Report Filenames

Use the Report Filenames submodule to set up a naming convention for reports in WorkBook. A well-structured report file name helps you better sort and classify files, as well as find files more quickly.

By default, reports are named after the report name. For example, an invoice PDF will have the file name "Invoice", and a 12-week Gantt chart will have the file name "Gantt Chart 12 weeks".

Take note of the following:
  • You might need to log out and log in again for changes to take effect.
  • This only works in certain browsers.
  • Commas will cut the name short, or will be ignored.

You customize report file names in Settings > Folders, Reports & Documents > Report Filenames.

To use the Report Filenames submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.