Labor Plan EVT Charts Date Basis Tab

Use ETC/JTD Date Basis on the Date Basis tab to specify the date Vision uses to calculate estimate-to-completion (ETC) and job-to-date (JTD) amounts.

ETC and JTD Amounts

Job-to-date amounts are the actual costs or hours incurred on or before the date you specify in ETC/JTD Date Basis. For example, if you select Today's Date, the job-to-date cost amount is the sum of all actual cost amounts dated today or earlier.

Estimate-to-completion amounts are estimates of the total additional cost or hours, beyond the actual cost and hours charged to date, that are required to complete the work. An estimate-to-completion amount is the sum of all planned amounts dated after the date you specify in ETC/JTD Date Basis. For example, if you select Today's Date, the estimate to completion amount is the sum of all planned amounts dated tomorrow or later.

If you select EV% * EAC in Earned Value Formula on the General tab of the Options dialog box, Vision calculates the job-to-date amounts and estimate-to-completion amounts based on this date to determine the budgeted cost of work performed.

Vision also calculates these amounts when it calculates actual cost of work performed (ACWP). For reporting periods prior to the date, Vision uses job-to-date amounts, and for periods after the date, it uses estimate-to-completion amounts. Vision displays a vertical line on the graph to represent the date you specify.

The ETC/JTD Date and the Period Start and End Dates

In the reporting period that includes the date in ETC/JTD Date Basis, Vision uses cumulative job-to-date amounts through that date and then adds the balance of the reporting period’s planned amount to the accumulated job-to-date amount. For each reporting period that falls after the date in ETC/JTD Date Basis, the report displays amounts that are the sum of the cumulative job-to-date amount, the cumulative estimate-to-completion amount, and that period’s estimate-to-completion amount.

If the date in ETC/JTD Date Basis is the end date of a reporting period, the cumulative amounts for that period do not include any estimate-to-completion amounts.

If the date in ETC/JTD Date Basis is not the end date of a reporting period, Vision calculates the planned amount for the working days from the start of the period through the specified date. Vision then subtracts that amount from the total planned amount for the period to get the period’s estimate-to-completion amount. To get the ACWP amount for that period, Vision then adds the calculated estimate-to-completion amount for the period to the cumulative job-to-date amount through the date in ETC/JTD Date Basis. For subsequent reporting periods, Vision adds the planned amount for each period to the cumulative ACWP amount from prior periods.


Field Description
ETC/JTD Date Basis Select one of the following options to specify the date Vision uses to calculate the job-to-date amounts and estimate-to-completion amounts:
  • Today's Date

  • Period End Date — Vision uses the end date of the current accounting period.

  • Specific Date — Enter the date, or click to select the date.