Bank Reconciliation

Use Bank Reconciliation under Finance & Administration to view bank statement transactions and finance account postings. It enables you to compare transactions with your bank statement.

To use the Bank Reconciliation submodule, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The submodule consists of the following tabs:

  • Bank Account: This tab displays bank accounts that you can create bank reconciliations and import files for.
  • Closed Reconciliations: This tab displays closed reconciliations for the selected bank account.
  • Import File: This tab lets you import, delete, and edit bank reconciliation files for the selected bank account.
  • Reconcile: This tab displays the transactions that need to be reconciled. It lets you approve the reconciliation, remove and finalize eliminations, show or hide reconciled eliminations, show or hide reconciliation statuses, delete transactions, and perform automatic eliminations.