Revenue Forecasting

WorkBook's Revenue Forecast feature combines actuals from Finance & Administration with forecast data from the Price module (in Jobs) and Pipelines module (in CRM), and then provides an Excel-like environment where you can change forecast values on the fly for a given fiscal year. You can run revenue forecasts based on gross revenues or net revenues. You create the forecast methods in Settings > Finance > Revenue Forecast Methods.

The Revenue Forecast submodule consists of two grids. The top grid displays the selected company's clients together with the price quote net revenue, remaining amount, previous revenue, revenue YTD, monthly actuals, and total forecast for each client. You cannot change the values in the top grid. The bottom grid consists of three tabs: Job, Pipeline, and Inter-company. Use these tabs to enter the net revenue forecast values.

Use the bottom grid to change the values in the month columns in the Forecast section for the selected revenue forecast. WorkBook automatically updates the top grid to reflect the changes to the forecast values that you enter in the bottom grid. When you enter a value under any of the month columns in the Forecast section of the bottom grid of the Net Revenue Forecast submodule, WorkBook displays a tooltip showing the variance between the price quote amount and your forecast. Depending on the price quote method that you selected in Settings, the revenue forecast and price quote amount may need to balance for the duration of the forecast. WorkBook checks this automatically.

To use the Revenue Forecast submodule, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.