
Use Activities under Settings to view and manage the list of global- or company-specific activities. In WorkBook, an activity is used to identify items such as roles, services, or out-of-pocket costs. You can add or replace activities, identify allowed expenditures, translations, and departmental cost prices for specific activities, and add and replace activity phases.

To use the Activities submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The submodule consists of the following tabs:

  • Global Activity Settings: On this tab you can view, add, and replace activities.
  • Company Activity Settings: This tab displays the list of company-specific activities. You can identify which costs are allowed for the activities. If different from the global activity name, the company specific name is followed.
  • Activity Translation Settings: On this tab you can view, identify, and update the activity name translations.
  • Activity Phase Settings: This tab displays the list of activity phases. You can add and replace activity phases as well as identify and update activity phase translations.
  • Activity Department Settings: On this tab you can view, identify, and update company-specific departmental cost prices for activities.