People Planner

Defect 1748597

Incorrect Sorting of Executed Tasks

When you run a batch task, a new task may begin at the same time as the end of the previous task, with a difference of a few milliseconds. However, the sorting of the tasks in the Executed tasks view did not take milliseconds into account. This caused an error wherein the order in the view was inaccurate. This error is corrected.

Defect 1735264

Timeout Error when Updating Reporting Tables

A timeout error would display when you tried to update reporting tables with a large amount of data. This error is corrected.

Defect 1737356

Old Log Entries Not Deleted

Previously, if you ran a task to delete old entries except for those from the past six months, an error occurred where old entries from more than six months ago were still retained. This error is corrected.

Defect 1735470

Unable to Update Imported Amount Line

If the Auto-calculate hours for one day tasks setting is enabled, and you attempted to edit the start and finish dates on an amount line to be the same date, the changes would not be saved. Instead, an error would display. This error is corrected.

Defect 1681641

TimeoutWebserviceSeconds Setting Error

The TimeoutWebserviceSeconds setting would accept a value outside of the valid range if you imported settings to the Admin Tool.

Defect 1824833

Updating Reporting Tables Task Fails

The Updating Reporting Tables task would fail due to an error. This error is corrected.

Defect 1759918

Error When Sending Job to People Planner

By error, a project would not be imported to People Planner when you clicked the Send to People Planner button. This occurred if the project number contained a special character. This error is corrected.

Defect 1709828

Scheduled Task Error Due to Date Time Separator

When you ran a scheduled task that included a date and time, for example, "no-NO" or "fi-FI", it would fail if the date time format used a period as its separator. This error is corrected.