
Defect 1065047

Administrative Users Synchronization Issue in BPM (Usync)

With user synchronization using BPM (USync), it typically did not synchronize users with administrator access. The default configuration of user synchronization between Maconomy and BPM (Usync) is changed to include administrators.

Defect 1534513

Missing Unread Invoicing Message Notifications

Previously, Maconomy systems upgraded to 2.5.1 (or higher) did not include the Unread Job Invoicing Message and Unread Blanket Invoicing Message notification types by default. These are now available.

Defect 1546894

Company Does Not Exist Error

Previously, the Company Number field was validated every time an employee was changed, and the "Company does not exist" error was displayed regardless of having access to the employee. The Company Number field is now only validated when it is changed, and this error is corrected.

Defect 1571005

Missing Participants List in WSC Conversations

Previously, you cannot view the list of participants in a conversation that you are a part of in the Workspace Client. This error is corrected.

Defect 1580967

Invoice Currency Error in the Web Client

In the web client, when you previously approved a vendor invoice, the details showed the base currency in the amount fields rather than the invoice currency. This error is corrected.

Defect 1604926

Incorrect Duplicate Employee Number Error Messages

Previously, when you created an employee record with an employee number that was already in use, incorrect error messages were displayed. The error messages are corrected.

Defect 903154

Print Layout Selection Error

In the Print Layout Selection, it was previously possible to add a delimitation in the From field and leave the To field empty, which can cause a newly created Print Job Invoice layout to be disregarded prior to printing an invoice. This error is corrected.

Defect 1208775

Standard MPL Layouts Cannot be Converted

Previously, the following standard MPL layouts could not be converted to US Letter paper format:
  • P AssetList_Detailed
  • P Claim_Standard
  • P IntercompanyInvoiceDetails_Standard
  • P Jobs_Detailed
  • P LinkingRules_Standard
  • P PendingJobActions_Category
  • P PendingJobActions_Standard
  • P PeriodicSumJobBudget_Standard
  • P Employee_Detailed

This error is corrected. The page format for the MPL layouts can now be compiled from A4 to US Letter.

Defect 1267327

Allow Permanently Blocking Employees System Parameter Not Working Properly

The Permanently Blocked field previously appeared in the Employees workspace when the Allow Permanent Blocking of Employees system parameter is disabled. This error is corrected.

Defect 1344361

Different Tax Codes on Credit Orders and Invoices

Previously, if you created an invoice, set up the tax codes, printed the invoice but changed the tax setup again, a credit order you created from the invoice will have a different tax code. This error is corrected.

Defect 1487772

ShowCustomerReconciliations.mdml.xml Code Error

Previously, the SettingCompany match field was misspelled in the ShowCustomerReconciliations.mdml.xml code. This code is corrected.

Defect 1517444

Error When Viewing Draft Invoices from Deleted Users

Previously, you cannot view draft invoices created by a user that was already deleted in Maconomy. This error is corrected.

Defect 1519844

Resource Allocation Import Issue

Previously, choosing an Estimate date for the Progress Evaluation date that occurred before the start of a job resulted in incorrect import of resource allocations. This error is corrected.

Defect 1533979

Duplicate Actions in the Users Workspace

Previously, there were duplicate actions in the Actions tab in the Users workspace. The duplicates are removed.

Defect 1536214

Sub Contact Company Tab Incorrectly Displayed

Previously, the Sub Contact Company tab was still displayed in the Contact Companies workspace in instances where it should not be available at all. This error is corrected.

Defect 1571984

Incorrect Print Layout Deletion

Previously, it was possible to delete print layouts referenced in the Interest Charge Selection window, which made it impossible for users who selected the deleted layout to open the Select Interest Criteria window. This error is corrected.

Defect 1598695

Unread Vendor Invoice Message Notification Links to Incorrect Pane in MCS

The Unread Vendor Invoice Message notification was previously linked to the Allocation conversations pane under the Invoice Allocation filter instead of the Vendor Invoice filter in the Vendor Invoices workspace in the MCS solution. This error is corrected.

Defect 1065047

Administrative Users Synchronization Issue in BPM (Usync)

With user synchronization using BPM (USync), it typically did not synchronize users with administrator access. The default configuration of user synchronization between Maconomy and BPM (Usync) is changed to include administrators.

Defect 1534513

Missing Unread Invoicing Message Notifications

Previously, Maconomy systems upgraded to 2.5.1 (or higher) did not include the Unread Job Invoicing Message and Unread Blanket Invoicing Message notifications. These notifications are now available.

Defect 1546894

Company Does Not Exist Error

Previously, the Company Number field was validated every time an employee was changed, and the "Company does not exist" error was displayed regardless of having access to the employee. The Company Number field is now only validated when it is changed, and this error is corrected.

Defect 1571005

Missing Participants List in WSC Conversations

Previously, you cannot view the list of participants in a message that you are a part of in the Workspace Client. This error is corrected.

Defect 1580967

Invoice Currency Error in the Web Client

In the web client, when you previously approved a vendor invoice, the details showed the base currency in the amount fields rather than the invoice currency. This error is corrected.

Defect 1604926

Incorrect Duplicate Employee Number Error Messages

Previously, when you created an employee record with an employee number that was already in use, incorrect error messages were displayed. The error messages are corrected.

Defect 1304620

No Task Created with Deltek CRM Action

When updating a client in Deltek CRM, the changes are not immediately picked up by the Update Customers in Deltek CRM scheduled task. This defect no longer occurs if your integration is against Vantagepoint 4.0.