Time Tab of Employee Info Center

Use the Time tab to enter and maintain administrative information related to Vision Time. You designate Timesheet Administrators in your company who can review, edit, and approve the submitted timesheets before they are posted to your Vision database.


Vision enables the fields on the Timesheet Groups grid when you select Group in the Level field. Use the Timesheet Groups grid to assign an employee to more than one group, with appropriate editing or approval privileges.

Field Description
Group Select a Timesheet group for the employee. You establish employee groups on the Employee Groups tab of Timesheet Configuration.

If you use the Multicompany feature, only groups for the active company display in the drop-down list in this field.

Administration Use the fields in this section to assign employee access rights to timesheets.
Level Select the administrative level for the employee to determine the employee's access to the Timesheet application.
  • Staff — Staff level gives the employee access to his or her timesheets only.
  • Group — Group level gives the employee access to timesheets for all employees within a particular group.
  • Company — Company level gives the employee access to timesheets for all groups and employees within a particular company. This option applies if your firm uses the Multicompany feature.
  • System — System level gives the employee access to timesheets for all groups and employees. You must designate at least one employee in your firm to have System level access.
Editing Vision enables this option when you select System in the Level field. Select this option to allow an employee with system-level access to edit all timesheets.
Approval Vision enables this option when you select System in the Level field. Select this option to allow an employee with system-level access to approve all timesheets.


Field Description
Insert Click this option to add an employee group to the Timesheet Groups grid.
Copy Click this option to copy employee group information from one row on the Timesheet Groups grid to a new row on the grid.
Delete Click this option to delete an employee group from the Timesheet Groups grid.
Company Multicompany. Use this drop-down list to select the company whose timesheets this employee can access.
Group Use the drop-down list to select the Timesheet groups whose timesheets this employee can access. If you use Vision Multicompany, the groups that display depend on the selected company.
Editing Select this option to allow the employee to open and edit timesheets for all employees in the specified group.
Approval Select this option to allow the employee to open and approve timesheets for all employees in the specified group.
Cost and Pay Rates Use these fields to select a cost rate method and table or a pay rate method and table for each employee.

To use these fields, you must first set up labor rate, category rate, or labor code tables using the forms in Accounting > Cost/Pay Rate Tables. You can associate tables with employees only if the employees only if the employee already exists on the table.

Cost Method This field displays if you use Vision Accounting and select the Enable cost rate tables option on the General tab of Accounting System Settings. Cost rate tables allow you to override the cost rate information entered on the Accounting tab of your Employee Info Center records.

Use this drop-down list to select the cost rate method you want to use for the employee. Options are:

  • None — This is the default value. If you select None, Vision uses the employee's cost rate as specified on the Accounting tab of Employee Info Center.
  • From Labor Rate Table — Select this option to specify a Labor Rate Table for the employee.
  • From Category Rate Table — Select this option to specify a Category Rate Table for the employee.
  • From Labor Code Table — Select this option to specify a Labor Code Table for the employee.

Cost Rate Method Hierarchy

You can also specify cost rate methods and tables on the Time and Expense tab of Project Info Center. When you post employee labor charges to a project, Vision looks first at the project record and then at the employee record (if necessary) to determine how to apply cost rates. Vision uses the first setting it finds, based on the following hierarchy:

  1. Project Info Center record WBS3 — Cost Rate Method field on the Time and Expense tab.
  2. Project Info Center record WBS2 — Cost Rate Method field on the Time and Expense tab.
  3. Project Info Center record WBS1 — Cost Rate Method field on the Time and Expense tab.
  4. Employee Info Center — Cost Rate Method field on the Time and Expense tab.
  5. Employee Info Center — Job Cost Rate field on the Accounting tab.
Cost Table This field displays if you use Vision Accounting and select the Enable cost rate tables option on the General tab of Accounting System Settings. Cost rate tables allow you to override the cost rate information entered on the Accounting tab of your Employee Info Center records.

The drop-down list in this field displays the names of the Labor Rate Tables, Category Rate Tables, or Labor Code Tables. The table that displays depends on the Cost Rate Method associated with the employee. Use the drop-down list to select the cost rate table you want to use for the employee.

This field is non-editable if you select None in the Cost Rate Method field.

The employee must be added to a table before you can select the table.

Pay Method This field displays if you use Vision Payroll and select the Enable pay rate tables option on the General tab of Accounting System Settings in Accounting Configuration. Pay rate tables allow you to override the pay rate information entered on the Payroll tab of your Employee Info Center records.

Use this drop-down list to select the pay rate method you want to use for a project, phase, or task. You can specify a different pay rate method at each level of the WBS.

The options are:

  • None — This is the default value. If you select None, Vision uses the employee's pay rate as specified on the Payroll tab of Employee Info Center.
  • From Labor Rate Table — Select this option to specify a Labor Rate Table for the employee.
  • From Category Rate Table — Select this option to specify a Category Rate Table for the employee.
  • From Labor Code Table — Select this option to specify a Labor Code Table for the employee.

Pay Rate Method Hierarchy

You can also specify pay rate methods and tables on the Time and Expense tab of the Project Info Center. When you post employee labor charges to a project, Vision looks first at the project record and then at the employee record to determine how to apply pay rates. Vision uses the first setting it finds, based on the following hierarchy:

  1. Project Info Center record WBS3 — Pay Rate Method field on the Time and Expense tab.
  2. Project Info Center record WBS2 — Pay Rate Method field on the Time and Expense tab.
  3. Project Info Center record WBS1 — Pay Rate Method field on the Time and Expense tab.
  4. Employee Info Center — Pay Rate Method field on the Time and Expense tab.
  5. Employee Info Center — Pay Rate field on the Payroll tab.
Pay Table This field displays if you use Vision Payroll and select the Enable pay rate tables option on the General tab of Accounting System Settings in Accounting Configuration. Pay rate tables allow you to override the pay rate information entered on the Payroll tab of your Employee Info Center records.

The drop-down list in this field displays the names of the Labor Rate Tables, Category Rate Tables, or Labor Code Tables. The rate table depends on the option you select in the Pay Rate Method field that is associated with the employee. Use the drop-down list to select the pay rate table you want to use for the employee.

This field is non-editable if you select None in the Pay Rate Method field.

Default Labor Code This section contains a field for each labor code level set up for your firm (up to five levels). Use the drop-down lists in these fields to enter default labor code information. If you enter a default labor code, this code displays on the employee's timesheet when they charge time to any project. You can set up a default for all labor code levels or only for specific levels.

However, if you set up a default for the first and last levels of your structure (for example, Levels 1 and 5), you must assign a default for all levels.

Allow Employee to change in Timesheet Select this option to allow the employee to override the default labor code settings and enter any labor code they want.
Allow Employee to Charge Units in Timesheet Vision enables this option when you select the Enable Unit Quantities Feature option on the Setup tab of the Company Timesheet Configuration form (in Time and Expense Configuration).

Select this option to allow the employee access to the Timesheet Hours and Unit Quantities tabs. Use these tabs to enter time transaction for units.

For example, if your firm uses a 3-Person Field Crew, you could set this up so that only the Crew Chief has access to this tab and time is only charged against the unit one time.

Check hours entered against expected This option allows you to require Vision to check the total hours entered on a user's timesheet against the total hours the user is expected to enter for a labor period. Vision checks the total hours each time a user submits a timesheet.

The selection you make in this field overrides the Check hours entered against expected option on the Setup tab of the Company Timesheet Configuration form (in Time and Expense Configuration).

Select one of the following Check Hours processing options from the drop-down list in this field.

  • Global (- G) — Select this option for Vision to use the Check Hours processing option on the Setup tab of the Company Timesheet Configuration form.
  • None (-N) — Vision does not check hours.
  • Error if Over (-1) — Select this option for Vision to check hours when users submit their timesheets. Vision displays an error message if a user tries to submit a timesheet that has more than the expected number of regular hours. Vision will not allow a user to submit a timesheet that has more than the expected number of regular hours.
  • Error if Under (-2) — Select this option for Vision to check hours when users submit their timesheets. Vision displays an error message if a user tries to submit a timesheet that has less than the expected number of regular hours. Vision will allow a user to submit a timesheet that has less than the expected number of regular hours.
  • Error if Either Over or Under (-E) — Select this option for Vision to check hours when users submit their timesheets. Vision displays an error message if a user tries to submit a timesheet that has either more than or less than the expected number of regular hours. Vision will not allow a user to submit a timesheet that has more than the expected number of regular hours. However, Vision will allow a user to submit a timesheet that has less than the expected number of regular hours.
  • Warning if Over (-O) — Select this option for Vision to check hours when users submit their timesheets. Vision will display a warning message if a user tries to submit a timesheet that has more than the expected number of regular hours. Vision will allow the user to submit the timesheet.
  • Warning if Under (-U) — Select this option for Vision to check hours when users submit their timesheets. Vision will display a warning message if a user tries to submit a timesheet that has less than the expected number of regular hours. Vision will allow the user to submit the timesheet.
  • Warning if Either Over or Under (- W) — Select this option for Vision to check hours when users submit their timesheets. Vision will display a warning message if a user tries to submit a timesheet that has either more than or less than the expected number of regular hours. In either case, Vision will allow the user to submit the timesheet.
Disable Timesheet Revision Auditing This option displays when the Enable timesheet revision auditing option is selected in Timesheet Audit tab of Company Timesheet Configuration. Select the Disable Timesheet Revision Auditing option to disable timesheet revision auditing for the current employee.

Typically, timesheet and billing transfer auditing are enabled for all employees within a company; selecting the Disable Timesheet Revision Auditing option is useful for overriding the company setting when there is an employee who is an exception and does not require revision auditing.

Require Employee to enter Start and End Times Select this option to require the employee to enter a start time and end time, which is useful for tracking mandatory meal and rest breaks.

Vision enables this option when you select the Enable Start/End Time feature option on the Setup tab of the Company Timesheet Configuration form.

Allow Employee to enter Meals and Breaks Select this option to allow an employee to enter meals and breaks.

Vision enables this option when you select the Require Employee to Enter Start and End Times option and the Enable Start/End Time Feature option on the Setup tab of the Company Timesheet Configuration form.

Default Meal Start/End Time Use this option to select a default start and end time for the employee's meals and breaks.

Vision enables this option when you select the Allow Employee to Enter Meals and Breaks option and the Enable Start/End Time Feature option on the Setup tab of the Company Timesheet Configuration form.