Invoice Details Dialog Box

The Invoice Details dialog box displays data for individual invoices and credit memos.

If you display this dialog box from the Invoice Review form, it provides two levels of detail. When you click View Detail with a project selected, the grid in the Invoice Details dialog box contains one row of detail for each of the project's invoices and credit memos. You can then select one of those invoices or credit memos, and click View Detail to display detail in a second Invoice Details dialog box for each invoice section in that invoice or credit memo.

If you display this dialog box from the Project Review form, the Aged A/R grid lists the invoices and credit memos for the selected project. When you select one of those invoices or credit memos and click View Detail, Vision displays the invoice section detail for that invoice or credit memo.

If you use the Multicompany feature and intercompany invoices exist for the current client and are on file, you can preview and print those intercompany invoices or credit memos from the Invoice Details dialog box. If the projects that you use for intercompany invoices do not have clients, you must open the Invoice Details dialog box from the Project Review form, rather than the Invoice Review form, to preview and print those intercompany invoices or credit memos.


To display the dialog box, select one of the following actions:

  • Click Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Invoice Review and then click the View Detail grid option.
  • Click Accounting > Project Review, click the Accounts Receivable tab, and then click the View Detail grid option.


When Displayed from the Invoice Review Form


Field Description
View Detail Click this option to display a second Invoice Details dialog box for the selected invoice or credit memo. The dialog box lists invoice and credit memo amounts by invoice section and payments received. For the Invoice Section column, only the Billed rows will be populated to indicate which sections the billed amount was posted against.

When you view the detail for an invoice that has credit memos posted against it, the credit memo line items also display on the Invoice Details dialog box below the invoice detail line items. On the Invoice Details dialog box, you can also click Preview Invoice to preview or print the invoice or credit memo if the Invoice on File check box is selected for the invoice or credit memo in the grid.

Preview Invoice If Invoice on File is selected for the invoice or credit memo in the Aged Accounts Receivable grid, click this option to display the invoice in the Preview window. From this window, you can print the invoice or distribute it by email.

This option is not available if your firm does not use Vision Billing.

Last Receipt Click this option to display the date and amount of the most recent payment received for the selected invoice. This option is not enabled for credit memos.
Comments Click this option to display the A/R Comments dialog box where you can review and edit AR comments for the selected invoice or credit memo.

To enter comments, your Vision security role must have access to Accounts Receivable comments. This setting is on the Accounting tab in Security Role Configuration.

Invoice This field displays the invoice number.
Credit Memo This field displays a credit memo number if this row represents a credit memo that was created in Interactive Billing. Credit memos display below the invoice to which they apply.
Invoice Date This field displays the date that the invoice was entered in the Transaction Center or the invoice or credit memo date from Interactive Billing.
Due From If you use Multicompany and the invoice or credit memo is an intercompany invoice, this field displays the company to which the invoice or credit memo was issued. If the invoice or credit memo is not an intercompany invoice, this field is not visible.
Total Billed For invoices, this field displays the original invoice amount. For credit memos, this field displays the credit amount (negative).
Balance For invoices, this field displays an invoice's original amount less any payments, less any credit memos, and less any outstanding retainage amounts (because retainage is not considered due at this time). For credit memos, this field is blank.
Aging columns You specify these columns on the Aging Options dialog box. Each column displays the receivables that fall within that age range. For example, the amount in the 31-60 column is the total unpaid amounts for invoices between 31 and 60 days old. Credit memos are included in the unpaid amounts.
Total Tax This field displays the total tax amount that is outstanding for the invoice or entered for a credit memo. Please note that this column displays only outstanding amounts, and not all taxes billed.
Interest This field displays the amount of interest posted for past due invoice amounts.
Retainage This field displays the retainage amount of the invoice not currently due. This amount is affected by retainage amounts entered on credit memos.
Comments A check in this box indicates that comments exist for at least one outstanding invoice or credit memo for the project listed.
Inv on File A check in this box indicates that the invoice or credit memo is on file. You can preview invoices and credit memos on file, and, from the Preview window, you can print them or distribute them by email.
Edited A check in this box indicates that the invoice or credit memo has been edited manually.

When Displayed from the Project Review Form


Field Description
Date This field displays the date that the invoice was entered in the Transaction Center or the invoice or credit memo date from Interactive Billing.
Type This field displays Billed, Received, or Credit.
Invoice Section This field displays the name of an invoice section (Fees or Labor, for example) for which charges were billed on the invoice or credit memo.
Tax Code This field displays the tax code associated with the billed charges.
Amount This field displays the amount billed for the invoice section.
Tax Amount This field displays all tax amounts that are still outstanding. Note that this column displays only outstanding amounts and not all taxes billed.
Interest This field displays the amount of interest posted for past due invoice amounts.
Retainage This field displays the retainage amount of the invoice or credit memo not currently due.
Due From If you use Multicompany and the invoice or credit memo is an intercompany invoice, this field displays the company to which the invoice or credit memo was issued. If the invoice or credit memo is not an intercompany invoice, this field is not visible.
Comments A check in this box indicates that comments exist for the invoice or credit memo.
Preview Invoice If the selected invoice or credit memo has Invoice on File selected, this button displays the invoice or credit memo in the Preview window. From that window, you can print the invoice or credit memo or distribute it by email.
Comments Click this button to display the A/R Comments dialog box, on which you can review and edit comments for the selected invoice or credit memo.