Set Up a Default Invoice Account and Activity for Creditors

Depending on your role in WorkBook, you can set up a default invoice account and activity for each creditor. This allows WorkBook to automatically allocate a voucher to a creditor, and enables you to process the voucher just by entering the voucher header data. For example, there is a credit invoice for six months of rent that was paid in advance - you can enable WorkBook to automatically divide that amount over six months and charge the monthly rent to a balance sheet accrual account.

To set up a default invoice account and activity for a creditor:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Finance & Administration .
  2. In the left pane of the Finance & Administration screen, click Creditors > Creditor list.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the Creditor List submodule, click Show properties to display the Creditor Information pane.
  4. On the side toolbar of the Creditor information pane, click Creditor default card to display the default values.
  5. Enter the default values that you want to use for the selected creditor in the Default activity and Default accrual invoice account fields.
  6. Close the pane.