Voucher Review Dialog Box

Use the Voucher Review dialog box to examine voucher data before or after you post the data.

Use this dialog box before you click the Post Voucher option to see the vendors and purchase orders for the selected voucher file, or to see the settings and data that are entered for each of them on the Vendor Review tab. You can also use this dialog box after you click the Post Voucher option, to find the cause if you see a message stating that the amount to be vouchered does not match the invoice amount you entered.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Accounts Payable > Create Voucher from PO.
  2. Create or open a voucher batch file.
  3. Click Voucher Review.


Field Description
Vendor Number This field displays the vendor number of the vendor whose data is on this row.
Vendor Name This field displays the vendor's name from the vendor's Info Center record.
Invoice Date This field displays the data from the Invoice Date field in the header of the Vendor Review tab.
Invoice Number This field displays the data from the Invoice Number field in the header of the Vendor Review tab.
Currency Code The dialog box displays this field if you use the Multicurrency feature. This field displays the data from the Currency Code field in the header of the Vendor Review tab.
Invoice Amount This field displays the data from the Invoice Amount field in the header of the Vendor Review tab.
Voucher Amount This field displays the data from the Voucher Amount field in the header of the Vendor Review tab.
Select Click this button to show the Vendor Review tab, with data for the vendor who is selected in this Voucher Review dialog box.

To show more than one vendor at the same time in the Vendor Review dialog box, press the CTRL key, click the vendors whose data to show; then click the Select button.