Multiple Budget Models

In Maconomy you can create an infinite number of budget models. In the figure below three models are shown: an anchor budget and two forecast budgets.

There can be various reasons for creating multiple budget models, for example, the following:

  • You want to budget for a number of future years, where the budget model of the first year is called the anchor budget and the models of the subsequent years are called forecast bud- get 1, 2, 3, and so on. In this case, each budget model covers one year.
  • You want to create several budgeting scenarios due to marked uncertainty regarding future expenditure, revenue, and so on.
  • You want to create internal and external budget models where the external budget is for reporting to authorities, the board of directors, shareholders, and others with an economic interest in the company, and the internal is designed for internal control of finances and resources.

    Further budget models are created in the Budget Models or Create Budget Model workspaces.