Voucher Details Dialog Box

Use the Voucher Details dialog box to review or modify voucher data on the Vendor Review form.

To have approval to modify data on this dialog box, you or your system administrator must select the Allow Modifications in Vendor Review check box for your role on the Accounting tab of Role Security.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Accounts Payable > Vendor Review.
  2. Select settings on the Vendor Options dialog box.
  3. On the Vendor Review form, select one or more vendors.
  4. Select a voucher line and click View Detail.


Field Description
Vendor These two fields display data from the Number and Name fields on the vendor's Info Center record.
Invoice The first field displays the date on which the invoice was created. The second field displays the invoice number or description.
Voucher This field displays the number that was assigned to the voucher during posting.
Address This field displays the vendor's usual address.
Address Code If a voucher is paid, this field displays the address code that was used when the voucher was paid. If this voucher has not been paid yet, you can select a different address code to use for the vendor when you pay the voucher line.
Payment Date If a voucher is paid, this field displays the payment date of the voucher.
If the voucher is not yet paid, you can select one of the following:
  • Date — Select this option to specify a date for payment. In the adjacent field, enter the date or click and select the date.
  • Hold — Vision "holds" the voucher from payment. After you know the date on which you want to process a held voucher, you must change the payment terms.
  • Next — Vision includes the transaction in the payment run that occurs immediately after the posting of the voucher.
  • PWP (Pay When Paid) — Vision schedules the voucher for payment in the next normal payment run after the client has paid the invoice that includes the voucher expense.

    To determine whether an invoice is fully paid, Vision recognizes payments that are entered as a receipt at the WBS level specified in Project level to check when determining the paid status of invoices on the Accounts Payable tab in Configuration > Accounting > System AP.

    If you use Vision Billing, this procedure is monitored. When you receive payment in full for the invoice, Vision modifies the status of the PWP voucher to Paid and processes a payment for the voucher in the next payment run.

    If you do not use Vision Billing, you must enter the invoice number.

Bank Code If the voucher is paid, this field displays the bank code that was used for the payment. If the voucher is not yet paid, you can select a different bank code to use when you pay this line item in the voucher. Bank codes control the general ledger account to which a cash transaction is implicitly posted. It is possible to have more than one cash-related account in the General Ledger. You must set up a bank code for each account.

If a voucher was paid by credit card in A/P Disbursement Transaction Entry, the Credit Card field displays instead of the Bank Code field.

Credit Card This field displays instead of the Bank Code field if the voucher was paid by credit card in A/P Disbursement Transaction Entry. This field displays the code of the secondary credit card that was entered to pay the A/P disbursement.
Bank Currency This field displays the currency code of the bank account for the A/P voucher. This field is blank if the voucher was paid with a credit card in A/P Disbursement Transaction Entry instead of a bank payment.
Payment Currency If the voucher is paid, this field displays the payment currency used for the payment. If the voucher is not yet paid, you can change the payment currency in this field.

If a voucher was paid by credit card in A/P Disbursement Transaction Entry, this field displays the currency of the credit card.

A/P Code A/P liability codes control the general ledger account and, if applicable, the organization to which a voucher transaction is implicitly posted.
Discount Pct This field displays data from the Discount Pct field in the vendor's Info Center record.
Phone This field displays data from the Phone field for your contact at the vendor firm. Click to display the Phone Format dialog box, and enter a different format for phone numbers. You can change the phone format any time for any phone number field in Vision.
Fax This is the fax number for your contact at the vendor firm. Click to display the Phone Format dialog box, and enter a different format for phone numbers. You can change the phone format any time, for any phone number field in Vision.
Contact The name of your contact at the vendor firm.

Voucher Line Items Grid

Field Description
Line This field displays the item's line number on the voucher.
Project This field displays the project that was associated with the voucher when the voucher transaction was made.
Phase This field displays the project's phase that was associated with the voucher when the voucher transaction was made.
Task This field displays the project's task that associated with the voucher when the voucher transaction was made.
Account This field displays the account number that was associated with this voucher when the voucher transaction was made.

If the voucher's Project is a regular project, this account is either a reimbursable or direct account.

If the voucher's Project is an overhead project, this is an indirect account.

Description This field displays the contents of the Description field for the line item.
Amount This field displays the amount charged to the project, task, and account mix for this line item. The amount displays in the voucher’s payment currency.
Balance This field displays the amount that remains due to the vendor for the line item. The amount displays in the voucher’s payment currency.
Payment If the voucher is paid either fully or in part, this field displays the amount of payments that were made.
Billed Invoice If you bill the expense to a client, this column displays the number of the invoice that has the expense.

This field displays the invoice number's leading zeros, if the Display invoice leading zeros check box is selected on the General tab in Configuration > Accounting > System Settings.

Status This field displays the voucher's paid status.
Billed Project If the expense is billable to a client, this column displays the project number that is charged. Usually this is the project whose data displays in the Project column.
Billed Phase If the expense is billable to a client, this column displays the phase number that is charged. Usually this is the project whose data displays in the Phase column.
Billed Task If you bill the expense to a client, this column displays the number of the task that is charged. Usually this is the task that is shown in the Task column.
Document If displays in this field for a voucher line item, click that icon to display a list of supporting documents associated with that item on the Supporting Document dialog box. From that dialog box, you can then display any of the documents. (If you position the mouse pointer over , the file names of the associated supporting documents display in a tooltip.)

If displays in this field, no supporting documents are associated with the line item.

You can only view supporting documents from the Vendor Review form. You cannot upload them and associate them with a voucher line item, and you cannot delete them.

For transfers, any supporting documents associated with line items prior to the transfer remain linked to the positive entries after the transfer. The negative entries for the transfer have no associated supporting documents.

Payments Click this button to display the Payments dialog box.
Payment Summary Click this button to display the Payment Summary dialog box.