Detailed Planning

In the window Detailed Planning, you can maintain detailed plans as either an independent plan in this module or as a refinement of the overall plans specified in the job budgets.

In the latter case, you can use the window Detailed Planning to specify how a plan should be carried out in details. An example could be that a given company makes detailed plans for a larger plan once every week.

The period of a larger plan to be displayed in the window is defined in the card part of the window. A detailed plan consists of a number of table lines, each specifying a job, an activity, a task, the number of hours to be worked on the job and a potential employee.

In the island Employee Availability, you can always see the number of hours planned for ten selected employees. This information is based on the employees’ absence calendars and reduction percentages. When a detailed plan is created, you can, therefore, have information displayed on each selected employee’s work load. This means that the planner can ascertain whether one or more employees have been allocated too few or too many hours within a given time frame. Maconomy can be set up to warn the planner if an employee has been allocated too many hours within a given week.