Document Pool Properties

Use the fields to create or edit a document pool. If an option is not covered by this topic, you should consult with your Deltek consultant before you modify it.

General Settings

Field Description
Pool Name Specify a name for the document pool.
Issue Controlled Select this option to allow documents within the document pool to be issued from DLM.
Approval Route Select the approval route to use for any documents that require approval within the document pool.
Document Removal Mode This option defines what happens to documents in the pool after a set time.
Attention: Configuring this option must be undertaken by a Deltek consultant. Please contact your Deltek account manager or consultant for assistance.

Role Security

Use the Role Security tab to define which user roles have access to the document pool, and what permissions each user role has.

To grant access to the document pool for a user role, click Add Security Definition. You then choose the user role from the list, and select the user role's permission. Alternatively, to apply the same access rights as the parent pool, click Reset Inheritance. This option is useful when you move a document pool from one node to another, and you want to assign the same security as the new parent pool. In order to reset the security inheritance for a document pool, you must first delete any security definitions that are already assigned to the pool.


Use the Requirements tab to link attributes to documents stored within the pool. This allows users to link documents to specific records when they publish documents to the document pool, or define one or more user-defined attributes. For example, if you add the Project attribute, users can select a project to link documents to when they publish documents to the document pool.

To add a new requirement, click Add Requirement, and then select an attribute type from the Select item list. To require users to select a record when they publish a document to the pool for the selected attribute type, or to specify user-defined information, use the slider in the Mandatory column to toggle the mandatory option on.
Important: If you expect users to manually publish documents to the document pool, you should not enable both the Mandatory and Invisible At Check In options together for a selected requirement.