Cancel a Voucher

Depending on your role in WorkBook, you can cancel vouchers in Status-10 in the Creditor Invoices submodule.

Note: System Variable 1180 must be enabled to perform this action. When System Variable 1180 is enabled, Delete Invoice is replaced with Cancel Invoice on the grid toolbar.
To cancel a voucher:
  1. On the main toolbar, click Finance & Administration .
  2. In the left pane of the Finance & Administration screen, click Creditors > Creditor invoices.
  3. In the top grid of the Creditor Invoices submodule, select the voucher that you want to cancel and click Cancel invoice on the grid toolbar.

    The cancelled voucher's status is changed to Status-60 and _cancelled is appended to the invoice number.

    After cancelling a voucher, you now have the option to reuse the invoice number when you create a new voucher.