Download Documents

You can download documents to your PC for offline viewing, printing, and sharing with colleagues.

To download documents:

  1. Search for and select the check box of each document that you want to download. You can also select documents within a basket in Basket Mode.
    For information, see Search for Documents.
  2. Click Bulk Download.
  3. On the Download Documents screen, select the check boxes of any additional renditions that you want to download for each document.
    The primary rendition is selected by default, but you can download any document rendition.
  4. If any image files are included in the list of files, use the list in the Image Size column to select the size of the image that you want to download.
    By default, the original size is selected for download, but you can choose different sizes if required. To apply the same download size to all images in the list, use the list above the Image Size column to select a size.
  5. Click Download, and then select where to save the files to.
    If you have selected to download multiple documents, they are saved in a ZIP file.

Alternatively, to download a single document, click > Download document.