Time Sheet Workflow

The life cycle of a time sheet is as follows: After creating the time sheet, you make your registrations for the relevant days in the week.

When you are done for that week, you submit the time sheet. If you want to submit it before you are completely done with it (for instance, to be able to invoice a certain job more quickly or in connection with a month-end report), you can submit it temporarily by selecting the action "Submit Temp. Time Sheet.” When you do that, the registered entries can be released and posted, but the time sheet cannot yet be approved. You can therefore keep registering hours on the time sheet until you submit it (finally) by selecting the action "Submit Time Sheet.”

Next, the time sheet must be approved according to the approval principle selected in the window Jobs for each of the jobs affected by the time sheet. See the section “Approval” below. When the time sheet lines are approved, they are also transferred for posting (for more information about this and about releasing the time sheet, see the section "Posting time sheet entries" below).

When the time sheet has been approved, it can be reopened for editing, and you can edit existing registrations and create lines. However, it is not possible to edit job numbers, activity numbers, tasks, or other dimensions on existing lines if they have been transferred for posting, and you cannot delete them.

Attention: See the section "Posting time sheet entries" below for more information about how and when your registrations are posted.