Configure PIM to Use the Azure SMTP Client Mail Provider

You can configure your outbound mail to use the Azure SMTP Client mail provider.

Prerequisites: Before you configure your PIM system to use the Azure SMTP Client mail provider, you must first Create an Azure AD Application. You should also read the information in the Preparation topic.

To configure PIM to use the SMTP Relay Mail provider:

  1. Go to the Administration Zone and enter Email Configuration in the Search Admin Zone field.
  2. Click the Email Configuration link that displays.
  3. On the Email Provider Configuration page, use the Select Email Provider list to select Azure SMTP Client.
  4. In the Azure AD Tenant ID and Azure Client ID fields, paste in the Directory (Tenant) ID and Application (Client) ID values from the Azure app, respectively.
    To get these values, go back to the App Registrations > Overview screen in Azure, hover over the Directory (Tenant) ID and Application (Client) ID fields, and then click the clipboard icon next to each field to copy the respective values.
  5. In the Azure AD Secret field, paste in the secret value from the Azure app.
    To get the client secret, go back to the Certificates & Secrets area in Azure, and then click the clipboard icon next to the client secret field to copy it.
  6. Click Mailbox Logon, and then log on as the dedicated user mailbox account that you should have set up. For information, see Preparation.
  7. In the Smart Host field, enter your O365 Smarthost. This is typically
  8. Click Send Test Email.
    A test email is sent through your PIM system to confirm that the connection details are correct.
  9. If the test is successful, select the Enabled check box, and then click .

This completes the transition to the Azure SMTP Client outbound email provider. You should inform your organization about the change in email management using this new email flow, as outlined in the Important Notes topic.