Consultant Accruals Form

Use the Consultant Accruals form to update percent completes, produce Accrual Journal entries, schedule reports, and specify the projects and accounts included in the accruals processing.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Consultant Accruals.



Field Description
Update % Click this button to display the Update Percent Completes dialog box, on which you review budget versus spent amounts, and then update the overall percentage completes and/or compensation/fee amounts.
Run Click this button to produce accrual journal entries.
Schedule Click this button to send your selected reports to the process server to be printed. When a job is submitted, Vision places it in the selected process queue in the order that it was received. The process is then run based on the options specified on the Schedule dialog box.


Field Description
Saved Options As with other Vision reports, you can load previously saved reporting selections in the Saved Options field.
Organize button Click this button to display the Organize Options dialog box, on which you can save options and specify access by security role.
Default button Click this button to restore default settings.
Select Specific Projects Enter a project number in this field to choose a specific project for which to accrue expenses or click and use the Project Lookup to select a project. If you do not choose a specific project, then the All Projects default is implemented.

If you use the Multicompany feature, the list of available projects is limited to those belonging to the active company.

All Accounts Select this option to include all the accounts from your Chart of Accounts list. After you select this option, you can use Account Range fields to specify a filter.
Account Selection Select this option to choose a specific account. After you click this option, enter the account number in the corresponding field.
Account Wildcards Use this option if you want to enter wildcard characters and then enter the characters in the corresponding unlabeled field. Accounts included in the process will match your wildcard pattern.
Account Range Section Use the check boxes in this section to select the accounts that you want processed. The accounts are Direct Consultants, Reimbursable Consultants, Direct Expenses, Reimbursable Expenses, and Indirect Expenses.
Suppress Billing Select this check box to suppress the billing for each transaction.
Replace existing unposted consultant accrual journal entry of same file name Select this check box to replace unposted files prior to running Consultant Accruals. The process cannot run if there is an existing unposted journal entry file with the same file name and this option has not been selected.
Post consultant accruals as they are generated Select this check box if you want your accruals posted as they are generated.
Transaction Date Enter or select the transaction date for the accrual journal entries.
This field is only available if both of the following are true:
  • Vision is configured to require that transaction dates fall within the current fiscal year or current fiscal period. The date you enter must meet that requirement.
  • Vision is not configured to support multiple currencies.
Journal Entry File Name You can modify the default name of a journal entry file in this field if Post consultant accruals as they are generated is not selected. The default file name is ConAcc, followed by the current date. The file must always begin with ConAcc as the first six characters.

If you use the Multicompany feature, the active company is included in the Journal entry file name. The journal entry should belong to the active company.

Calculation based on From the drop-down list, select one of the predefined options to specify how your project accounts are going to be accrued. This is the basis for your calculations.

Options are:

  • Budget — (Percent Complete * Budget) – Job-to-Date Spent
  • ETC (Estimate-to-Complete) — (Percent Complete * Estimate-to-Complete) – Job-to-Date Spent
  • EAC (Estimate-at-Completion) — (Percent Complete * Estimate-at-Completion) – Job-to-Date Spent
Budget Source If you use Planning, you can select Budget Worksheet or Project Planning as the budget source. If you select Project Planning, select an option from the Basis for Planning Calculations field.
Basis for Planning Calculations Section If you select Project Planning in the Budget Source field, select a date in this section.
Options are:
  • Today's Date
  • Period End Date
  • Specific Date
Currency Exchange Date Section Select the date to use for currency exchanges.
Options are:
  • Today's Date
  • Period End Date
  • Specific Date

These options display on the Consultant Accruals form only if you use the Multicurrency feature.

If Vision is configured to require that transaction dates fall within the current fiscal year or current fiscal period, you can only select Today's Date if the current date meets that requirement. Similarly, if you select Specific Date, the date you enter must meet that requirement.

Diary This field displays only if you have set up a diary in Accounting System Settings Configuration for the fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions. Use this field to select a diary code for the current transaction or the group of transactions if you are processing a group of transactions, such as an accounts payable payment processing run. The diaries are used to generate diary reports that contain a set of sequentially numbered transactions that have been posted to the general ledger during the fiscal year or to specific fiscal periods. You can assign different diaries (that have different diary types) to different types of transactions.

The Diary drop-down list contains three columns. The first column displays the diary code. The second and third columns display the diary type for the diary code and the description of the diary type.

The drop-down list contains all the diaries that you set up on the Transaction Auto Numbering tab in Accounting System Settings that have the same fiscal period or fiscal year in which you are entering transactions, or no fiscal period or year entered for them.

If you have multiple companies, the Diary drop-down list includes only the diary codes that are set up for the current company. The list also includes IC - Intercompany Diary to capture intercompany transactions.

You cannot delete a transaction after it has been saved with a diary number. If a transaction is incorrect, you can enter zero amounts for the transaction, or enter a reversing transaction.