Create a Historical Document Issue

If you have previously distributed project documents to contacts, but you not did formally issue them through the project's DLM, you can create a historical document issue.

To create a historical document issue:

  1. Navigate to the project.
    You can search for projects using the Search Projects link in the Activity Zone. Projects that you are linked to also appear on the History tab in your contact record, and in the Projects dashpart in the Personal Zone.
  2. On the project window, click the DLM tab.
  3. Select the check box of each document placeholder that was previously issued.
    If there are many placeholders in the list, use the search to find placeholders, or add filters to narrow down the list.
  4. Click Issue Documents.
  5. To add additional documents to the document issue, do any of the following:
    • To add all documents from a selected basket, click Add Basket.
      Note: Documents in a basket do not have to be linked to the project.
    • To add documents from the DMS, click Add DMS.
  6. Optional: Deselect any renditions that you do not want to issue for a selected document.
    To remove a document and all renditions, click .
  7. Use the Reason list to select the reason for issuing each document.
    Tip: If the reason for issuing the documents is the same for all documents, you can select the reason from the list above the Reason column to apply the same reason to all documents.
  8. Click Next.
  9. On the Select Recipients step, do one or more of the following to add recipients:
    • To add contacts that were previously issued one or more of the selected documents, select Previously received selected documents from the Issue Group list, and then click Add Group.
    • To add contacts that were previously issued any controlled document for the project, select Previously issued on this entity from the Issue Group list, and then click Add Group.
    • To add contacts that are directly linked to the project, click Add Entity Recipients, and then select the recipients.
    • To add a contact that is not directly linked to the project, enter their name in the Add Recipient field, and then click their name to add them.
      Note: When you add a non-linked contact, you can also add them to the project. Click > Add this contact to this entity for each contact that you want to add to the project.
  10. For each contact, select the issue method and the renditions that were sent.
    If you issued a hardcopy or CD, you must select the size and number of copies that you sent to a recipient.
  11. Click Next.
    Note: You are notified if there are any problems with issuing any of the selected documents. You can click Previous to go back and rectify the issues. Alternatively, you can choose to ignore them.
  12. In the Enter Notes step, select This will be a historical issue.
    Since the documents have been previously distributed, the selected recipients will not receive an email. Therefore, you do not need to enter an email subject or message.
  13. In the Issued By field, enter the name of the person that issued the documents.
  14. In the Issued Date field, enter or select the date when the documents were issued.
  15. Click Finish.
  16. On the warning prompt, click Yes to confirm.