Create a Voucher

Use the Creditor Invoices submodule under the Creditors module to can create, park, approve, reverse, and/or reject vouchers for creditor invoices. You can also move job vouchers between jobs.

To use the Creditor Invoices submodule, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the Employee Cross-Company Access submodule under Settings.

To create a voucher:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Finance & Administration .
  2. In the left pane of the Finance & Administration screen, click Creditors > Creditor invoices.
  3. On the grid toolbar, click Create invoice .
  4. In the Create Invoice dialog box, enter the PO number, creditor, invoice number, invoice date, and posting date.
    You can also select a holding account instead of a creditor.
  5. Select a currency and enter the total amount.
  6. If system variables 1102 and 449 are selected in the Global System Settings submodule under Settings, upload a voucher file and select the appropriate payment options.
    If system variable 1096 is not selected in the Global System Settings submodule, you cannot change the payment options.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Use the voucher line at the bottom section of the Creditor Invoices grid to define the voucher based on a wide range of parameters, including the PO number, job, task, activity, finance account, company department, net amount, cost amount, total amount, activity VAT, creditor VAT, job sale amount, and billing method.
    WorkBook determines the margin of factor based on the job that you selected for the voucher line. You can manually change the margin factor depending on whether or not system variables 195 and 1080 are selected in the Global System Settings submodule under Settings.