CN Codes

The reports to the tax authorities must show items, countries, transport modes etc. using numerical codes.

The codes are common for all of EU. The item code on the Intrastat form is thus an 8-digit code in the so-called Combined Nomenclature, which comprises around 10,000 items divided into 96 chapters. The nomenclature is available at local statistics offices.

Every item describes an 8-digit number, a text, and sometimes a supplementary unit. The supplementary unit is used for specifying quantity when net weight is irrelevant or insufficient. CN code, description, and supplementary unit are entered in the window Item Information Card. Maconomy uses the supplementary unit as a conversion factor to the item’s normal sales unit. If, for example, an item is sold in “batches” of 30, and the nomenclature states 1000 pieces as supplementary unit, a conversion factor of 1000/30 = 33,33 must be entered in the item’s information card.