Software Issues Resolved

You will notice that the descriptions of some software defects contain extra information, including ways to work around the defects. For the most part, these issues were addressed before this release through hot fixes, and the additional information was developed to help you decide whether or not you needed to install the hot fixes.

When you install this release, you must install all fixes in the release; you cannot choose to install some and not others. Nevertheless, this additional information has been included in case you instituted some of the workarounds and can now stop using them, or you simply want more background information about the defect repairs.

The following issues have been fixed in 2.3.1:

Defect 868990

Cannot Attach Receipt Using Maconomy 2.3.3 or 2.4 GA

If you were connected to Maconomy 2.3.3 or 2.4 GA and tried to attach a receipt to a new or an existing expense sheet line, an error message would display.

This defect affected Deltek Touch users who were connected to Maconomy 2.3.3 or 2.4 GA, using MScript Touch. Note that this has been fixed in Maconomy 2.4. GA and later.

Defect 859587

Untitled Screen with the Use Photo Option Displayed Twice

If you attached a receipt to an expense sheet line by tapping Take Picture and then took a photo, the untitled screen with the Use Photo option would display twice before the Receipts screen displayed.

This defect affected all Deltek Touch users. This has been fixed in the application.

Defect 869480

Activity Field Not Populated Automatically When Selecting a Task with a Derived Activity

If you tried to select a task with a derived activity in the Task field, Deltek Touch would not automatically provide the corresponding value in the Activity field.

This defect affected all Deltek Touch users. This has been fixed in the application.

Defect 872164

Confirmation Message Still Displayed Even After You Saved

If you saved your changes to an expense sheet line and tapped the Back button, a confirmation message would still display instead of directing you back to the Expense Sheet screen.

This defect affected all Deltek Touch users. This has been fixed in the application.

Defect 872200

Cannot Change Values in the Quantity and Unit Price Fields Without Tapping Clear

If you tried to update and save a decimal value with a comma separator (for example, 123,456) in the Quantity or Unit Price field on an existing expense sheet line, Deltek Touch would not save the changes unless you tapped the clear (X) button before modifying.

This defect affected Deltek Touch users who are using MScript and Android. This has been fixed in the application.

Defect 819756

No Error Message for Setting Previously Used Password

If your current password expired and you tried to set a new password that you previously used, nothing would happen after you tapped Done. The corresponding error message would not even display.

This defect affected all Deltek Touch users. This has been fixed in Maconomy 2.3.3/2.4 GA (and higher).

Defect 816647

No Error Message for Setting Password Not Complying with the Rules

If you set a new password that did not comply with the Maconomy password rules, nothing would happen when you tapped Done. The corresponding error message did not even display.

This defect affects all Deltek Touch users. This has been fixed in Maconomy 2.3.3/2.4 GA (and higher).

Defect 882712

SessionIPCheck Would Reset When Installing Touch FPU

If you upgraded Deltek Touch, the upgrade process would remove the SessionIPCheckto=0 setting from MaconomyTouch.*.I. Deltek Touch must have SessionIPCheckto set to 0 in MaconomyTouch.*.I to work properly.

This defect affected Cloud users and Deltek Touch users who were using load balancing. This has been fixed in MConfig 8.16.

Defect 889750

Incorrect Message When Submitting a Daily Timesheet

When you opened a daily timesheet and tapped Submit, an incorrect warning message would display.

This defect affected Deltek Touch users who were in daily mode and using REST. This has been fixed in the application.

Defect 872036

Incorrect Rounding of Total Hours Registered

If you were using the time increment of 2 min, there could be issues with the rounding of total time registered in a timesheet, depending on the time entered in the lines.

This defect affected Deltek Touch users who were using MScript. This has been fixed in the application.

Defect 873901

If you were using a Touch environment in German, Spanish, or Portuguese language, you would not be able to log on to Deltek Touch. Nothing would happen if you tapped Connect.

This defect affected Deltek Touch users who were using REST and an environment in German, Spanish, or Portuguese language.

Defect 884506

Cannot Edit Amount Fields Without Using the Clear Button

If you tried to change the values in amount fields (for example, Quantity and Unit Price), Deltek Touch would not allow you unless you used .

This defect only affected Deltek Touch users who were using an Android device set to Danish (or other languages that sets comma as a decimal separator).