Currency Codes and Rates

Use Currency Codes and Rates under Settings to configure currency rates and rate tables. You can add and delete currency rates and add currencies and custom currencies. You can also enable the reporting of selected currencies and add and delete rate tables.

To use the Currency Codes and Rates submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The submodule consists of the following tabs:

  • Currency Rate: On this tab, you can add and delete currency rates from the currencies in selected rate tables.
  • Currency Setup: On this tab, you can add currencies and custom currencies. You can also change currency settings such as unit and symbol.
  • Rate Table: On this tab, you can add and delete rate tables.
  • Company Currencies: On this tab, you can view the base currency and rate table used in each company in your WorkBook system.