Debtor List

Use Debtor List under Finance & Administration to view the full list of debtors with current and overdue balances, debtor transactions, unmatched invoices for elimination, and invoices with remainder balances. It enables you to modify debtor information and manager debtor communication logs. It also gives you information on when and how much you will be paid.

To use the Debtor List submodule, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The submodule consists of the following tabs:

  • List: This tab displays debtor information such as balances, amounts due, and contact information. You can filter the information by selecting any of the views from the drop-down menu on the grid toolbar.
  • Transactions: This tab gives you the breakdown of the total amount that you selected in the List tab. It also displays the statuses of debtor vouchers and lets you view outstanding incoming payments.
  • Elimination: This tab lets you match unapplied client receipts to sales invoices.
  • Remainder Handling: This tab lets you manage invoices with remainder balances such as currency differences.
  • Emails: This tab displays and lets you manage all email communications with debtors.
  • Communication Log: This tab displays and lets you manage email and phone communications with debtors.
  • Changelog: This tab displays a log of table changes and change requests made to debtor information.
  • Debtor Conversation: This tab displays and lets you manage chat conversations with debtors.

Also available on the grid toolbar, you can use the Debtor Information Card to view and update debtor information and bank settings and add or delete communication logs between debtors and customers.