Employee Price Groups

Use Employee Price Groups under Settings to identify the same price for a group of employees. You can add and deactivate price groups and assign employees to specific price groups.

Note: You can deactivate a price group only if there is no assigned employee to it.

To use the Employee Price Groups submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The submodule consists of the following tabs:

  • Groups: This tab display the employee price groups in your company. You can create, deactivate, and enable price groups as needed.
  • Employee List: This tab displays the complete list of employees in your company. You can identify the price group for each employee in the Employee Price Group column.

After adding your employee price groups, you can set the price in Settings > Price Lists & Activities > Job Finance Settings and you can use your employee price groups in Resources > Resource Information > Employee Basic Settings.