Payments Dialog Box

Use the Payments dialog box of Vendor Review to review voucher payment history.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Accounts Payable > Vendor Review.
  2. Select settings on the Vendor Options dialog box.
  3. On the Vendor Review form, select one or more vendors.
  4. Select a voucher line and click View Detail.
  5. On the Voucher Details dialog box, click Payments.


Field Description
Payment This field displays the number of the payment, such as a check number, that was issued to pay the voucher line. Click the blue, underlined payment number in this field to see more information about the payment on the Payment Detail dialog box.
Transaction ID This field displays instead of the Payment field if a payment was made by credit card in A/P Disbursement Transaction Entry. This field displays the credit card transaction ID that was entered for the A/P disbursement. Click the blue, underlined transaction ID in this field to see more information about the payment on the Payment Detail dialog box.
Date This field displays the date when payment was made.
Type This field displays the type of payment that was used to pay the voucher line.

The options are:

  • Auto — The payment was made in Accounting > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing, through either an automatic or a manual run.
  • A/P Disb. — The payment was made in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > A/P Disbursements.
  • Void — The payment was voided.
Bank This field displays the bank code for the bank from which the payment was issued.
Amount This field displays the amount of the payment. The amount may be a sum of amounts for more than one voucher line.
Discount This field displays the amount of any discount that is applicable to the voucher line.