Defect 1264944

Server Error for Requests Missing Authentication Headers

Previously, requests without an authentication header submitted towards a Maconomy RESTful API using a browser resulted in a server error. This error is corrected. Now, such requests will trigger an XML formatted 401 Unauthorized response instead of a server error.

Defect 1379429

Ambiguous Auth Endpoint Errors

401 Errors from the Auth endpoint were previously ambiguous. This is corrected. In the Maconomy Authentication Web Service version 1.1, 404 Unauthorized responses are reserved for the Maconomy authentication towards the web service itself. 500 Service Error responses will be returned when problems occur in connection with a requested third-party authentication action.

Defect 1529910

Project Creation Error

Previously, an error occurred when you tried to create a new project without having "Create" access. This error is corrected.

From version 5.0 of the Containers Web Service, container resources expose an access hyperlink, allowing the client program to retrieve information about the authenticated user's CRUD access rights. Also, the appearance of hyperlinks relevant for data entry loading or initialization is dependent on the user's CRUD access rights.