Expense Justification

Many publicly traded companies are subject to regular audits and tax reporting requirements, which can span multiple geographies. The expense justification functionality enables companies to collect information that they can use to justify expenses when necessary.

Registering expenses involves the entry of additional details that pertain to each expense entry on expense sheets. This information varies based on the specific type of expense.

Expense information is available at all stages of approval and can be included for printing and reporting purposes. You can enter justification information for expenses and mileage. Supervisors and project managers can review and approve expense justification information.

When you create a note type for each set of justification fields to be attached to expense lines, the note type specification must define the description and type of the justification fields and indicate whether they are mandatory. Use the description label as a field reference when you create the template string. There are restrictions on how the field reference can look, whereas these restrictions do not apply to the description label. Hence, an internal field name is presented in the Internal Name field.

In addition, this functionality has been developed as a standard extension. It must be installed on the system before you can use it. The ability to use it is controlled by the Enable Standard Extensions company specific system parameter.

Expense Justification Template String

The template string defines the format of the concatenated description that is stored for the note type. The concatenated description is the result of evaluating the expression that is specified in the template string. In the template string, you build an expression that refers to the fields in the note type. This is necessary to enable the update of the expense line description with the concatenated justification fields.