You can add dropdown questions to rating schemes. Dropdown questions require users to select a single answer from a list of predefined options.
To add a dropdown question to a scheme:
On the Create/Edit Ratings Scheme screen, use the
Add New Question list to select Dropdown, and then click
A new dropdown question is added to the scheme.
On the new dropdown question, do the following:
In the
Question field, enter the question that you want users to answer.
To add guidance text to assist users in answering the question, click
Add Guidance and then use the
Guidance Text field to enter some help text.
and use the
Add New Option field to enter the first option.
Repeat this step to add additional options.
For each option, enter a unique number in the Score column. This is the order that the options are displayed to users in the list.
In the
Weighted Score field, modify the value, if required.
The weighted score defines how important the question is, and it acts as a question multiplier when the final score is calculated. The default value is 1, but you can raise the importance of the question up to 10.
To allow users to skip the question if it is not relevant to them, click the
Include N/A response slider to toggle the option on.
Repeat the above steps to add additional questions, as required.
To clone an existing question, click
When you have finished, click