Time Sheet Overview Fields

This section describes the fields and actions on the Time Sheet Overview workspace. Regular employees without the requisite permissions do not have access to this workspace.

Table Fields

Field Description
Open Time Sheet

Click this action to view more information about the timesheet specified on the line.

The wizard that displays also lets you submit the timesheet, if needed.


Click this action to open a timesheet in the Weekly Time Sheets workspace for editing.

If the employee has not yet created a timesheet, Maconomy automatically creates one.

Employee This field displays the name of the employee who filed the weekly timesheet.

Click the name to send an email to the employee.

Internal This field displays the total time registered on internal jobs for the week.
External This field displays the total time registered on external jobs for the week.
Invoiceable This field displays the total hours entered in the table that are against billable activities.
Non-Invoiceable This field displays the total hours entered in the table that are against non-billable activities.

This field displays the fixed number of hours as defined by your administrator on the employee card. This may just be for reference, or a separate setting may also require the employee to enter a minimum of the fixed hours before submission.

Balance This field displays the difference between the number of hours entered by the employee and the fixed number that is required of them per their employee card.
Total This field displays the total hours for the week.
Status This field displays the time sheet line's approval status as follows:
  • Open
  • Not Created
  • Due
  • Submitted
  • Approved
  • Partially Approved
  • Rejected
Approve Click the action in this field to approve the timesheet header.
Reject Click the action in this field to reject the timesheet header.
Undo Click the action in this field to undo approval/rejection of the timesheet header.

Table Actions

Action Description
Click this action to refresh data in the current workspace.
Date Range Display Click this Date Selector to access the calendar, then select the appropriate week to view your employees' timesheet information.
Click this action to export the rows from the current table to a spreadsheet.

Maconomy exports the table, and immediately downloads the resulting spreadsheet to your local drive.

Click this action to display the filter row on the current table. You can then enter criteria in any of the filter row fields to display only select table rows.

Click this action to maximize the table view.

Click this action to restore the default display size of the table.

Click this action to open the Customize Columns window.