Posted Entries with Exchange Rate Variance Loss

To post exchange rate variances on unallocated invoices, use the Invoiced on Account, Variance field to indicate the job posting reference.

The following occur when a finance entry is posted:

  • For exchange rate gain, the amount is credited to the account to add the gained value.
  • For exchange rate loss, the amount is debited from the account to subtract the lost value.
  • The entry date for each entry is derived from the Statement Date field in the Print Currency Report tab.

An offset entry is automatically created for each finance entry. Maconomy uses the dimension combination found in the Unrealized Exchange Rate Variance IOA job reference to define each offset entry.

The following occur when an offset entry is posted:

  • For exchange rate gain, the offset amount in the offset entry is debited from the account.
  • For exchange rate loss, the offset amount in an offset entry is credited to the account.

A reverting entry is also automatically created for each posted entry. The amount in all currencies are equal to the original posting, disregarding the fact that exchange rates may have changed since the statement date. The entry date for each reverting entry is derived from the Reversion Date field in the Print Currency Report tab.