planning)

Planned Billable Utilize Hours


Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Planned Billable Utilization Hours measure on a report:

  • Employees

  • Labor Categories

  • Labor Codes

  • Plans

  • Transaction Dates


  • Planned Billable Utilization Hours — This is the planned billable hours of only the plans that are included in utilization (the Include in Utilization and Project Reports check box is selected on the General tab in Planning Project Planning). This measure is used to calculate Standard Billed Planned Utilization (a measure that is in the Standard folder in the Time Analysis group).

Planned Utilize Hours


Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Planned Utilize Hours measure on a report:

  • Employees

  • Labor Categories

  • Labor Codes

  • Plans

  • Transaction Dates


  • Planned Utilization Hours — This is the planned hours of only the plans that are included in utilization (the Include in Utilization and Project Reports check box is selected on the General tab in Planning Project Planning). This measure is used to calculate Standard Planned Utilization (a measure that is in the Standard folder in the Time Analysis group).

Project Billing Client Measures Group


Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Use this measure with dimensions from the Project Billing Client folder in the Projects dimension group.


  • Project Billing Clients Count — This measure counts the number of billing clients associated with a project for the dimension that you use it with. For example, if you add this measure and the Project Billing Client Primary Country dimension from the Project Billing Client folder in the Projects dimension group to a report, the report displays the number of billing clients (client records) associated with projects, grouped by a billing client's country.

Project Budgeting Group


  • Phase (Work breakdown structure level 2)

  • Project (Work breakdown structure level 1)

  • Task (Work breakdown structure level 3)

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Project Budgeting measures on a report:

  • Accounts

  • Labor Codes

  • Projects

  • Vendors

Phase Folder

All of the following measures available through Analysis Cubes are on the Project Budget Worksheet form in Vision Accounting Budgeting Project Budgeting. Some of the fields display on the Project Budget Worksheet form only if you selected them to display in Configuration > Accounting > System Settings, on the Project Budgeting tab. See the Project Budget Worksheet help topics for more information. Totals for the Project Budgeting values also display on the Project Progress and Project Summary reports.


The following measures are at the Phase level (work breakdown structure level 2).

  • Phase Budget Expense Billing — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the expense charged to an account for a phase. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Expense Billing tab.

  • Phase Budget Expense Cost — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the expense charged to an account for a phase. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Expense Costs/Expense Burden tab.

  • Phase Budget Expense EAC Billing — Estimate at Completion. This is the estimate of the total billing amount that will have been incurred for a phase at the completion of the project, as reported for an account. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Billing tab.

  • Phase Budget Expense EAC Cost — Estimate at Completion. This is the estimate of the total cost amount that will have been incurred for a phase at the completion of the project, as reported for an account. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Costs/Expense Burden tab.

  • Phase Budget Expense ETC Billing — Estimate to Complete. This is the estimate of the total additional billing amount required to complete the work for an account for a phase. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Billing tab.

  • Phase Budget Expense ETC Cost — Estimate to Complete. This is the estimate of the total additional cost amount required to complete the work for an account for a phase. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Costs/Expense Burden tab.

  • Phase Budget Hours — This is the job-to-date budgeted number of hours for work to be performed under the labor code for a phase. This is entered in the shared Hours field in the grid on either the Labor Billing tab or the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Phase Budget Labor Billing — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the labor billing to be charged to a labor code for a phase. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Labor Billing tab.

  • Phase Budget Labor Cost — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the labor costs to be charged to a labor code for a phase. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Phase Budget Labor EAC Billing — Estimate at Completion. This is the total billing amount that will have been incurred for a phase at the completion of the project, as reported for a labor code. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Billing tab.

  • Phase Budget Labor EAC Cost — Estimate at Completion. This is the total cost amount that will have been incurred for a phase at the completion of the project, as reported for a labor code. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Phase Budget Labor EAC Hours — Estimate at Completion hours. This is the total number of hours that will have been worked for a phase at the completion of the project, as reported for a labor code. This is entered in the shared EAC Hrs field in the grid on either the Labor Billing tab or the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Phase Budget Labor ETC Billing — Estimate to Complete. This is the total additional billing amount required to complete the work for a labor code for a phase. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Billing tab.

  • Phase Budget Labor ETC Cost — Estimate to Complete. This is the total additional cost required to complete the work for a labor code for a phase. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Phase Budget Labor ETC Hours — Estimate to Complete hours. This is an amount that a manager can enter to indicate whether they are ahead or behind schedule. This is entered in the ETC Hrs field in the grid on either the Labor Billing tab or the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

Project Folder

All of the following measures available through Analysis Cubes are on the Project Budget Worksheet form in Accounting > Budgeting > Project Budgeting. Some of the fields display on the Project Budget Worksheet form only if you selected them to display in Configuration > Accounting > System Settings, on the Project Budgeting tab. See the Project Budget Worksheet help topics for more information. Totals for the Project Budgeting values also display on the Project Progress and Project Summary reports.


The following measures are at the project level (work breakdown structure level 1).

  • Project Budget Expense Billing — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the expense charged to an account for the project. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Expense Billing tab.

  • Project Budget Expense Cost — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the expense charged to an account for the project. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Expense Costs/Expense Burden tab.

  • Project Budget Expense EAC Billing — Estimate at Completion. This is the estimate of the total billing amount that will have been incurred at the completion of the project, as reported for an account. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Billing tab.

  • Project Budget Expense EAC Cost — Estimate at Completion. This is the estimate of the total cost amount that will have been incurred at the completion of the project, as reported for an account. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Costs/Expense Burden tab.

  • Project Budget Expense ETC Billing — Estimate to Complete. This is the estimate of the total additional billing amount required to complete the work for an account. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Billing tab.

  • Project Budget Expense ETC Cost — Estimate to Complete. This is the estimate of the total additional cost amount required to complete the work for an account. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Costs/Expense Burden tab.

  • Project Budget Hours — This is the job-to-date budgeted number of hours for work to be performed under the labor code for the project. This is entered in the shared Hours field in the grid on either the Labor Billing tab or the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Project Budget Labor Billing — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the labor billing to be charged to a labor code for the project. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Labor Billing tab.

  • Project Budget Labor Cost — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the labor costs to be charged to a labor code for the project. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Project Budget Labor EAC Billing — Estimate at Completion. This is the total billing amount that will have been incurred at the completion of the project, as reported for a labor code. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Billing tab.

  • Project Budget Labor EAC Cost — Estimate at Completion. This is the total cost amount that will have been incurred at the completion of the project, as reported for a labor code. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Project Budget Labor EAC Hours — Estimate at Completion hours. This is the total number of hours that will have been worked at the completion of the project, as reported for a labor code. This is entered in the shared EAC Hrs field in the grid on either the Labor Billing tab or the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Project Budget Labor ETC Billing — Estimate to Complete. This is the total additional billing amount required to complete the work for a labor code. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Billing tab.

  • Project Budget Labor ETC Cost — Estimate to Complete. This is the total additional cost required to complete the work for a labor code. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Project Budget Labor ETC Hours — Estimate to Complete hours. This is an amount that a manager can enter to indicate whether they are ahead or behind schedule. This is entered in the ETC Hrs field in the grid on either the Labor Billing tab or the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

Task Folder

All of the following measures available through Analysis Cubes are on the Project Budget Worksheet form in Accounting > Budgeting > Project Budgeting. Some of the fields display on the Project Budget Worksheet form only if you selected them to display in Configuration > Accounting > System Settings, on the Project Budgeting tab. See the Project Budget Worksheet help topics for more information. Totals for the Project Budgeting values also display on the Project Progress and Project Summary reports.


The following measures are at the Task level (work breakdown structure level 3).

  • Task Budget Expense Billing — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the expense charged to an account for a task. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Expense Billing tab.

  • Task Budget Expense Cost — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the expense charged to an account for a task. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Expense Costs/Expense Burden tab.

  • Task Budget Expense EAC Billing — Estimate at Completion. This is the estimate of the total billing amount that will have been incurred for a task at the completion of the project, as reported for an account. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Billing tab.

  • Task Budget Expense EAC Cost — Estimate at Completion. This is the estimate of the total cost amount that will have been incurred for a task at the completion of the project, as reported for an account. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Costs/Expense Burden tab.

  • Task Budget Expense ETC Billing — Estimate to Complete. This is the estimate of the total additional billing amount required to complete the work for an account for a task. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Billing tab.

  • Task Budget Expense ETC Cost — Estimate to Complete. This is the estimate of the total additional cost amount required to complete the work for an account for a task. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Expense Costs/Expense Burden tab.

  • Task Budget Hours — This is the job-to-date budgeted number of hours for work to be performed under the labor code for a task. This is entered in the shared Hours field in the grid on either the Labor Billing tab or the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Task Budget Labor Billing — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the labor billing to be charged to a labor code for a task. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Labor Billing tab.

  • Task Budget Labor Cost — This is the budgeted monetary amount for the labor costs to be charged to a labor code for a task. This is entered in the Amount field in the grid on the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Task Budget Labor EAC Billing — Estimate at Completion. This is the total billing amount that will have been incurred for a task at the completion of the project, as reported for a labor code. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Billing tab.

  • Task Budget Labor EAC Cost — Estimate at Completion. This is the total cost amount that will have been incurred for a task at the completion of the project, as reported for a labor code. This is entered in the EAC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Task Budget Labor EAC Hours — Estimate at Completion hours. This is the total number of hours that will have been worked for a task at the completion of the project, as reported for a labor code. This is entered in the shared EAC Hrs field in the grid on either the Labor Billing tab or the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Task Budget Labor ETC Billing — Estimate to Complete. This is the total additional billing amount required to complete the work for a labor code for a task. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Billing tab.

  • Task Budget Labor ETC Cost — Estimate to Complete. This is the total additional cost required to complete the work for a labor code for a task. This is entered in the ETC Amt field in the grid on the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

  • Task Budget Labor ETC Hours — Estimate to Complete hours. This is an amount that a manager can enter to indicate if they are ahead or behind schedule. This is entered in the ETC Hrs field in the grid on either the Labor Billing tab or the Labor Costs/Labor Burden tab.

Project Measures Group


  • Phase (work breakdown structure level 2)

  • Phase Percent Completes (work breakdown structure level 2)

  • Project (work breakdown structure level 1)

  • Project Percent Completes (work breakdown structure level 1)

  • Task (work breakdown structure level 3)

  • Task Percent Completes (work breakdown structure level 3)

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Use Project measures with dimensions from the Project dimension groups on a reports.

Phase Folder


  • Phase Count — Use this measure to count the number of records for phase dimensions (within the Project dimension group). For example, if you add this measure by itself to a report, it displays the total count of phases in the Project Info Center. If you then add the Phase Type dimension from the Phase subfolder in the Projects dimension group, the report displays the number of phases for each phase type.

Phase Percent Completes Folder


The values for the following measures are retrieved from the Expenses, Labor, and Overall fields in the Percents Complete section of the Budget & Revenue tab in the Project Info Center for the project's phases.

  • Phase Percent Complete - Expenses

  • Phase Percent Complete - Labor

  • Phase Percent Complete - Overall

Project Folder


  • Projects Count — Use this measure to count the number of records for Project dimensions. For example, if you add this measure by itself to a report, it displays the total count of projects in the Project Info Center. If you then add the Projects by Geography dimension from the Projects dimension group, the report displays the number of projects for each country.

Project Percent Completes Folder


The values for the following measures are retrieved from the Expenses, Labor, and Overall fields in the Percents Complete section of the Budget & Revenue tab in the Project Info Center. These same amounts also appear on the tabs in Project Budget Worksheet.

  • Project Percent Complete - Expenses

  • Project Percent Complete - Labor

  • Project Percent Complete - Overall

Task Folder


  • Task Count — Use this measure to count the number of records for task dimensions (within the Project dimension group). For example, if you add this measure by itself to a report, it displays the total count of tasks in the Project Info Center. If you then add the Task Type dimension from the Task subfolder in the Projects dimension group, the report displays the number of tasks for each task type.

Task Percent Completes Folder


The values for the following measures are retrieved from the Expenses, Labor, and Overall fields in the Percents Complete section of the Budget & Revenue tab in the Project Info Center for the project's tasks.

  • Task Percent Complete - Expenses

  • Task Percent Complete - Labor

  • Task Percent Complete - Overall

Project Primary Clients Measures Group


Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Use this measure with dimensions from the Project Primary Client folder in the Projects dimension group.


  • Project Primary Clients Count — This measure counts the number of primary clients associated with a project for the dimension that you use it with. For example, if you add this measure and the Project Primary Client Primary Country dimension from the Project Primary Client folder in the Projects dimension group to a report, the report displays the number of primary clients (client records) associated with projects, grouped by a primary client's country.

Promotional Spent - Billing

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Promotional Spent - Billing measure on a report:

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects


  • Promotional Spent At Billing — This is the Labor Total Cost + Expense Cost for projects with a charge type of Promotional. This is calculated using each employee's billing rates.

Promotional Spent - Cost

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Promotional Spent - Cost measures on a report:

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects


  • Promotional Spent At Cost — This is the Labor Total Cost + Expense Cost for projects with a charge type of Promotional. This is calculated using each employee's job cost rate.

Multicurrency Folder

This folder applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.


  • Promotional Spent At Cost in Billing Currency — This is the same as the Promotional Spent at Cost measure, but it is expressed in a project's billing currency. Billing currency is entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

  • Promotional Spent At Cost in Project Currency — This is the same as the Promotional Spent at Cost measure, but it is expressed in a project's project currency. Project currency is entered on the General tab in the Project Info Center.

Received Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Received measures on a report:

  • Accounts

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Opportunities

  • Plans

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates


  • Received — This is the amount of cash receipted (including taxes).

Multicurrency Folder

This folder applies if you use the Multicurrency feature.

This folder contains the same measures described above for the Received group, but these are calculated in a project's billing and project currency.


  • Received in Billing Currency — This is the amount of cash receipted (including taxes).

  • Received in Project Currency — This is the amount of cash receipted (including taxes).

Revenue - Opportunity Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Revenue - Opportunity group on a report:

  • Opportunities

  • Transaction Date


  • Opportunity Revenue — This is the estimated monetary amount of revenue that you expect to earn if the opportunity results in an awarded project. This amount is entered in the Revenue field on the General tab of the Opportunity Info Center.

  • Opportunity Weighted Revenue — This is the weighted monetary amount of revenue that is calculated as Revenue X Probability = Weighted Revenue. This is displayed in the Weighted Revenue field on the General tab of the Opportunity Info Center.

Revenue - Plan Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Revenue - Plan measures on a report:

  • Plans

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates


The following measures are from the Revenue Summary grid on the Summary tab in Project Planning. You can also find these amounts on the Project Planning Analysis report.

  • Plan Consultant Revenue — This is the amount in the Consultants column in the Planned row of the Revenue Summary grid.

  • Plan Expense Revenue — This is the amount in the Expenses column in the Planned row of the Revenue Summary grid.

  • Plan Labor Revenue — This is the amount in the Labor column in the Planned row of the Revenue Summary grid.

  • Plan Revenue — This is the amount in the Total column in the Planned row of the Revenue Summary grid.

  • Plan Unit Revenue — This is the amount in the Units column in the Planned row of the Revenue Summary grid.

Revenue - Project Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Revenue - Project measures on a report:

  • Accounts

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Opportunities

  • Plans

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates


Revenue Category 1 through Revenue Category 5

The Revenue Category 1 through Revenue Category 5 measures in this group are available when you use the revenue categories feature in Vision. Because you assign labels for revenue categories 1–5 on the Labels tab in Configuration > General > System Settings, the labels that you see in your software may be different from the default labels identified in this measures list.

How Vision calculates revenue

Revenue for a revenue category = Billed revenue for the revenue category + Unbilled revenue for the revenue category

Office Earnings Report

The amounts for the Revenue - Project group measures will match amounts on the Office Earnings report in Reporting > Project.

However, if you use the Multicompany feature and revenue categories, the following apply:

  • For the revenue categories and other revenue amounts to match between the Vision Office Earnings report and an Analysis Cubes report, invoice mapping accounts and uninvoiced revenue accounts configuration settings must be the same across all your companies.

    If these settings are not the same for all companies, total revenue will match between the Office Earnings report and Analysis Cubes report, but revenue category amounts and other revenue amounts may not match.

  • If the invoice mapping and uninvoiced revenue accounts are not the same for all companies, you can tie out revenue category amounts and other revenue amounts between the Office Earnings report and an Analysis Cubes report. To do this, run the Analysis Cubes report using the lowest work breakdown structure (WBS) level company. Then run the Office Earnings report within each company in Vision. For each report: On the Sorting/Grouping tab of Office Earnings Options dialog box, select the lowest WBS level in the Project Level column for the row with Company in the Sort/Group By column.

    Then you should be able to see the amount on the Office Earnings report that matches the amount on the Analysis Cubes report.


  • Revenue — If you use revenue categories, this is the grand total monetary amount of revenue for all revenue categories. If you do not use revenue categories, this is the monetary amount of revenue.

  • Revenue - Consultant <Revenue Category 2> — This is the monetary amount of revenue for revenue category 2. The default label for revenue category 2 is Consultant.

  • Revenue - Labor <Revenue Category 1> — This is the monetary amount of revenue for revenue category 1. The default label for revenue category 1 is Labor.

  • Revenue - Other Category — This is the monetary amount of revenue for revenue that is not mapped to a category.

  • Revenue - Reimb <Revenue Category 3> — This is the monetary amount of revenue for revenue category 3. The default label for revenue category 3 is Reimb.

  • Revenue - <Revenue Category 4> — This is the monetary amount of revenue for revenue category 4.

  • Revenue - <Revenue Category 5> — This is the monetary amount of revenue for revenue category 5.

  • Revenue 360 — This is the total revenue for the last 360 transaction days.

  • Revenue 90 — This is the total revenue for the last 90 transaction days.

Multicurrency Folder

This measures in this folder:

  • Apply if you use the Multicurrency feature.

  • Are available when you use the revenue categories feature in Vision. Because you assign labels for revenue categories 1–5 on the Labels tab in Vision Configuration > General > System Settings, the labels that you see in your software may be different from the default labels identified in this measures list.

  • Allow you to choose to report project amounts in the billing or project currency. A project's billing and project currencies are specified on the General tab of the Project Info Center.

  • You can also find these measures on the Office Earnings report in Reporting > Project.

On a custom Analysis Cubes report, the total amount for a multicurrency measure includes amounts with different currencies, which results in an incorrect amount. Whereas, on the Vision standard reports, total amounts for multicurrency measures display an "XXXXX.XX" total instead of a number that mixes the currencies together.


  • Revenue 360 in Project Currency — This is the total revenue for the last 360 transaction days in a project’s project currency.

  • Revenue 360 in Billing Currency — This is the total revenue for the last 360 transaction days in a project’s billing currency.

  • Revenue 90 in Project Currency — This is the total revenue for the last 90 transaction days in a project’s project currency.

  • Revenue 90 in Billing Currency — This is the total revenue for the last 90 transaction days in a project’s billing currency.

  • Revenue - Consultant <Revenue Category 2> in Billing Currency — This is the revenue amount for revenue category 2 calculated in the billing currency.

  • Revenue - Consultant <Revenue Category 2> in Project Currency — This is the revenue amount for revenue category 2 calculated in the project currency.

  • Revenue - Labor <Revenue Category 1> in Billing Currency — This is the revenue amount for revenue category 1 calculated in the billing currency.

  • Revenue - Labor <Revenue Category 1> in Project Currency — This is the revenue amount for revenue category 1 calculated in the project currency.

  • Revenue - Other Category in Billing Currency — This is the revenue amount calculated in the billing currency that is not mapped to a category.

  • Revenue - Other Category in Project Currency — This is the revenue amount calculated in the project currency that is not mapped to a category.

  • Revenue - Reimb <Revenue Category 3> in Billing Currency — This is the revenue amount for revenue category 3 calculated in the billing currency.

  • Revenue - Reimb <Revenue Category 3> in Project Currency — This is the revenue amount for revenue category 3 calculated in the project currency.

  • Revenue - <Revenue Category 4> in Billing Currency — This is the revenue amount for revenue category 4 calculated in the billing currency.

  • Revenue - <Revenue Category 4> in Project Currency — This is the revenue amount for revenue category 4 calculated in the project currency.

  • Revenue - <Revenue Category 5> in Billing Currency — This is the revenue amount for revenue category 5 calculated in the billing currency.

  • Revenue - <Revenue Category 5> in Project Currency — This is the revenue amount for revenue category 5 calculated in the project currency.

  • Revenue in Billing Currency — If you use revenue categories, this is the grand total monetary amount of revenue for all revenue categories in the billing currency. If you do not use revenue categories, this is the monetary amount of revenue in the billing currency.

  • Revenue in Project Currency — If you use revenue categories, this is the grand total monetary amount of revenue for all revenue categories in the project currency. If you do not use revenue categories, this is the monetary amount of revenue in the project currency.

Time Analysis Group



  • Available

  • Standard

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Time Analysis measures on a report:

  • Employees

  • Transaction Dates



The following measures are also found on the Time Analysis report.

  • Direct over Total Cost — (Direct Cost / (Direct + Indirect Cost))

  • Direct over Total Cost less Benefit — (Direct Cost / (Direct + Indirect Cost) – Benefit Cost)

  • Direct over Total Hours — (Direct Hours / (Direct + Indirect Hours))

  • Direct over Total Hours less Benefit — (Direct Hours / (Direct + Indirect Hours) – Benefit Hours)

Available Folder


  • Available Billable Goal — (Available Hours * Employee's Utilization Ratio)

  • Available Cost — (Available Hours * Employee's Job Cost Rate)

  • Available Full Time Equivalent — ((Employee's Hours Per Day / 8) * Available Number of Working Days)

  • Available Hours — (Employee's Hours Per Day * Available Number of Working Days in the month). This measure takes the holiday calendar into account. The holiday calendar is company-specific in Vision, so employees who belong to different companies can have different available hours.

  • Available Number of Working Days — Use this measure to build your own full-time equivalent (FTE) calculated measure instead of using the Available Full Time Equivalent measure that uses 8 hours as a divisor. This measure takes the holiday calendar into account.

  • Available Planned Billable Utilization — (Planned Billable Utilization Hours / Available Hours)

  • Available Planned Scheduled Ratio — (Planned Hours / Available Hours)

  • Available Planned Utilization — (Planned Hours for only the plans that are selected to be included in Utilization / Available Hours)

  • Direct over Available Cost — (Direct Hours / Available Hours)

  • Direct over Available Cost less Benefit — (Direct Hours / (Available Hours – Benefit Hours))

  • Direct over Available Hours — (Direct Hours / Available Hours)

  • Direct over Available Hours less Benefit — (Direct Hours / (Available Hours – Benefit Hours))

  • Labor Realization over Available Hours — (Labor Realization Hours / Available Hours)

Standard Folder


The following measures are also found on the Vision Time Analysis report.

  • Direct over Standard Cost — (Direct Cost / Standard Cost)

  • Direct over Standard Cost less Benefit — (Direct Cost / (Standard Cost – Benefit Cost))

  • Direct over Standard Hours — (Direct Hours / Standard Hours)

  • Direct over Standard Hours less Benefit — (Direct Hours / (Standard Hours – Benefit Hours))

  • Labor Realization over Standard Hours — (Labor Realization Hours / Standard Hours)

  • Standard Billable Goal — (Standard Hours * Employee Utilization Ratio)

  • Standard Cost — (Standard Hours * Employee Job Cost Rate)

  • Standard Full Time Equivalent — ((Employee Hours Per Day / 8) * Standard Number of Working Days). This calculation assumes that your full time employee works a standard 8 hours per days.

  • Standard Hours — (Employee Hours Per Day * Standard Number of Working Days in the month). This calculation does not take into account the holiday calendar.

  • Standard Number of Working Days — Use this measure to build your own full-time equivalent (FTE) calculated measure instead of using the Standard Full Time Equivalent measure that uses 8 hours as a divisor. This measure does not take into account the holiday calendar.

  • Standard Planned Billable Utilization — (Planned Billable Utilization Hours / Standard Hours)

  • Standard Planned Scheduled Ratio — (Planned Hours / Standard Hours)

  • Standard Planned Utilization — (Planned Hours for only the plans that are selected to be included in Utilization / Standard Hours)

Vendor Measures Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

Use dimensions from the Vendors dimension group in combination with the Vendor Measures group to produce valid report data.


  • Vendors Count — Use this measure to count the number of records for a Vendor dimension. For example, if you add this measure by itself to a report, it displays the total count of vendors in the Vendor Info Center. If you then add the Vendor 1099 Required dimension from the More fields folder of the Vendors dimension group, the report displays the number of vendors that require 1099 forms, the number that do not require them, and the grand total of vendors.

Vendor Paid Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

You must use the Vendor Enabled Company dimension in the More fields folder of the Vendor Paid dimension group with the Vendor Paid Last Year and Vendor Paid This Year measures to produce valid report data.


  • Vendor Paid Last Year — This is the amount paid to a vendor in the previous calendar year, as displayed in the Paid Last Year field on the Accounting tab of the Vendor Info Center.

  • Vendor Paid This Year — This is the amount paid to a vendor during the current calendar year, as displayed in the Paid This Year field on the Accounting tab of the Vendor Info Center.