Guidelines for Mapping Fields

Use the Mappings tab of the User-Defined Components form to map user-defined fields and grid information.

These mappings are used for actions such as Create a Project from an Opportunity or Create a Project from a Plan.

You can map:

For example, if you created a user-defined field called Billing Contact in the Project Info Center and in the Opportunity Info Center, you can map these two fields. Then every time you create a Project from an Opportunity, Vision automatically enters the information in the Opportunity Billing Contact field into the Project Billing Contact field.

This tab is only available for Projects, Opportunities and Project Planning. It is disabled for other standard Info Centers and user-defined Info Centers.


  • Mapping works in both directions. When you create a mapping entry from a project to a plan, you also create the mapping entry from a plan to an project.
  • For each line in the Mapping grid, you can map between two or three of the Info Center and Project Planning applications.
  • You can only map fields to fields and grids to grids. You cannot select a grid when you map to a field or vice versa.
  • Mapped fields and grids do not have to have the same label. The most common use of this feature is to ensure that values are carried over from one Info Center or application to another when you create a new opportunity, project, or project plan. Deltek recommends that you create user-defined fields with similar, if not identical, names wherever they are needed in the Opportunity Info Center, Project Info Center, and Project Planning.
  • After you map fields, you can change the labels of the fields or grids using the Screen Designer. The mappings remain associated with the original labels of the fields, but they display with the new label. However, if you change the label of the field or grid using the User-Defined Components application, Vision displays a message that asks if you want to change the original labels.
    • If you click Yes, Vision changes the underlying label and you will need to remap the field or grid.
    • If you click No, Vision does not change the underlying label and you do not have to remap the field or grid.
  • Do not map fields that do not have compatible data types. For example, do not map a field with a data type of date to a field with a data type of numeric.
  • You cannot map user-defined Info Centers.