Access Control for Format Specification

Maconomy enables you to limit which users can access and change information used for making payments.

Access Level on Formats

Only users who have the access level assigned to them can see and change information on the relations. You need access to the format before you can access the Form, Record, and Field relations. For example, you cannot access the Specification of Output Data Forms, Specification of Output Data Fields, or Specification of Output Data Records single dialog workspace if you do not have access to the Specification of Output Data Formats single dialog.

Additionally, this restricts the input data formats and output data formats that you can use on customer payment formats and outgoing payment formats. On the payment formats, you can only assign data formats that you can access. The same limitation applies to assigning input data forms and output data forms on customer payment form and outgoing payment form.

However, you can assign a payment form or customer payment to a payment mode or customer payment mode even though you do not have access to them. The access control only limits the ability to edit the setup information in the payment forms but not their use.

Access Control for Import Format Descriptions

There is access control to the import program used to set up payment formats, forms, records, and fields in the Import Format Descriptions single dialog workspace. You cannot make any changes to any formats if you do not have access rights. Additionally, you cannot assign access levels to formats through the import program.

For example, if you try to change a format with an access level assigned, for which you do not have access to, an error message displays. Likewise, you cannot assign input data and output data formats or forms for customer payment formats and forms, and outgoing payment formats and forms, if you do not have access. However, you can make these changes in the Format Specification workspace.