Costing Code Setup

Use the Costing Code Setup submodule to create and manage costing codes, specify their access, and validate their use.

To use the Costing Codes submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings. You must also have access to the Costing Code page itself, as defined under Costing Codes Main (Costing Code Setup).


The Costing Code Setup submodule is designed to facilitate costing code setup and management.

  • Manage Codes: Use this tab to create, delete, or edit level 1 and level 2 codes that can be used on jobs or jobs and tasks. You can also reactivate and deactivate codes on this tab.
  • Company Access: Use this tab to enable or disable codes for specific companies.
  • Client Access: Use this tab to enable or disable codes for specific clients.
  • Expense Types: Use this tab to enable or disable codes for specific expense types.
  • Validation: Use this tab to get an overview of invalid codes and resolve code validation issues, as well as jobs and tasks that are missing code, if required.
  • Log: Use this tab to view records of any activity within the submodule.