Time & Expense

Defect 1679070

Selection Criteria Affects Version in Week Calendars

If you updated the selection criteria in week calendars, an error occurred where this modified the Version, Changed by, and Changed on fields. This error is now corrected. The aforementioned fields are not affected when you change the selection criteria.

Defect 1698319

Approved Half Day Absence Entry Considered as Full Day

When you register a half day absence on a single date, it is mandatory to indicate whether the first day or last day is the half day upon registration. If you indicated that the last day is the half day, an error occurred wherein Maconomy deducted a full day of absence allowance although the absence entry is registered as a half day. This error is now corrected.

Defect 1731544

Time and Expense Sheet Lines Transferred for Posting Upon Approval

Previously, when time or expense sheet approval hierarchies were enabled for both header and lines, lines were not transferred for posting until the header and all lines have been approved. This error is corrected so that when the header is approved or released, individual lines are now transferred for posting upon approval.

Defect 1734215

Incorrect Approval Status on Time and Expense Sheets

When approval hierarchies are enabled for time sheets and reapproval is required on modified lines, an error could occur where time sheet lines would still display as approved by the superior, even after you modified a line. Moreover, time sheet lines could be transferred for posting upon line approval, even if the header approval was removed. This also occurred on expense sheets. This error is now corrected.

Defect 1756118

Incorrect Approval Status in Supervisor Time Sheet Status

In the Supervisor Time Sheet Status single dialog workspace, the Current Status, Header field in the subtab would erroneously display a Submitted status on timesheet lines, even though no timesheet has been created yet. This error is corrected.

Defect 1695799

Maximum Working Time on Timesheets

An employee's maximum working time may be set to a zero value to indicated that unlimited timesheet registrations are allowed. However, the zero value also limited an employee's fixed working time and produced an error. This error is corrected. An employee's maximum working time now does not affect or limit their fixed working time in any way.

Defect 978578

Support for Rejected Timesheet Status

In Supervisor Approval > Time > Supervisor Time Sheet Status, support is added to allow you to view rejected timesheets in the calendar and tab. This is applicable for timesheets with a rejected header and/or lines.

Defect 1764369

Automatic Approval on Expense Sheet Lines

When the Automatic approval if no approvers specified checkbox is selected on an approval hierarchy for expense sheets, expense sheet lines may be approved upon submission according to the approval hierarchy, but were not marked as approved by the project manager in the Approval, Project Manager field. This error is corrected.

Defect 1764364

Incorrect Derived Dimensions

When entering a favorite on an expense sheet line, Maconomy might erroneously derive standard dimensions. This error is corrected.