Software Issues Resolved

Defect 917136

Resubmitting Timesheets Causes Resubmission Explanation Error

When you modify your timesheets and try to resubmit, a resubmission explanation is requested, which occurs repeatedly even after providing the information and previously prohibited you from resubmitting your timesheets. This error is corrected.

Defect 1112024

Expense Attachments Not Displaying Properly

Previously, attachments on the Expense Sheet screen do not display in full. The bottom section of attached images are missing. This defect affected Touch iOS and Android users. This error is corrected.

Defect 1267105

Password Reset Prevented When Password Expires Upon Logging In

Previously, you cannot proceed to the Password Expired screen when the password expired upon logging in using PIN or biometrics authentication on REST Touch. This error is corrected.

Defect 1308017

Overtime Types Display Internal Names

When a submitter selects an Overtime type on the Timesheet screen, and the type name includes a space, the Overtime type internal name displays on the timesheet. For example, if a “Not Paid” overtime type is selected, and the submitter exited and reentered the Timesheet screen, the display name changes to “not_paid”. The same scenario previously occurred using an approver’s account on the Approvals screen. This error is corrected.

Defect 1320212

Unable to View PDF on Draft Invoice and Job Quote Approvals

On the Approvals screen, users are unable to view attached PDF for draft invoices and job quotes. This defect affected Deltek Touch users who upgraded to Maconomy 2.5.1, and used the new approval functionality. This error is corrected.

Defect 1341444

Resetting Pin and Azure Password Expiration Revert Settings to Default

Previously, the user settings revert to default when you either update your preferences on the Settings screen prior to resetting your PIN then log in using your new PIN, or change your Azure password once it expires then log in using your new Azure password. These errors are corrected.

Defect 1363553

Long Receipt Name Prevents Returning to Previous Screens

When you attach a receipt to an expense sheet, and the receipt name is long, you cannot tap the back arrow to return to previous screens. This error is corrected.

Defect 1372294

Missing Resubmission Explanation Dialog

When you reopen a submitted timesheet to make modifications, you have to include a resubmission explanation, otherwise you cannot proceed. However, the Resubmission Explanation dialog does not appear. This error is corrected.

Defect 1373107

Nonfunctioning Done Button on the Add Job Screen

When you add a job for your timesheets and save your changes, the Done button on the Add Job screen does not work. Instead of navigating back to the Timesheet screen, the Add Job screen is still displayed. This error is corrected.

Defect 1378696

Currency, Date, and Time Picker Issue on iPhone 12

The Currency, Date, and Time pickers across several Deltek Touch screens on the iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone Pro Max are not shown in full. You cannot previously open the pickers or select any value. These errors are corrected.

Defect 1381509

Daily Submit Mode and Maconomy Long Text Prevent Timesheet Line Creation

Previously, you cannot successfully create a new timesheet line on the Timesheet screen when you are on the Daily submit mode, and if long text is enabled in Maconomy. This error is corrected.