Known Issues

This section includes a summary of issues that are new in this release.


Error Approving Daily Time Sheet

Defect 1365602, Sev 3

The error "The fixed working time of the employee cannot be updated, as an approved daily time sheet exists" occurs during approval of Weekly Time Sheet if an approved daily time sheet already exists.

Unable to Modify Fields on Approved Quote

Defect 1645306, Sev 3

If you attempt to change the billing price or quantity on an approved job quote, you get an error message saying these fields cannot be changed after the quote has been approved. This happens even if the approval hierarchy for job quotes allows changes after approval for these fields.

As workaround, “reopen” the record from approval by making a change to other fields, as ordinary, and when the record reopens, simply change the fields for billing price or quantity as needed. Note that this unsubmits the job quote.

Internal Error Selecting Reconcile/Post Link in a Non-Posted Customer Payment

Defect 1528929, Sev 4

When you go to the Accounts Receivable > AR Transactions > History tab and click the Reconcile/Post link (records that are not yet posted), an internal error can be encountered.

Error : java.lang.StackOverflowError.

Web Client

There are no known issues in this area for Maconomy 2.6.


More Button Behavior Errors in Searches

Defect 1535371

The More… button in all lookup screens are either missing or not pulling up any or the correct data when you search for specific criteria.

For example, if you add a purchase order line and include a search criterion to look for a specific account number, the following scenarios may occur:
  • The More… button is not displayed.
  • The More… button is displayed but you must tap the button multiple times to display additional results.

As a workaround, enter your criteria in the Search field then tap the Magnifier icon. Browse through the results, and if there are additional data available, tap the More… button. In this case, the button works as expected.


Dutch Audit Performance: Background Task Fails

Defect 1686306, Sev 2

The report is currently having issues running with huge amounts of data. The current maximum amount of data that ran successfully was 3000 finance entries, 1000 subledger lines with running time of 38 minutes. It is possible that some systems can handle more than this depending on the hardware resources.

Note: The following BPM bugs existed prior to 2.6 but were only just discovered (not introduced with 2.6).

BPM Statutory Reports: Issues with Linux Folder Structure

Defect 1487887, Sev 2

Maconomy systems (2.5.2 and later) installed in Linux give a "Could not find a file with name: error when trying to access the UK Tax Submissions and Statutory Reporting workspaces. This is because folder names in Linux are case-sensitive.

The following workaround can be applied to fix the issue:
  • In the Maconomy installation folder navigate to MaconomyDir\WorkspaceDefinitions\, then rename BPM_Common, BPM_StatutoryRetrieval, and UK_TaxSubmission folders to all lowercase.
  • In the Maconomy installation folder navigate to MaconomyDir\DialogLayouts\, then change the casing of each folder to all lowercase.

AU Statutory AP and AR Aging Reports Missing Dimension Prompts

Defect 1646330, Sev 3

Currently the AU statutory AP an AR Aging reports have missing dimensions prompts in WSC, and as such, the value will not pass to the BO prompts.

The workaround is, after clicking the Open Live report in Workspace Client and BO reports opens, refresh again and put the necessary values in the prompts.

Finance Reports and Data Exports Support Limitation

Defect 1680673, Sev 3

If the fiscal year setup has over twelve months of period, thirteen months and up will not be included in the opening and closing balances.

This affects Finance Reports and Statutory Reports like SIE that use Opening and Closing Balance objects.

Translation Issue with Open PDF Report

Defect 1683924, Sev 3

The Open PDF Report button for all the standard reports in Workspace Client does not follow the preferred viewing language of the Business Object when exporting PDF. The exported PDF is always in English.


  1. Open the BI Launchpad.
  2. Open the report.
  3. Select the option to export the report to PDF with the preferred viewing locale of the Business Object.

SIE: Missing #TRANS Lines

Defect 1686535, Sev 3

Currently, SIE has some missing lines in the #TRANS field due to aggregation instead of showing different lines.

Blank Sections in Report when Exchange Rate Varies

Defect 1693906, Sev 3

The generated finance report may have blank sections when the report is run for companies that have the same base currency but varying exchange rates, and the Use Reporting Currency and Use Company Specific Exchange Rates options are set to Yes.

The workaround is to run the report for only one company with the Use Reporting Currency option set to Yes.

People Planner

MyPlan Timeruler Setting Error

Defect 1645306

You cannot hide the timeruler in MyPlan when you deselect the Show timeruler in MyPlan setting in the Admin tool.

Note: This feature will be discontinued in 4.4. There will no longer be an option to hide the timeruler.

Maconomy Workspace Client Crashes Using Big Sur and People Planner

Defect 1517258

There is an incompatibility between macOS Big Sur's embedded browser and People Planner embedded web parts in the Workspace Client that causes a system crash when navigating in the web parts. This issue applies to the Workspace Client on all Maconomy versions for users on macOS Big Sur. This issue is not something that Deltek can control, and prioritization of a fix from Apple is not something that we feel confident will be made. iAccess, MyPlan and the legacy PP Windows Application are unaffected.

Workaround: Either use iAccess where the People Planner web parts are available, or customize the Workspace Client to make the People Planner web parts open in an external browser.

System Admin

MConfig Crash with Maconomy Server Nodes

Defect 1705124

When MConfig 9.9 tries to access Maconomy Server Nodes created with earlier versions of MConfig, an error occurs. When any Node error occurs, MConfig crashes instead of showing the error message.

Workaround: Delete old Nodes in an older version of MConfig and create them with MConfig 9.9 to solve the issue with older Nodes. Note that other error messages related to Nodes may still crash MConfig.