Payment Review Form

The Payment Review form displays basic payment information such as the payment type, currency, amount, date, and payee. You can also display more detail for individual payments.


To display the Payment Review form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Payment Review.


Toolbar Options

Field Description
Help Click this button to display the Vision online help.
Hide Panel/Show Panel To provide more room for displaying data, click Hide Panel to hide the panel that contains the Search Criteria tab and Currency tab. If the panel is hidden and you want to do a new search or change currency options, click Show Panel.

Search Criteria Options

If the Search Criteria tab is not displayed in a panel on the left side of the form, click Show Panel on the toolbar.

Field Description
Time Frame Select this option to include the payment date or posting period as part of your search criteria.
Payment Date Select this option to display payments based on a range of payment dates. Enter a start date and end date for the range of payments that you want to display or click and select the dates.
Posting Period Select this option to display payments based on a range of posting periods, then select a starting period and an ending period for the range.
Bank Code To display payments for a specific bank, use the drop-down list to select the bank code.
Vendor To display payments based on the vendors who were payees, click to open the Vendor lookup and select one or more vendors.
Employee To display payments based on the employees who were payees, click to open the Employee lookup and select one or more employees.
Projects To display payments based on the associated projects, click to open the Project lookup and select one or more projects.
Invoice To display payments based on the invoices paid, click to open the Invoice lookup and select one or more vendor invoices.
Bank Amount, Payment Amount To display payments based on a range of payment amounts, enter the starting amount and ending amount of the range.

If you use Multicurrency and Payment Currency is selected on the Currency tab, enter the amounts in the payment currency. If Bank Currency is selected on the Currency tab, enter the amounts in the bank's currency. If Both Currencies is selected on the Currencies tab, select either Bank Amount or Payment Amount on this tab and enter the range in the appropriate currency amounts.

Payment Number To display payments based on a range of payment numbers, enter the starting and ending payment numbers.
Transaction Type To display payments based on transaction type, such as AP Payment/EFT or Direct Debit, use the drop-down list to select the transaction type.
Advanced Search To search for and select payments, click to display the Payment lookup. On this lookup you can search for payments that contain alpha characters (you cannot use the regular payment number fields to search for alpha characters).

Use the Advanced Search field if you need to search in additional ways. For example, if you cannot remember the exact name on the payment but you know it had to do with “Express," you can use this field to perform an Advanced Search on any payee that contains “Express." All payments with the word "Express" in the payee name, which also meet the other criteria that you specify, display when you click Search.

Saved Searches Click the Folder icon to select a search that has been configured and saved for reuse.
Show Final Totals Select this option if you want the final totals to display on the Payment Review grid.

If you use Multicurrency, final totals display only if the payments are all in the same currency. Otherwise, the total is blank.

Search Click this option to display information based on the criteria that you entered.


This tab is only available if your firm uses the Multicurrency feature. If you use Multicurrency and the Currency tab is not displayed in a panel on the left side of the form, click Show Panel on the toolbar.

Field Description
Both Currencies Select this option to view the Bank Currency, Bank Amount, Payment Currency, and Payment Amount columns on the Payment Review grid.
Bank Currency Select this option to view the Bank Currency and Bank Amount columns on the Payment Review grid.
Payment Currency Select this option to view the Payment Currency and Payment Amount columns on the Payment Review grid.

Grid Toolbar Options and Columns

Field Description
Checks Drop-down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Payment Review To review detailed information about a payment, select the payment in the grid and click this grid toolbar option to display the Payment Detail dialog box.

If more than one payment is selected in the grid, Vision only displays payment detail for the row with the selector (the triangle focus indicator) to the left of it.

Vendor Review To review the vouchers associated with a payment to a vendor, select the payment in the grid and click this grid toolbar option to display the Vendor Review form. This option is only available when the payee for the selected payment is a vendor.

If more than one payment is selected in the grid, Vision only displays voucher information for the payment row with the selector (the triangle focus indicator) to the left of it.

Email To send or resend electronic payment remittances by email for EFT payments—for AP vouchers made in A/P Payment Processing or for employee expense payments made in Employee Payment Processing—select the payments in the grid and click this grid toolbar option. On the menu, do one of the following:
  • Click Recipients to send the email messages and the attached remittances to the recipients specified in the Vendor Info Center or Employee Info Center.
  • Click Specific Address to send the email messages and remittances to email addresses that you specify.

Both options display the Remittance Email dialog box so that you can compose the email message or select a saved email message.

If you select more than one EFT payment at a time, they must all have the same bank, posting period, and posting sequence. If you select a mix of EFT payments and non-electronic payments, remittance emails are only sent for the EFT payments. If you select an EFT payment that was posted using a version of Vision earlier than Vision 7.0, the payment detail required to send the remittances is not available. In that case, Vision displays a message to inform you that you cannot send an email for that payment.

Bank Name This field displays the bank's name.
EFT This check box is selected if the payment was an EFT.
Payment Number This field displays the payment number. To display posting log information for the payment, click the payment number.
Type This field displays the payment type, such as A/P Disbursements or AP Payment/EFT.
Bank Currency This field displays the currency code for the bank.

This field only displays if you use the Multicurrency feature and you select either Bank Currency or Both Currencies on the Currency tab.

Bank Amount This field displays the amount of the payment in the bank's currency.

If you use the Multicurrency feature and you select Payment Currency on the Currency tab, this field does not display.

Payment Currency This field displays the currency code for the payment currency.

This field only displays if you use the Multicurrency feature and you select either Payment Currency or Both Currencies on the Currency tab.

Payment Amount This field displays the amount of the payment in the payment currency.

If you use the Multicurrency feature and you select Bank Currency on the Currency tab, this field does not display.

Payment Date This field displays the payment date.

This field displays the name of the payee. To display the electronic payment remittance or employee expense check, click the payee's name.


If the payment has been voided, this field displays the date that the void occurred. To display posting log information for the void, click the void date.

Reconciled If the payment has been reconciled, this check box is selected.
Reference This field displays the reference number assigned during AP payment processing for the voucher payment.
Statement Date If the payment has been reconciled, this field displays the date of the bank statement.
Remittance Sent Date If the payment is an EFT payment made through A/P Payment Processing or Employee Payment Processing, and the electronic payment remittance was sent by email to the recipient designated for the vendor or employee, this field displays the date that email was sent.

This field is also updated if you send or resend the remittance to the recipient from the Payment Review form. It is not updated, however, if you use the Specific Address option on the Email menu to send the email.