Material Types

Use Material Types under Settings to add material types that you can use as material entries. You can also set material cost and sales prices, as well as hourly and start-up hourly prices.

To use the Material Types submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

You can use material types in Jobs > Materials and in Jobs > Settings > Basic Job Settings you can update which material price list you want to use for the job.

The submodule consists of the following tabs:

  • Standard Material Types: This tab displays the list of material types in your company. You can add, remove, and merge material types, as needed.
  • Client Defined Material Price List: This tab displays the list of client-specific material price lists. You can create client-specific price lists, insert default material types, and update the material types with the client-approved costs and sales prices. You can also remove material types from client-specific price lists, as needed.