Generate a Report in PDF and Attach it to an Email Draft

Use the General Reporting submodule to create general ledger reports in PDF, and then have WorkBook automatically attach the reports to email drafts.

To perform this procedure, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings, and you must have access to the reports as defined in Settings > Folders, Reports, & Documents.

To generate a report in PDF and automatically attach it to an email draft:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Finance & Administration .
  2. In the left pane of the Finance & Administration screen, click General ledger > General reporting.
  3. If you have more than one company in your system, use the drop-down list above the left pane to select the company for which you want to generate a report.
  4. On the main toolbar, click Reports .
  5. In the Filter dialog box, select a report type in the Select a category field.
  6. Specify the parameters for the selected report.
    Each report has a specific set of parameters that must be completed before it can be generated. For example, if you selected Jobs list as the report type, you need to specify the job status and sorting option.
  7. Select the language and formatting options for the report.
    The formatting options include font and watermark selections, as well as an option to include a cover page.
  8. In the top-right corner of the Filer dialog box, click Creates a draft email with the report attached as a PDF file .
    WorkBook displays the Compose New Email dialog box with the PDF report attached to an email draft. If you close the Compose New Email dialog box without sending the email, WorkBook saves the email draft. To view your email drafts, click Email drafts on the main toolbar.