Field | Description |
Report Name
You can change the default report name.
Project Base Rollup
Project Base Rollup to summarize the report information for projects that use some common numbering scheme. For example, if the first five characters of your project number represent a master contract, you can consolidate, or roll up, information for all projects that have a common master contract number.
Project Base Rollup slider box displays the number of characters in your project numbers. For example, if your firm uses a 10-digit project number, the slider box displays
1234567890. A project number can also include up to two delimiters (for example, 12-345.67890).
You can roll up the base project and still display information by phase or task. If you do, note the following:
To roll up project numbers, drag a slider to cover the characters that you want rolled up. You can drag a slider from the left side of the slider box, the right side, or both sides.
Subtotal or Summarize on Base Number
If you set a project base rollup, use the field immediately below
Project Base Rollup to select how you want Vision to display the project data:
Subtotal on Base Number
Summarize on Base Number
Phase Base Rollup
Phase Base Rollup to summarize the report information for phases that use some common numbering scheme. The
Phase Base Rollup slider box displays the number of characters in your phase numbers. For example, if your firm uses a 7-digit phase number, the slider box displays
1234567. A phase number can also include one delimiter (for example, 12345.12).
You can roll up the base phase and still display information by task. If you do, note that a task total is the total of all occurrences of that task across the base project. For example, the total for Task 00001 is the total of all Task 00001s in the base project.
To show only phases and tasks, use the
Project Base Rollup option slider to cover the project number completely.
To roll up phase numbers, drag a slider to cover the characters that you want rolled up. You can drag a slider from the left side of the slider box, the right side, or both sides.
Task Base Rollup
Task Base Rollup to summarize information for tasks that use some common numbering scheme. For example, if the first two characters of your task number represent a department, you can consolidate, or roll up, information for all tasks that have a common department number. The
Task Base Rollup slider box displays the number of characters in your task numbers. For example, if your firm uses a 3-digit task number, the slider box displays
This task base rollup is available only if you use tasks.
To show only tasks on the current report, use the
Project Base Rollup slider and
Phase Base Rollup slider to cover the project number and phase number completely.
To roll up task numbers, drag a slider to cover the characters that you want rolled up. You can drag a slider from the left side of the slider box, the right side, or both sides.
Billing Group
Billing groups are used to combine projects together for the purpose of billing a client.
Enter the name of a main project for a billing group, or click
and select one or more main projects in the Project Lookup dialog box.
If you use Multicompany and you bill a client for a set of projects worked on by multiple companies within your enterprise, the company that owns the main project in the billing group is the company that generates the invoice for the entire billing group. Use the Billing Group List to review a billing group's settings, its main project, and a list of its sub-projects.
Billing Client
Enter a client name, or click
and select one or more clients in the Client Lookup dialog box.
Client info to display
If you select
None, no additional client information is added to the report.
If you select an option other than
None, the effect of that option depends on your selections on the Sorting/Grouping tab.
Billing Client Number or Billing Client Name
If you sort and group by
Billing Client Number or
Billing Client Name, the options have the following results:
Number and Name — The report displays no additional client information.
Contact and Telephone — The report displays all contacts associated with each billing client.
Full Address — The report displays each billing client's billing address and all of the client's contacts.
Client Number or Client Name
If you sort and group by
Client Number or
Client Name, the options have the following results:
Number and Name — The report displays no additional client information.
Contact and Telephone — The report displays all contacts associated with each primary client.
Full Address — The report displays each primary client's billing address and all of the client's contacts.
Project Number or Project Name
If you sort and group by
Project Number or
Project Name, the options have the following results:
Number and Name — The report displays the each project's billing client number and name.
Contact and Telephone — The report displays each project's billing contact.
Full Address — The report displays the billing address for each project's billing client and the project's billing contact.
Print Client Notes
Select this check box to include the text entered in the
Notes field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. Vision displays the notes as the last line of the client information section. (This option is not available if you select
None in
Client info to display.)
Vision displays the complete text of the notes on the report. If you commonly want to include notes on this report, we recommend that you try to limit the length of the notes you enter for clients. Otherwise, they can increase the size of the report significantly.
The notes in the report retain any text formatting that was applied when they were entered in the Client Info Center.
Interest Column
Select the user-defined column in which to include interest amounts. Interest amounts are added to any other invoice amounts included in the column you select.
If you select
No Interest, Vision displays interest amounts in the
Other column.
The headings for the user-defined columns are specified on the Ledger Headings tab of the Accounts Receivable Configuration form. The columns are mapped to invoice accounts and accounts receivable accounts on the Invoice Mapping Accounts tab and the A/R Mapping Accounts tab.
Only Include Credit Memo Details
Select this check box if you want to exclude invoices from the Invoice Register report; only credit memos display on the report.
Report at
If you use the Multicurrency feature, select the type of currency in which you want Vision to display monetary amounts.
Time Frame
Specify the period for the report. The report includes transactions dated within that period.
Select a setting from the drop-down list:
Current — The report displays data for the accounting period that is currently open.
Year-to-date — The report displays data for the current fiscal year through the current accounting period.
Job-to-date — The report displays data from the beginning of the project through the current accounting period.
Period Range
Specify a range of accounting periods. You can select accounting periods from the drop-down lists, or you can enter them in mm/yyyy format.
Date Range
Enter the start and end dates of the range, or click
in each field and select the dates.
Exclude/Include intercompany subledger transactions
If your firm uses Intercompany Billing with detailed subledgers enabled, use this option to specify whether or not intercompany transactions created by Intercompany Billing are included on the report.
From the drop-down list, select one of the following:
Exclude —Exclude all intercompany billing transactions
Include — Include all intercompany billing transactions
Include Only — Include selected intercompany billing transactions
If you select
Include Only, select the projects in
Due From Project.
Due from Project
If you select
Include Only in
Exclude/Include intercompany subledger transactions, click
in this field to select the projects for which you want to include intercompany invoices.